Monday, May 4, 2020

Reopening because they can...and must

The politicians still get paid.

Small business owners do not have the luxury of a six week shutdown.  If it had been a two week shutdown, there might have been more support, but you cannot violate a business owner's right to run a store.  Not only does he or she have their family to provide for, but those of the employees.

This might be my free enterprise background talking, but it seems most politicians have never had a real job and have been on the public payroll their whole lives.

If following the rules means bankruptcy and losing everything, then it is time to throw the rules overboard.  We have a Constitution and freedom in this country from arbitrary rules.  In many states, a governor can declare a state of emergency for 30 days.  After that, the legislature must be involved.  That is how our government works.  No one person can decide which business stays open and what they can sell to whom etc...  Not only is rule by one person unconstitutional and illegal, the very first war this country ever fought was against people like that.  We have the freedom to worship and pursue happiness and run a business to provide for ourselves....and pay taxes.  I did not say it was perfect.

Plus, you cannot keep humans cooped up.  We are made to roam about.  Just take reasonable precautions like washing  your hands, keeping six feet away, and wear a mask if you feel it is necessary.  Business owners will take whatever steps they feel are necessary.

I am an adult who can make his own choices.  I am reasonable and I do all of the above.  I don't need a government that cannot do anything right and runs trillions in the red to tell me how to live. 

Then there is "it is the law argument."  If the law is wrong, then get rid of it.  If they persist with the "it is the law argument", just remind them of Rosa Parks.

Have a nice day.

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