Saturday, September 30, 2023

Canada honors Nazis


Justin Trudeau has turned Canada into a joke

First it as dressing blackface--a no no to anyone in this century

The it was the draconian Covid measures that came straight out of Nazi Germany

Now it is a standing ovation for actual Nazis in Parliament. 

A government that threatens to hunt down supporters of the Freedom Convoy cannot do basic research on a visiting dignitary.  The phrase "fought against the Russians in 1943" should have been the first give away.  And serving in the "First Ukrainian Division" should have been another give away. Anyone with a basic knowledge of the Second World War should have known it was an SS unit.

Zelensky should have known more than anyone else!

That level of ignorance is legendary and it starts at the top.

Speaker of Parliament Anthony Rota resigned, but it is time for the head of the government, Justin Trudeau, to go too.

Naturally, he ran and hid so the press cannot question him.

And you wonder why his wife left him.

Now, Canada and India have a diplomatic row after Trudeau, clearly trying to pull attention to someplace else. Justin accused India of killing an Canadian Sikh activist (India says "separatist")in Vancouver.  No evidence naturally.

The two countries have expelled diplomats and revoked visas from the other country.

If Canada has any self-respect, it needs both parties to work together to get rid of Trudeau.

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