Monday, October 24, 2011

US Middle East Policy (?)

The Middle East has always been a crazy place....battles and wars have been raging there for about 5,000 years and it is not going to stop anytime soon. I have no idea why the United States wants to plunge into the middle of it all.

We are finally going to leave Iraq--with no guarantee that after nine years, 4,500 American lives, God knows how many Iraqi lives and a trillion dollars--that the place becomes an Iranian satellite five minutes after the last US soldiers leaves. Our relationship with the largest country in the region is at best poisonous. The United States is in Afghanistan until 2014 and might end up fighting "ally" Pakistan who is noticeably unhappy with the US and is publicly and loudly edging towards China.

In Syria, the US ambassador left today because of threats to his personal safety.

The US spent nearly a billion dollars to kill Khadaffy and now it seems a North African version of the Taliban is taking over, declaring the country will be ruled by Islamic sharia law. In neighboring Tunisia, Islamists have won the election and Egypt is ruled by a military dictatorship after the people overthrew the civilian dictatorship run by Mubaruk.

And our real ally, Israel, publicly distrusts the president in Washington.

A lot of people here do too......

There are a lot of scary things about this administration but the truly frightening thing is is that the only Cabinet member that seems vaguely competent is Hillary Clinton. But then you take a look at the Middle East and you wonder if this is competence, what would incompetence be like?

Instead of just complaining about problems, let me offer a solution.

Here it is:

Get off the oil!

Start a real program to find oil here in the US (we have a lot!) and elsewhere in the Western Hemisphere. Then start a real effort to go to "green" energy.

But as long as the oil companies own DC, it won't happen.

So nationalize the oil companies.

I am not a fan of gov't intervention in the economy but if there was ever a time to confront a clear and present danger to national security, this is it.

Does anyone in Washington have the courage to do this?

Don't hold your breath.

But change is coming.

One way or another.....

Meanwhile, let the idiots in the Middle East decide if they want to live together or kill each other.

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