Sunday, December 23, 2018

Leaving Syria

The US intervened in Syria in 2015 and now American soldiers are leaving. What does this mean?

One less headache for starters.

The reason they were ever there to begin with is because of the Russian intervention in the same year. Syria plunged into its multi sided civil war in 2011 and it took us four years to even notice.ISIS is destroyed and the best way to keep it from coming back to like is to keep it out of our borders.  Keep alleged "immigrants" with terrible records out and things get easier.  The people of Syria need to determine their own future, not run from it.

The US sought to overthrow Assad and that is not happening.  Russia and Iran have seen to that.  NATO "ally" Turkey saws it will take up the fight against any ISIS remnants.  A lot of people are afraid they will go after the Kurds again. It might happen. 

Others think the Turks are going to take over Syria and Iraq and start some sort of neo-Ottoman Empire.  Well, the last time the Middle East was stable was when one power controlled the whole The Ottoman Empire in 1914.  Let the Turks have the joys of running the madhouse a while.  The US has been running in circles in Afghanistan since 2001 and this is our THIRD trip into Iraq. Let the lunatics kill each other.

Do you realize that an US Army recruit going into boot camp this year was not even born when the first troops set foot in Afghanistan?

Let that sick place eat itself too.

The real losers are the "merchants of death" who make money off of wars, so that is where the real outrage is coming from along with a clearly unhinged Democratic party that hates everything Trump does despite their progressed dislike for any intervention anywhere.

Let them eat each other.

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