Tuesday, October 4, 2011

American Autumn?

Pic from The Atlantic.com

First they try to ignore it, then they denigrate it, then it shows up on the news. Just like the Tea Party.

I don't know how Occupy Wall Street is going to turn out but you have to start somewhere. The American people are fed up with corruption on Wall Street and Washington. Some of the more extreme elements of the protests are railing against capitalism but the remarkable thing about this movement is that it is not anti-capitalist. It is PRO-capitalist. It is against crony capitalism, bailouts with taxpayer money and out of control speculation.

It is also democracy in action.

And its spreading.

Protests started in New York but are now in Boston, LA, St. Louis and even Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Occupy Wall Street says it is drawing inspiration from Arab Spring and combining it with American frustration at a lot of things. Corrupt government, broken economy, a business community once the envy of the world now resembling something out of 1950s Cuba, a foreign policy that gets a lot of people killed (Americans and others) for no particular reason etc....There is a lot to be upset about.

Its starting to boil over...

This could be the beginning of something that is long overdue.

This might be how it started in 1775. If it is, the powers that be should not look at the British playbook from then, That was the exact wrong way to go about, well, anything.

Quick note to those we elect: Listen to the protesters. Do something about the greed and corruption that destroys lives of others and, yes, ultimately, yourself.

Not only can "it" happen here, it might be starting

Today, its just words and slogans being thrown...Take a look at Athens.

Work the rest out yourself.

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