Saturday, October 22, 2022

Not how to make friends...

 It is really hard to keep up with Biden's screw ups since there are so many to pick from every week.

Watching the US-Saudi relation unravel in an interesting study of watching a good relationship fall apart.  Not sure how it happened, but as Barack Obama said, if you want to screw something up, "give it to Joe Biden". It was phrased a bit more colorfully, but you get the point.

The US used to depend on Saudi Arabia for oil, but by 2016, tapping her own reserves, America achieved the energy independence that President Nixon said the US would achieve by 1980.  Better late than never!

Biden slithers into office, shuts down the US oil pipelines and America's economy nosedives.  After going to Saudi to beg for more oil, Biden is refused to his face and Riyadh raised the price of oil on the US. Saudi drops it for European and Asian nations, but raised it twice on the US in two months.

So much for years of diplomatic experience.

The easiest way out of the oil mess is to drill in North Dakota.

Instead, Joe Biden starts releasing oil from the Strategic Oil Reserve without putting anything back in.  This is the path to disaster.  Somehow this does not surprise anyone.  

Regaining oil independence means the US does not have to worry about what Saudi Arabia thinks. Getting oil from Venezuela is not the answer.

Now Saudi Arabia is thinking about joining BRICs, the economic alliance between Brazil, Russia, India, and China.  Saudi inclusion makes this group even stronger.  Watch for China or Russia to try to solved Irainian-Saudi troubles in the Persian Gulf and if successful, their prestige in the region rises.

After two decades of warfare in the Middle East, Americans should be infuriated. 

Guess we will see after the midterm elections.

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