Sunday, November 6, 2022

Alberta apologizes


Danielle Smith, the new Premier of Alberta, officially apologized to vaccinated Canadians were were oppressed during the COVID pandemic.  After all of the mandates, restrictions, and general idiocy promulgated by the Canadian government (not even going into reaction to the Freedom Convoy), one of the country's largest provinces just admitted it was all an overreaction. 

Meanwhile Arthur Pawlowski and Christoper Scott, heroically keeping their church and restaurant open in the face of oppression that violated their rights enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights, went to court and had COVID-related charges thrown out.  

Now, Alberta apologizes.  

Better late than never.

Now let's wait for the other provinces and the Canadian federal government to follow suit.

On the other hand, bugger them.

Never forget they tried (and failed) to shut down businesses, churches, and family holidays, tried to create a Nazi-style vaccine passport ("Papers, please!") to go in a store, and made people watch Gram die on Skype.  

Never forget and never let it happen again!

They basically tried to run Tuskegee 2.0.

If you are not sure that that is, look it up.

Use the computer for something other than pornography! :-) 

And have a fun life!

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