Sunday, October 30, 2016

America's political system

America's political system is clearly collapsing.
Regardless of whoever wins this joke of an election, one thing is obvious:  whoever wins had better not spike the ball and should immediately do something the other side likes.  If not, something much worse than Hillary Clinton/Donald Trump will come down the pike in four years.

The solution is not something that can be legislated.  It comes down to values. Corruption is more destructive than wars. 

It comes down to the voters.

I read in the Chicago Tribune that this election, if nothing else, as forced American culture to take a good look at itself.

It is not pretty.

Instead of blaming others for problems, it is time for Americans to take responsibility, show some interstinale fortitude and take matters into their own hands.  Your govnerment either is not interested nor competent.

The corruption has seeped into everything.  There have been many instances of price gouging here in NC in the wake of the hurricaine, complaints are mounting in the field of labor relations and there is general unhappiness in America.

Treat others as you would like to be treated.

If anyone tries to run you over ,give them a chance to back off, then flatten them.

If you are one of the good guys, you always start at a disadvantage. 

Don't worry, it just makes you stronger.

Now, get to work.  We have country to save!

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