Monday, November 2, 2009

Red Storm Rising...

The People Strike Back?

Conservative voters in New York’s 23rd Congressional District may think they have a difficult decision on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2009, but a closer look reveals a shocking surprise: they don’t. The 23rd District is holding a special election to determine who their next Congressional representative will be, and it has all come down to three individuals: Republican Dede ScozzafavaDemocrat Bill OwensIndependent Doug Hoffman Knowing nothing about the candidates, conservatives might initially feel inclined to vote the Republican Party line. The problem, however, is that they have a real choice to make in this race. They can choose between an ACORN-endorsed liberal Republican in Scozzafava or a pro-life, anti-bailout, anti-spending conservative in Hoffman. This information might lead conservatives to believe the choice is an easy one – vote for the conservative. The problem, however, is that by breaking with the Republican Party, they might very well be handing over a victory to a liberal Democrat aligned with Nancy Pelosi. So, now, the question becomes, “Should conservatives prostitute their beliefs and vote for a liberal Republican just because her victory would help keep a far-left Democrat out of office?” The situation isn’t all that unusual, and typically conservatives take the path of least resistance. This race is different. This race is a true litmus test of what’s to come in the 2010 midterm elections. Voting the straight Republican line accomplishes nothing for conservatives in the 23rd District or for conservatives in general. Voting the straight GOP ticket would send a message to the Republican National Committee (RNC) that the status quo is just fine. When rank-and-file Republicans march in lock-step with the party there is no incentive for the RNC -- or even local Republican Committees for that matter -- to rethink their endorsements. There is no incentive for them to change their ways. The race for New York’s 23rd District is the perfect opportunity to send a clear message to the RNC that conservatives want their party back. The issue should be non-negotiable for conservatives. If they put their political values over the party’s political preference in this election, the shock waves will be felt across the country. This is an opportunity for conservatives to make a strong statement about who truly holds the power in our country: “We the people.” Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich made his choice this week by publically endorsing Scozzafava, the highly liberal Republican. Gingrich explains his reasoning on his web site:
My number one interest in the 2009 elections is to build a Republican majority,” Gingrich writes. “If your interest is taking power back from the Left, and your interest is winning the necessary elections, then there are times when you have to put together a coalition that has disagreement within it.Gingrich is right. Should Republicans in the 23rd Congressional District split their votes between Scozzafava and Hoffman, there is the very real possibility that Owens, an even bigger liberal, could win the election and represent them in Washington. But what if that doesn’t happen? There is another way of looking at it: in terms of odds. Hoffman is the only hope conservatives in the 23rd have for like-minded representation in Congress. Whether they cast aside their convictions and vote for Scozzafava or hold on to them and vote for Hoffman, the worst-case scenario is they’ll have either a liberal Republican or a liberal Democrat representing them. On the off chance Hoffman wins, however, conservatives will have lost nothing and gained everything. After all, a liberal is a liberal, regardless of party affiliation. Conservatives in the 23rd should ask themselves which choice will keep them up at night when the election is over … and vote to ensure they sleep well.

Now my take...

If the Republican party does not act like Republicans, you will see more of this. Democrats too by the way...This is why the Repubicans were trounced so throughly in 2006 and why they never stood a chance in '08. Of course, Bush's screw ups did not help.

The problem with the two party system is that it can be just as unresponsive and repressive, yes, repressive as a one party system. They try to convince you the Democratic and Repubican parties are your only choices.

Well, the people in upstate New York disagree.

And this is why I am a committed Independent.

I believe both parties have forgotten the people they are supposed to represent. They care more for special intersts and are as corrupt as anything we joke about in Mexico. There needs to be serious reform in many arenas in this country..political, economic, social...and our most of our "public servants" do not seem that interested.

This development in upstate New York should get their attention.

They will try to use scare tactics to head off the Conservative Party by first claiming that voting Conservtive will split the vote and allow the Democrats to win. The people of the 23d Congressional District have answered that if this is the best candidate the Republican Party can offer, maybe it is better that they take their chances outside the two party apparatus.

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