Sunday, June 30, 2019

Outside the box...

The "out of the box" diplomacy between President Trump and Chairman Kim continues.  Yesterday, Trump became the first US President to step into North Korea.  It was a surreal moment.

It was also largely unplanned and at the last minute, set up with a Tweet and ending with the President of the United States invited onto North Korean soil.

I was not sure what to think.

At least the United States, South Korea, and North Korea are talking to each other and are not shooting at each other.

I don't know where this will lead, but it is a kind of progress.  Slow, painfully slow, but moving forward nonetheless.  When you are dealing with nukes, you take that as a minor win at least.

I hope this ends with Korean unification one day.

It won't be quick and easy, so keep at it!

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