Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Is the world ending?

A Republican winning a Senate race in Massachusetts and the New Orleans Saints in the Super Bowl? I think this is in the Book of Revelations and its pretty obvious the world is going to end!

Add to the list the debut of my second book Aries Marching! Yes, we did it! Its on and soon, within a couple of months, it'll be at all the bookstores, starting online and working outward

I've all ready begun work on Aries Unleashed.

At the current moment, I am going to watch Obama try to defend the failure that is the first year of his adminstation. I am not sure if it will be as entertaining as watching Bush last year try to defend the eight years of failure that was his. Guess we will find out....

...Or we can use our time better by just going to bed.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Aries Marching closer...

Instead of contemplating the possible foot dragging one political party in Washington will surely resort to in case of a defeat in a Massachusetts election or focusing on the disaster in Haiti (check out to help...), I want to write about something positive--my book that the US Post Office says will arrive tomorrow or the day after!

Like Tom Petty says, "The waiting is the hardest part." There is something magical about looking at something you wrote and you think about all the work that went into the moment that leads to you holding it in your hands. It is a little hard to read though because you notice little things NO ONE else will or even care if they do. I am my own worst critic. Another problem in reading your own book is that you know what happens next! LOL

If you have ever wanted to write a book, the first thing you have to know is that it can be done! The biggest problem writers have is actually sitting down to do that. Once you do, you have won half the battle. The other half is knowing you can rewrite. In fact, you should. No one gets anything right the first time. Nothing you write is written in stone and you can (and should...) change things.

Take it from someone who knows. HeavenSteel in its original form bares little resemblance to its appearance at the finish line. Even some 0f the character names changed. And the Northmarch, Khaizan, and Masovia were not the Northmarch, Khaizan, and Masovia in the beginning.

Nyhissia remained Nyhissia though...

As I sit here waiting for Aries Marching to arrive, I am contemplating Aries Unleashed.

I will get to it soon enough. No, I am not procrastinating, I just have a paper on Herodotus due on Thursday.

History, my friends, waits for no one!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Semester!

Time to go on the attack!
I have had three weeks to refuel and rearm. I am ready for the next semester. I am only taking two classes this time around. It was hard to find a third. For some reason all the times are a little screwy but such is life. I am taking History of Ancient Greece (not quite the cop out you think it is!...maybe) and Lost Indian Tribes of NC, which is a little off the beaten trail for me but it might prove interesting.
Books are not as hideously expensive as they usually are but there are a lot of them. I did a lot of shopping on the net before the year started so I managed to accomplish something over the Christmas holiday.
Aries Marching is in the mail and getting closer by the day. I hope they did not forget the maps like the first time with HeavenSteel LOL Actually, that might have been my fault but everyone was cool with it and fixed the problem with no fuss.
I shall endeavor to spend an hour writing Aries Unleashed every day until the school workload piles up like a tsunami and maybe, just maybe, we can get it done by June! Definitely by July 4, a day that sounds familiar for some reason...
Third day after Canada Day? LOL
Not quite...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Not too bright

Harry Reid, about as sharp as a bowling ball, has a history of shooting his mouth off. He called George W Bush a "loser" (One can argue both ways there but out of respect for the office, you do not say that about a sitting President.) and once remarked that in summer you can tell who the losers were "by the smell of desperation." Now he can add himself to that list.
In a book called Gamechange, about the behind the scenes action in the 2008 election, Reid is quoted as saying he believed Barack Obama would win since he was a "light skinned" African-American with "no Negro dialect unless he wanted to."
Someone hand Harry a map and a calander. This is not the Old South in 1956.
And he calls himself a Democrat?
On the other hand, the Old South was dominated by Democrats who uttered Reid-like phrases and much worse so it appears he is the right party.
Trent Lott was correctly forced to resign his leadership position when praising segratgation at Strom Thurmond's birthday party a few years ago. The same treatment should be awarded Reid, who by all accounts, is going to lose in his reelection bid in Nevada.
I find it most galling that the NAACP is trying to rally around this cretin. Of all organizations, how could they just let that go with barely a comment? And then try to defent him? There should be a "J" somewhere in those five letters--for "Judas". They are betraying everything they stood for in not calling for Reid to resign, not his seat, but his leadership role.
Then again, remember it was the Maryland chapter of the NAACP who threw Oreo cookies at Michael Steele at a governor debate for daring to run as a Repubican.
A lot of the Repubican "ire" is political oppourtunism. There is no doubt. But while they are shouting for Reid's scalp, they should focus on other things, like our porous border and an out of control commodities market that threaten any faint echo of an economic recovery.
They, after all, caused a lot of this.
As for Harry Reid, tell him not to include the white sheet in the drycleaning for a while. No need to worry about the pillowcases. Everyone knows they have holes in them.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Aries Marching!

Here is the cover!

Now I am waiting for the first copy to make sure everything is where I want it to be (or close enough...LOL). I should see it by next Wednesday and we will see what they have done to it! LOL

I have all ready started on the third book (tentatively titled Aries Unleashed) and hopefully I will be close to on time with that one! Hey, I did not miss by much on this one...OK, I could have been closer..but we got it done.

Michelle did a great job with the cover! A lot better than anything I could have come up with!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2010!