Sunday, January 24, 2021

So, what are they afraid of?


I find it odd that the allegedly most popular candidate in US Presidential History had an inauguration with next to no one in attendance and behind barbed wire and 25,000 National Guard soldiers.  As the line from "A Few Good Men" says, "he should have been in no danger at all."

I also notice the National Guardsmen turning their backs on Biden as he drove by.  Having the FBI vet you and getting shoved into garages to sleep will probably had something to do with that,

Now, plans are in place to keep 7.000 troops in DC and to keep the fence up for a while.  It is interesting that the Democratic Party doesn't like border fences and guns, but has no problem hiding behind a razor wire fence and soldiers. Somehow, the mighty federal government does not look so mighty.

It might have something to do with divisive polices and putting themselves ahead of the country they are supposed to pursuing a pointless impeachment against someone not in office anymore.  Meanwhile, Americans are hoping for stimulus checks that are necessary to recover from self-inflicted COVID economic damage.

Idiotic restrictions, election corruption, tyranny under the guise of "public health" wonder they are hiding.

This looks like Venezuela, not America.

Countries like this don't hold together. 

We deserve a lot better.

Time to get to work.

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