Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Aries Marching closer...

Instead of contemplating the possible foot dragging one political party in Washington will surely resort to in case of a defeat in a Massachusetts election or focusing on the disaster in Haiti (check out RedCross.org to help...), I want to write about something positive--my book that the US Post Office says will arrive tomorrow or the day after!

Like Tom Petty says, "The waiting is the hardest part." There is something magical about looking at something you wrote and you think about all the work that went into the moment that leads to you holding it in your hands. It is a little hard to read though because you notice little things NO ONE else will or even care if they do. I am my own worst critic. Another problem in reading your own book is that you know what happens next! LOL

If you have ever wanted to write a book, the first thing you have to know is that it can be done! The biggest problem writers have is actually sitting down to do that. Once you do, you have won half the battle. The other half is knowing you can rewrite. In fact, you should. No one gets anything right the first time. Nothing you write is written in stone and you can (and should...) change things.

Take it from someone who knows. HeavenSteel in its original form bares little resemblance to its appearance at the finish line. Even some 0f the character names changed. And the Northmarch, Khaizan, and Masovia were not the Northmarch, Khaizan, and Masovia in the beginning.

Nyhissia remained Nyhissia though...

As I sit here waiting for Aries Marching to arrive, I am contemplating Aries Unleashed.

I will get to it soon enough. No, I am not procrastinating, I just have a paper on Herodotus due on Thursday.

History, my friends, waits for no one!

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