Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Year 2021 yells "HOLD MY BEER!"


I am surprised it happened.

Guess I was not the only one!

Usually, Republicans just complain and do nothing.  It was obvious that Vice President Pence was going to do nothing about an election that was clearly fraudulent or even let there be a debate.  This time, someone other than Antifa or BLM led the charge.

I don't condone what happened, but when I think about Antifa and BLM rioting, all I can say to the talking heads and both parties is "Spare me the outrage...where were you over the summer?"

The question they need to ask is "Why did this happen?"

The answer:  There were many questions about what happened on Election night.  Thousands of Biden ballots suddenly appeared in the wee hours, sworn statements of corruption, and nearly sixty court challenges thrown out without even allowing people to state their case.  That is not even statistically possible!

If the challenges are as insane as Democrats say they are, then put them up in front of the Supreme Court and let everyone see how crazy it is.  After all, they if they believe the election was fair, they would have nothing to hide.  Instead, it seems like they are hiding something and when you give the people no recourse or a voice, the Capitol Takeover of 2021 is what happens. 

Al Gore got a chance to speak to the Supreme Court in the disputed election of 2000.  Why not Donald Trump?  It has nothing to do with partisanship.  It is all about fairness and respect, two things the country desperately needs. 

Instead we have far left Democrats calling for the resignation of Republicans who want to see if the voter was far.  And the actions of social media are violating the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. Where is the so-called "Justice" Department.  Is this America or democracy? People are allowed to disagree.

Instead of calling for unity, we see an idiotic effort to proceed with a second impeachment and calls for the XXV Amendment.  This sounds like people who are not interested in unity.  Especially when in the last ten days of an outgoing administration. 

The liberal dreams of a utopia will not come to pass if they stoke flames of division.

Be nice to everyone, let them speak, even if you don't agree, and 90% of the world's problems disappear.

If not, watch the Republican and Democratic Parties crash into the dustbin of history.  Does not matter who gets there first, they both will end up there. Don't follow them.



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