Monday, November 9, 2009

It can be done!

Fall of the Berlin Wall!
It can be done! On this day in 1989, the Berlin Wall fell! Not because of a military assault or even a massive revolution. No, the people of East and West Germany moved towards each other, ignoring heavily armed East German and Soviet border guards, to join hands. Some of the people on the wall are East German border guards...LOL
This a day to begin great things! Whatever barriers you have within you will fall and today is the day you take the first step forward to whatever it is you want to do!
I remember standing in the barracks of the Citadel hearing the news. I could not believe it! Something as vicious and solid as the Berlin Wall fell without a shot being fired! On that day the Cold War ended and freedom spread into Eastern Europe and eventually to every corner of the USSR itself.
Twenty years later, we still face threats to freedom. The sad thing is is that our own government is the threat. It seems overpowering, solid and invincible but remember the supposedly solid Soviet bloc. It vanished the day the people decided they had had enough.
The same thing can happen here. Corrupt leadership in all levels of government all the way down to the local one combined with greedy corporations have created a Berlin Wall in our minds and hearts in the 21st century.
Get your priorities in order, treat others as you yourself would like to be treated and never, never, let yourself be pushed around whether it be by the increasingly rapacious government or corrupt business practices (Small local businesses are the best!).
Polite, firm and unbending. If Rosa Parks can do it and the entire German nation can, so can we!
Go forth and conquer!

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