Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Changing US Army base names?


Apparently, the names of US Army bases in the Southeast are "offensive" despite being named for die-hard Democrats back in the 1860s. Diehard Democrats who led a war to secede from the Union.  Somehow, in their righteousness, today's Democratic Party has forgotten that.

The reason these bases, like Bragg or AP Hill or Hood, have Confederate names is from a spirit of reconciliation and to put the horrors of the Civil War behind us and unify the nation. 

To be honest, I am not sure why they named Fort Bragg for Braxton Bragg.  He was not a good general nor popular with his soldiers. He also lost more battles than he won and argued with fellow CSA general Leonidas Polk, who was not that great a general either.  They were better off naming it Fort Sandhills or something.

Right now, there is talk of renaming the base "Fort Liberty", which on the surface is not too bad.  Unfortunately, it rings hollow like everything else from this administration.  Forced vaccines that don't work and the fact that the idiot SecDef and the treasonous Chairman of the Joint Chiefs who promised to warn China in case of a US attack both got COVID anyway makes it sound even worse. And let's not forget the suddenly new policy of refusing religious exemptions, one of the very rights the US Armed Forces is sworn to protect.

A better idea would be to rename Fort Bragg for Edward Bragg of New York, who was a general for Wisconsin for the war.  It gets rid of the Confederate connection and you don't have to spend a lot of money changing signs.

That money could be used for something better, like helping people.

Or is that "extreme"?

Calling it like I see it.

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