Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Anyone seen Greta?

 When Russia invaded Ukraine back in February, Europe, hooked on Russian oil and gas, decided to commit energy suicide.  Western Europe cut itself off from Russia's energy exports and now, Germany in particular, is going back to coal energy.

So where is Greta?

Should she not be out there shouting about the dirty form of nineteenth century fuel?

Don't get me wrong.  I think she is right about protecting the environment.  The problem is that she and her fans are championing solutions that don't work because they are not practical. 

Instead of destroying Russia's economy through sanctions, Europe's economy is about to fall apart.

It is going to be cold winter in Europe.

Wait until they start burning wood.

Maybe Greta shows then.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Commander in Covid


After attempting to force people to take covid vaccines and shouting about the Most Deadliest Disease In History, the twice vaccinated double boosted Joe Biden contracted covid.  The Fool of the Great White North, Justin Trudeau, has gotten it twice and the High Priest Fauci even got it despite all the vaccinations.  

The liberals (or call them what they are, "communists") would clap with glee and joy if he was not a member of the Democratic Party and wish death upon him.

I will, as Michelle Obama once said, "take the high road" and wish him well and for a full recovery. Hopefully this experience will get him to change his mind on some things. 

Some have speculated that this might be the beginning of an orchestrated march to retirement shortly after the midterms. Certainly possible, but his possible replacements do not inspire any confidence.

History is interesting and fun, but sometimes it is better to read or write about it than to live through it. Might be a bumpy ride. 

Oh well, get well soon.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Sri Lanka leads the way!


Sri Lankans stormed the Presidential Palace and drove into the pool.  First thing to do after overthrowing a government?  Has a kind of French Revolution feel to it.  If anything else, it is great entertainment!

The reason for this turn of events is the Sri Lankan government's attempt to confiscate farmland and to "reduce nitrogen".  Italy had a calmer change over government over the same policy and now protests are breaking out in the Netherlands, Germany, and Poland over the same stuff.

Taking people's farms is sheer lunacy.

The alleged democracies seem to have forgotten that they work for the people, not the other way around.  You have natural rights to make a living as well as speech and association, values that seem to be under attack by Western governments.

Two ways to handle it.

Peaceful protest or revolution.

As President Kennedy once said, "If you make peaceful change impossible, revolution becomes inevitable."

Let's avoid it all together and do the right things.

Common sense does not cost anything. 

Lack of it.....well, see the picture.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Changing US Army base names?


Apparently, the names of US Army bases in the Southeast are "offensive" despite being named for die-hard Democrats back in the 1860s. Diehard Democrats who led a war to secede from the Union.  Somehow, in their righteousness, today's Democratic Party has forgotten that.

The reason these bases, like Bragg or AP Hill or Hood, have Confederate names is from a spirit of reconciliation and to put the horrors of the Civil War behind us and unify the nation. 

To be honest, I am not sure why they named Fort Bragg for Braxton Bragg.  He was not a good general nor popular with his soldiers. He also lost more battles than he won and argued with fellow CSA general Leonidas Polk, who was not that great a general either.  They were better off naming it Fort Sandhills or something.

Right now, there is talk of renaming the base "Fort Liberty", which on the surface is not too bad.  Unfortunately, it rings hollow like everything else from this administration.  Forced vaccines that don't work and the fact that the idiot SecDef and the treasonous Chairman of the Joint Chiefs who promised to warn China in case of a US attack both got COVID anyway makes it sound even worse. And let's not forget the suddenly new policy of refusing religious exemptions, one of the very rights the US Armed Forces is sworn to protect.

A better idea would be to rename Fort Bragg for Edward Bragg of New York, who was a general for Wisconsin for the war.  It gets rid of the Confederate connection and you don't have to spend a lot of money changing signs.

That money could be used for something better, like helping people.

Or is that "extreme"?

Calling it like I see it.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Happy Fourth of July!


It seems like the whole first week of July is a big celebration!

Tomorrow, let's talk about US Army base renaming!


Friday, July 1, 2022

Happy Gettysburg Day!


Happy Gettysburg Day!  The first three days of July 1863 are always held in reverence in Pennsylvania!  

It is also Canada Day and we hope and pray for the end of the despotic Trudeau regime so that Canadians can breathe free!