Thursday, July 4, 2024

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Elder Abuse

I tuned in to watch the Trump-Biden debate and was horrified.

As much as I don't like Biden, I actually said "This is elder abuse" 

They should have thrown in the towel.

I have seen presidential debates where on side did not do very well.  Those were like football games where the score was 31-10 or something.  At least they got on the board.  This one seemed to have a score of halftime!

I reminded me of "Rocky IV" where Apollo Creed was getting clobbered by Dragov and Rocky was thinking about throwing in the towel even though his friend was going to be mad at him. least you are alive to be mad!

I don't know if there is enough time to find a replacement for Biden and, personally, I hope they don't so that he goes out and gets demolished.  If I had the misfortune to be running the DNC this year, I would concentrate on Senate and House races.  No candidate there would want to be seen with Biden.

It is beyond time for him to go.  Biden has put the country in danger with the open border nonsense and people have died. Some maintain he has blood on his hands.  It could be seen as that way.  Others are talking about invoking the XXV Amendment and having him removed.  That might be one way around the ballot deadlines.  They know this better than me.

If Biden were to be replaced, who makes that decision.  Are they going to have primaries so the people can decided?  Or is it going to be some backroom deal? 

Given the recent "Democratic" predilection for authoritarianism, I see backroom deal.

So much for the "Party of the People" 

Gotta better idea.  Go back to representing the People (yes, capital P) and go back to your working-class roots and classical liberalism.  Not this failed pseduo-Communist garbage. 

As I said before, they will end up in the dustbin of History.

Hopefully, sooner than later. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Hurtling across PA and Ohio!

Chelly and I spent the week in Pittsburgh, tromping around Steeltown.  We went to the Cathedral of Learning before heading off to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History.  I paid homage to my old friend, the holotype skeleton of Tyrannosaurs, and spent four hours in the museum.  The we found the site of Forbes Field, the old home of the Pirates and Steelers.  After going up and down the inclines at Dusqune and Monongahela, we grabbed some pizza and got ready to hurtle westward.  

 The next day, we charged into Ohio, making our way to Cleveland.  I growled at the Browns stadium before making out way to Canton.  After hanging out around there for a few hours, we headed for home.  Going through West Virginia and "Lizard Tail" Virginia, we made it home in time to feed the cats, who angrily demanded where we had been.

The furry overlords rule over all....LOL

Even T-Rex yields to their authority.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Happy Memorial Day!



Sunday, May 19, 2024

The kicker gets famous


Kickers are usually the smallest players on the field, but they have outsized influence.  Often, they are the difference between winning and losing and frequently hit the field goal at the end...or miss and lose.

Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker gave a graduation speech at Benedictine College in Atkinson, Kansas, that seems to have ruffled the liberal elite.  He called on women to be homemakers and mothers.  

  Immediately, we see the "outrage" from the usual crowd.  We even saw the NFL Diversity, Inclusion, Equity guy distance himself from the opinion, which, by the way, is the opposite of inclusion.

Meanwhile jersey sales for Butker's #7 have skyrockets and may degree-bearing women have come out in his defense. His own teammates have supported him as well,  It is pretty obvious that the "wokism" stuff is getting stale.

We have freedom of speech in this country.  Attempts to "dox" people or get them fired for something that is not "fashionable" is akin to MacCarthyism.  

Like I said before, wokism needs to make room in the dustbin of history somewhere between Nazis, feudal monarchies, and communism.   

And disco!

Go Butker

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Aurora Borealis!


I have seen the Northern Lights before up in Canada.  I have even seen them out here in the desert  a couple of times.  Its not easy to spot sometimes, but it is still an amazing sight!  

Usually it is a product of reflections of the lakes in sub-Arctic Canada and this year it was due to a Sun storm.  Still really awesome stuff.  Waiting for some moron to turn it into something political.  LOL

Nonetheless it does remind me of looking up in wonder the first time I saw them in Saskatchewan.  I was lucky enough to be on the edge of Regina away from city lights.  This time, Michelle and I were out in the desert watching it as coyotes howled.  That was interesting!

If you did not get to see it, check it out on Youtube.  Not the same as seeing it in real life, but better than missing it completely!

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Happy Greek Orthodx Easter!


HAPPY GREEK ORTHODOX EASTER!  You know, the real one :-P

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Weirdest Middle Eastern conflict ever....


I am not sure what the point was.

Over 300 Drones and missiles were launched from Iran.  The Israelis saw it coming and intercepted 99% of the incoming ordinance.  Of course, I am wondering how they missed the 5k missiles in Gaza in October 2023, but that is something else.

  The Iranian missile attack was an appalling failure.  I thought it was wiser for Israel to publicly laugh at the Iranian failure.  That would have been that.  Especially since the IDF is fighting hard in Gaza.

Israel launched an airstrike, flying over Syria and Iraq, invaded Iranian airspace and hit......nothing.

Satellites saw no impact craters or wreckage.

It is better that seeing a Middle Eastern war, but it was strange.  Both sides did not really seem interesting in hitting each other.  Seems like it was just a big light show.

Maybe it blows up later.  Hopefully not.  The anticipated and feared Israeil-Iran clash turned out to be a nothing burger.

Just as well. 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Solar Eclipse!


We have a solar eclipse marching its way across the country's midsection tomorrow!

That is always fun to see.  Not sure why people are buying eggs and milk though...

Still, it is the first one since 2017 and we have to reach back to 1978 go find another full eclipse though we had a partial one in 1984.  I don't think it is a harbinger of doom or anything.  Given the way our society is falling apart, I might need to get my plague beak costume out...LOL

I have my sunglasses from seven years ago, so all is well.  

There is supposed to be another in 2044, so maybe we can have it in time for the 100th anniversary of Normandy!

