Sunday, December 9, 2018

French Revoltuion?

I always said that the next revolution in Europe would come in France.  It perpetually runs on the edge of chaos to begin with, so it does not take much for France to go off the rails.

It is off the rails now....89,000 security forces (not totally sure what that means) and 8,000 cops are protecting the Presidential Palace to keep it from being stormed. Some commentators wondered why the French Army has not been mobilized..

Remember 1789?

That's why.

In 1789, the Revolution started over the price of bread.  Yes,there were other reasons, but that is what pushed everything over the top.  In 2018,it was a proposed--now rescinded--30% gas tax.

It has now expanded into a dislike of the tyrannical EU, a demand for a constitution that is "for the people and by the people",  and calls for Macron to resign.

The last kind of violence on this scale to rock the French capital was in 1968, leading to the fall of Charles De Gaulle's government.

1789, 1830, 1848, 1870, 1944, 1968....yeah, looks like France is due for a revolution.  It is just one of those things that happens from time to time.  And it is spreading all over the country and apparently spilling over into Belgium.

Socialism works great until you run out of other people's money. The truth is that Socialism does not work and tends towards heavy-handed regulations and dictatorial behavior, especially when it begins to fail.

The French people are out of money and patience.

But there are plenty of Yellow Vests.

And there are even more of them than yesterday.

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