Wednesday, November 23, 2022

The Russian missile attack that wasn't


Do you think I was going to let the Associated Press off the hook?

They reported, through an anonymous source (of course...), that a Russian missile landed in Poland and killed two people.  NATO was ready to call for an Article 4 meeting to gather to discussion an Article 5 over whether this was attack or what to do next.

Only it never happened.

Odd how there were no photos or independent confirmation through satellite or ground sources or even a picture of the impact site.

 Of course, Ukraine got $38 billion in aid and I bet none of it made it to Kiev.  NATO has desperately tried to remain relevant and Russia's resurgence is the life raft they found.  As NATO prattles on about Russian aggression, Western campaigns against Serbia and and Libya are pushed under the rug.

NATO does not want a war with Russia or vice versa.  They want to keep the tensions so that the flow of weapons sales and "foreign aid" is not cut off:  

I am worried about a 1914 rerun.  No one wanted a war then either, but the political leaders of a century ago led a regional crisis get out of hand and the worst war in history broke out.....until the next one.

Given the low quality of political leadership in today's world, it could happen again.

Let's hope  history does not repeat itself.

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