Sunday, March 10, 2019

Democrat vs Democrat

We saw the Republican Party fight its own civil war as the alleged "conservatives" fought the unhappy rank and file who organized themselves into the Tea Party and highjacked the GOP to put Donald Trump in the White House.  Now, we are seeing the Democratic party pulling itself apart as one side, calling itself "Democratic Socialists" slash away at the somewhat center-left Democratic Party.  Ikhan Omar has even attacked President Obama's drone strikes and other ankle biters have come out to attack POTUS 44.  They have shouted about overthrowing the current leadership though they seemed to have backed off of that promise.

They has demanded rights for illegals, lower the voting age to 16, and want to raise the possibilty of 90% taxes.

Notice I did not say "Democratic rank and file".

I cannot see anyone sane going with this and I did not even mention the Green New Deal.

The GND might be possible,but not in 10 years and not with immediate abolition of the internal combustion engine.

If you want to get something done, you need compromise. "My way or the highway" does not work in government. 

Of course, maybe that is what they want: Tell your consituents you need more time to pass things against a DC government that wont pass it

After all, $174,000 a year for year after year is a lot of dough for a former bartender.

Time to see if Animal Farm repeats itself.

Alexandra Osacio-Cortez recently said in a moment of pique, "I'm the boss and you're just yelling from the cheap seats".  And there are questions about missing campaign funds.

Looks like someone has all ready started typing Chapter One. 

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