Thursday, September 14, 2023

Moron of the Year


The governor (yes, I refuse to capitalize it) of New Mexico attempted to unilaterally the Second Amendment through an executive order (refusing to capitalize that too).  Understandably upset at a rash of shooting, Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an executive order banning the open carrying of guns.

It was immediately panned as unconstitutional and stupid as was blocked by a federal judge, who, ironically was appointed by Biden. Even gun control David Hogg came out against this policy.

Apparently she never even consulted with New Mexico's Attorney General, who said he would toss it out of court if any charges came from it, or with the Sheriff of Bernillo County, who flat out said he would not enforce it.

In typical liberal-fascist fashion, she immediately attacked her AG, tweeting about his high dismissal rate (a liberal policy) and told the sheriff she did not need a lecture on the US Constituion.

He told her that she did. 

Anyway, it is not going anywhere and, like I said, the courts shot it down.

She tried to call it a "temporary public health order" lasting 30 days....

Where have we heard that before?

She got a taste of that covid power and did not want to led it go.  Well, the yanked it out of her hands.

Then this fool went on to say the no rights were "absolute" and neither was her oath to "uphold and protect the Constitution"  That was so out of bounds that her own party condemned here and there is some movement on an impeachment.

I say remove her.

This is America and we have a Constitution in place because of people like you.  If you don't like it, leave. Last I checked, a lot of people were trying to get into this country.

Grisham, do the world a favor and goose-step your way into the dustbin of history, you wannbe tyrant.

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