Monday, June 26, 2023

Russian Civil War averted?


I thought I was watching a civil war about to break loose.

Instead of 1991, it felt more like 1993....The head of the Wagner Private Military Company said he was "protesting" the prosecution of the war in Ukraine and then began driving towards Moscow,  Would there have been an armed conflict if Progozhin, Wagner's founder and leader, actually made it to the Russian capital? It is hard to say, but like I said earlier, it was not 1991 or 1917.

No one is sure how this effects the war in Ukraine or what this means for Putin.

His term ends net year, so probably he will run out the clock and retire quitely,

Progozhin is supposed to be in Belarus as part of the deal they reached to end the rebellion in exchange for an exile to Minsk with no charges filed for revolting against Moscow. Now, the question is "do the Russian security forces gun him down."

Russia will probably just muddle along.  China remains committed to their alliance and the United States continues to have mounting internal problems. If there is one thing I have noted about Cold War 2.0 is that no nation seems particularly competent. 

China shouts about who anyone dealing with Taiwan will "play with fire" while the US military disintegrates from pronoun training and a recruiting problem that is getting worse. 

Russia's conduct in Ukraine speaks volumes.

Instead of a race for world domination, it looks like a slow motion collapse of the demolition of the Kingdom c.1999.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

US trying to back off from China?


US SecState Anthony Blinken went to Beijing in an effort to try and thaw out frost US-China relations that reached a nadir over the last year or so.  It was a refreshing departure front the needless antagonism causes by Pelosi's visit to Taiwan last year  and the surprisingly inept Chinese response of firing missiles in to the water around the island.

Equally perplexing was Biden's declaration that the US would defend Taiwan despite decades of "strategic ambiguity".  In Beijing, Blinken stated that the US did not support Taiwanese independence.  I guess it is back to keeping things fuzzy.

 Still it is a step in the right direction.

A Chinese invasion of Taiwan would not help anyone.  It could still happen and I think China will reign over the island one day.  They clearly know how hard an invasion would be and if there is one thing you can say about the Chinese, they are not stupid.  They have something else in mind.

Probably waiting for the US to finish disintegrating from within.   

Take a look at our recruiting crisis and tell me I am wrong :-(

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Happy Megalodon Day!


Today, we celebrate the mighty Megalodon today, honoring the greatest shark ever to swim the sea!  Between 40-60 feet long, Megalodon patrolled the seas from 23 million years ago to 2.5 mya, eating whatever it wanted.

This shark hunted whales with teeth nearly 7 inches long!  I have a couple that I found on fossil hunting expeditions and I cannot helped but be impressed. I don't think they went extinct, I think they just downsized to the Great White. The teeth seem almost similar and many believe the Megalodon even looked like a larger Great White.

I do wonder about the Black Demon of the Sea of Cortes though.

Since life will continue for another couple of billion years, so maybe the Great White bulks back up to Megalodon size!

Definitely stay out of the water!