Sunday, July 24, 2022

Commander in Covid


After attempting to force people to take covid vaccines and shouting about the Most Deadliest Disease In History, the twice vaccinated double boosted Joe Biden contracted covid.  The Fool of the Great White North, Justin Trudeau, has gotten it twice and the High Priest Fauci even got it despite all the vaccinations.  

The liberals (or call them what they are, "communists") would clap with glee and joy if he was not a member of the Democratic Party and wish death upon him.

I will, as Michelle Obama once said, "take the high road" and wish him well and for a full recovery. Hopefully this experience will get him to change his mind on some things. 

Some have speculated that this might be the beginning of an orchestrated march to retirement shortly after the midterms. Certainly possible, but his possible replacements do not inspire any confidence.

History is interesting and fun, but sometimes it is better to read or write about it than to live through it. Might be a bumpy ride. 

Oh well, get well soon.

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