Monday, August 24, 2009

Scotland the Cowardly

People of Scottish heretige must be appalled and angry. The people in Scotland are even angrier. Releasing a mass murderer responsible for killing 270 people over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988 because he is terminally ill is a grave miscarrage of put it mildly. Adbel Basset al-Magrahi allegedly has prostate cancer and three months to live. Scottish Justice minster Ken MacAskil said he was motivated by Scottish values and compassion to release al-Magrahi. Exactly how much compassion did this man give the 270 people who died? That al-Magrahi was not immediately executed seems like too much compassion to begin with. If you wanted to show compassion for a convicted terrorist, you can do so by shipping his ashes home. MacAskill should follow him.
He probably has more fans in Lybia than Scotland.
Don't worry, Scotland. I still love "Scotland the Brave" and Celtic rock.

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