Sunday, March 17, 2019

A disgusting ball of slime

When I was a kid in my day's pizza place, I pulled out of the drain a ball of slime I still cannot identify. Compared to Academia, it was much cleaner.

The Academic Admissions Scandal of 2019 has exposed our so-called "education system" once and for all what it really is--garbage. It has been obvious for a while now,but you can no longer ignore it.

The high schools are a disaster as administrators try to grab all of the money they can, test scores plummet, and we have graduates who cannot read or write at a basic level. Then off to college where they become seemingly more stupid.

They tried to push the sports scandal under the rug, but it leads to worse revelations. Harvard's racial discrimination towards Asians and Caucasians, the radicalization and campus violence,and of course, the Snowflake Sydrome.

Outright bribes have gotten the children of the "elite"into colleges when they have had no real qualifications to do so and when you add the millions who should not be there in the first place, you end up with a giant day care center that straps "graduates" of watered down programs with debt and no job skills or basic skills.   And let's not forget the alleged "educational experts" who really don't seem to do anything except get in the way.

I still remember my high school guidance counselor telling me not to get my hopes up for college...of course,my grades were pretty good.  It might have been the Mediterranean tan she did not like.  Two MAs later (4.0 in both) and two BAs later....

...Good thing I did not go to her for Super Bowl predictions.

Clearly, school is not a place for smart people.

If you care about the kids, you need to take back the schools from the idiots. 

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Democrat vs Democrat

We saw the Republican Party fight its own civil war as the alleged "conservatives" fought the unhappy rank and file who organized themselves into the Tea Party and highjacked the GOP to put Donald Trump in the White House.  Now, we are seeing the Democratic party pulling itself apart as one side, calling itself "Democratic Socialists" slash away at the somewhat center-left Democratic Party.  Ikhan Omar has even attacked President Obama's drone strikes and other ankle biters have come out to attack POTUS 44.  They have shouted about overthrowing the current leadership though they seemed to have backed off of that promise.

They has demanded rights for illegals, lower the voting age to 16, and want to raise the possibilty of 90% taxes.

Notice I did not say "Democratic rank and file".

I cannot see anyone sane going with this and I did not even mention the Green New Deal.

The GND might be possible,but not in 10 years and not with immediate abolition of the internal combustion engine.

If you want to get something done, you need compromise. "My way or the highway" does not work in government. 

Of course, maybe that is what they want: Tell your consituents you need more time to pass things against a DC government that wont pass it

After all, $174,000 a year for year after year is a lot of dough for a former bartender.

Time to see if Animal Farm repeats itself.

Alexandra Osacio-Cortez recently said in a moment of pique, "I'm the boss and you're just yelling from the cheap seats".  And there are questions about missing campaign funds.

Looks like someone has all ready started typing Chapter One. 

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Mega fauna downsized?

I saw this film called "The Meg' about a prehistoric shark from c.2-3 million years ago that was not as extinct as everyone thought. It wasnt all that great,but it was far from the worst I had seen. 

I read some articles about megladons and noticed that all of the artist impressions looked like a great white shark. I also looked up giant elks and cave bears and I noticed that all of them looked like bigger versions of today's animals.

Is it possible that a lot of ther mega fauna from the Ice Age did not die out, but merely downsized?

Some of those animals, like the terror birds, clearly became extinct,but grizzlies are still bears and mountain lions could easily be smaller sabre tooth cats and the pretty big elks of today look the same as the giant elks of c.10,0000 BC.  Wooly rhinos mammoths lost their hair and moved south too?

Or chased south by humans....

Just random thoughts floating around in my head on a rainy day!