Monday, September 30, 2024

EU vs Hungary, and some others...


Hungary and the European Union seem to be on a collision course.

 Hungary refuses to abide by EU "rules" on letting in illegal immigrants.

Listen to that again: Hungary refused to let in illegal immigrants.

Hungary regards them as a security threat the the EU is fining Hungary one million euros a day until they led in illegal immigrants.  Hungary, meanwhile, is sending migrants in a bus to Brussels.  Brussels is not happy.

Meanwhile the Netherlands is asking to opt out of EU immigration rules.  And powerhouse Germany has reinstated border controls.  The EU openborder policy seems to be failing as well.

You have heard me say it before.  The EU should have remained the Common Market.  The "European superstate" thing is not going to work.  Now it tries to exercise dictatorial  powers against its own members since they won't agree to work against their own interests.

The number of terrorist attacks in Europe due to "migrants" should be a warning to every member of the European Union and the EU itself.

Watch from European nations to follow Britain's 2016 example. 

Hopefully, they do it right!

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