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Monday, March 25, 2024

Happy Greek Independence Day!



Sunday, March 24, 2024

Border chaos


Remember this picture

Unarmed criminals, aided and encouraged by the US federal government, charged and fought with the Texas National Guard to get into the county.

No word of arrests or thrown back into Mexico.

The Texas National Guard, armed with rifles, did not shoot at the invaders. That is what they are--invaders.

Meanwhile, billions of dollars are sent to Ukraine, but our own border is wide open.

The first duty of any government is to protect its people.  They are not even trying.  Meanwhile crime spirals out of control.  The government is $34 trillion in the hole and does not seem in interesting in balancing it budget.

Sometimes, a society is just too stupid to survive.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Didn't get rid of this?


I thought we got rid of Daylight Savings Time?

Well, Congress was on it, so that might explain why it is still around.  Arizona did the smart thing and decided to go without it.  Living in the desert seems to impart wisdom.

Daylight savings time did come in handy for my a few times though.  Once, we forgot to set the clocks ahead an hour and showed up at church just as it was ending  :-)  Another time, my cousins and I were playing Dungeons and Dragons (back when it was board game!) until 2am.  Because of daylight savings, we can say we played until 3am!  Twice, when I was working overnights in radio, I got an extra hour (and whopping $7) and got to program whatever I wanted because our nincompoop of a program director apparently forgot about Daylight Savings Time even though we have used it since the First World War.

And you wonder why they went bankrupt...

Still, I will enjoy the longer daylight hours and lobby, as usual to maintain this version of it, and get ride of Daylights Saving Time for good.

Congress says they want to get rid of it, so that means it is around forever,

I can play football outside a bit longer at least!

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Ukraine war grinds into third year...


What was supposed to be a quick strike is not in its third year.

It seems Russia in pushing forward and might win.  All of the aid to Ukraine is not helping and I, along with millions of others, are wondering where the money went if the Ukrainians are sort of ammo.

Once again, the whole war could have been avoided if the US gave Russia what it wanted--a written guarantee that Ukraine would not join NATO.  It would have cost nothing.

Plus, who would want Ukraine in NATO anyway.  The corruption there makes DC look almost saintly.

I am thinking that they give Ukraine enough to keep the war going so arms dealers can make money off a war they want to continue forever.

It looks like they might have underestimated Russian determination to win.

I don't think Russia will conquer all of Ukraine, but I don't see a real end to this war soon.

Just like the arms dealers want.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Staggering into oblivian


This is the guy claiming to be president.

After that disastrous interview after his deposition for mishandling classified documents, there is grumbling from all quarters, including his own cabinet, to invoke the XXV Amendment

Biden reminds me of Brezhnev of the old USSR stumbling through speeches and being a general embarrassment. Our politicians are in their late 70s and early 80s, giving us more Soviet vibes.

The southern border is in chaos, the economy is in trouble, and everyone hates the federal government, including elements of the federal government itself.  It is a view of an expanding disaster.

Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea are acting more aggressive and soon they will go beyond mere provocation   They are clearly watching the unstable US situation waiting to strike.  April and September is the best time to launch an attack across the Taiwan Strait.  The US is getting further embroiled in the Middle East.  Sending aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan is stretching American inventories to the breaking point.  And let's not forget there is an election in November that the weak Biden is favored to lose.

The time to strike might be close.

On the other hand, we might see more foreign election interference in order to keep Biden in office to further weaken the US from inside.

 I get the feeling there are new pages in the history book being written right now.

Will it be in English or Chinese?



Sunday, January 21, 2024

Texas vs DC


The State of Texas took control of Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, Texas to stem the illegal migrants streaming across the Rio Grande.  The Texas National Guard, also known as the Texas Military Department, kicked the US Border Patrol out of the area.  The White House ordered Texas to give the area back to the Border Patrol, but Texas Governor Abbot has said NO.

The US federal government wants to send billions to Ukraine and keeps soldiers on the Syrian-Iraqi border. None on the US border, which the federal government is supposed to defend.

And here does Biden get off demanding anything from anyone?  We are lucky if the guy knows what planet he is on.

It is a felony to enter the country illegally.  It has been going on since the 1990s.  So the US government is going to sue Texas for enforcing federal law?  Texas has announced they will ignore anything the federal government demands and rightfully so.  Any government's first duty is to protect the people. And it has failed.

But if you object to sexually explicit material given to first graders, the FBI puts you on a list.

Joe Biden is a joke.  Please let him just wander off into the dustbin of history.

Texas, keep doing what you are doing!

Still not cheering for the Cowboys though :-P 

Sunday, January 7, 2024

China goes West?


China a land-locked nation whose has the worst maritime geography I have ever seen.

  Taiwan sits in the way and China as a lot of enemies in the South China Sea and China's trade would be cut off by a blockade of the Malacca Straits.  A distant blockade of China can basically strangle the country.  Making matters worse are the Nicobar island behind the Malacca Straits.

  Could China be taking a page out of America's book?

 Going west overland costs more that shipping over water, but it is through the territory of allies.  The goods will get to their markets.  There is no danger a US Navy blockade.  

The Belt and Road Initiative is following the route of the old Silk Road. So is this a case of "Back to the Future" meets "Manifest Destiny". 

Next week we see the Taiwanese elections!

It is between the Democratic Progressive Party, somewhat more confrontational with the mainland, and the Kuomintang, which is a little more accommodating to Beijing.  The Kuomintang stance is a bit odd considering its combat against the Communists in 1949.

Let's see if Xi had fixed the elections in Taiwan and if the Kuomintang wins.  Then we see if the new administration waves the CCP in.

Looks like 2024 is off to an interesting start!


Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year!



  Shouting about China going west tomorrow!