Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Packing the Supreme Court

The latest idiotic proposal from some members in Congress is to expand the Supreme Court to 15 judges.  That is not going to happen.  It can't especially with the current group of moron legislators.  Plus, there seems to be  a lot of stupid judges, but we will get to that another time.

There were originally six judges on the Supreme Court.  The Founding Fathers, for all their wisdom, did not foresee the rise of partisan politics, especially the vicious 21st Century kind. Still Federalist-Antifederalists could be pretty nasty too, so a seventh judge was added.  You also have to remember that judges back then would literally "ride the circuit".

As America expanded West, two more judges would be added to bring it to nine.

Franklin Roosevelt wanted to expand the Court to 15, but that never was going to happen even with a Democratic Senate supersuper majority of 74-19.  People don't like fooling around with the Constitution.

The Electoral College is not going anywhere either.

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