Saturday, May 23, 2020

Roaming around

Pass any stupid law you want, I am still going to roam around and enjoy my natural and Constitutional right of long as it is not on private property.  LOL

No one has attempted to stop me or any other the hundreds of others walking around in defiance of arbitrary curfews and plenty of business has opened up in varying degrees.  The best way to defeat a tyrannical government is to do what Martin Luther King, Ghandi, and Henry David Thoreau did.  '

Ignore it.

Having a picture of Rosa Parks on your backpack helps!

I am not going to comment anymore of COVID stupidity (except for the hockey proposal coming up next post.).  You know what to do--wash your hands, stay six feet way, wear a mask if you feel you need one, and please ignore anything a politician says about "compassion."  They are sociopaths with no idea what the word means.

Tyranny never lasts.  The Supreme Court of Wisconsin overruled that state's governor and there are no restrictions there, people are ignoring California's tyrant, and a good part of Pennsylvania has tuned out the idiot living for free in Harrisburg.  

Time to get the country moving again--with calm determination.  If they want to throw the first punch, let them.  The next half dozen or so are yours :-)

Have fun and be safe.

And wash your hands!

Tomorrow, time to talk about hockey playoffs!

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