Sunday, September 8, 2024

Doesn't understand economics...or anything else


Price controls?

Anyone with a rudimentary understanding of economics or history knows price controls don't work.

In order to get control of inflation that the Biden-Harris administration has caused printing money to cover runaway government spending, the Cackler said she wanted to impose price controls on groceries.  

Aside from the fact it is unAmerican, it won't work.

I guess this proposal appeals to her desire to control everything and it stems from the fact she has never had a real job.  Or has an understanding of economics.  Or anything any thing else. 

I decide how much to charge for something.  Not the government.  The LAST thing anyone wants to do is raise prices.  Sometimes, you have to in order to cover expenses.  Kamala does not understand this.

Is corporate greed behind price-gauging.  Certainly, but markets and customers have a tendency to handle that. Not perfect, but if you lead free enterprise capitalism alone, it can take care of itself.

Price controls lead to shortages as companies cannot cover expenses by raising (or lowering) prices.  Tell the government to cut expenses and not print money and amazing how things solve themselves!

Diocletian tried to impose price controls and everyone ran out of everything,  In recent history, Presidents Truman and Nixon did the same with the prices of meat and soon meat vanished off the shelves as producers did not bother to produce since they could not make a profit.

The Soviet Union had price controls and a centrally planned economy. 

How did that work out?

If Kamala was any dumber, she might be stupid.

Sometimes I wonder if our entire society is too stupid to survive.

If so, it was fun while it lasted!

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