Sunday, September 27, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Our First Anniversary!

On September 27, 2008, I married my best friend! No, this is NOT Massachusetts...just clearing that up right now!

I love Michelle more than anything in the Universe. Why she puts up with my shenanigans is beyond my comprehension but she has added so much to my life.

We first met at the radio station I was working at back in December 2003 (I think...) and we have been on a number of adventures since! The year since we have been married has been the best ever! I have never been so happy! I finished my second book and saw my Steelers and Penguins both win championships. Even if none of that stuff happened, I still would have been happy because Michelle is with me all the time. She is the reason I live and I would die for her if I had to (though I would like to consider every other option first...). I thank God for sending her even though I do not deserve to the object of such a loving person's affections.

I love you Michelle! Let's go eat some chocolate muffins....

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Found some $ for Health Care!

Here is an idea! Let's take the money we hand over to the United Nations, an organization that seems to dislike us yet we, for some reason, pay 25% of their expenses and use it for problems here at home. Our contribution to the UN can be the rent free building in the middle of Manhattan. When their peacekeepers are not off raping minors or watching the latest Israeli incursion into Lebanon roll by, the United Nations actually does a great job on refugee issues.
We have problems here at home and the $1.3 billion dollars we owe the UN (for what exactly, no one seems to know...) could certainly come in handy for a lot of things. Extending unemployment, paring down the deficit, establishing college grants, putting into health care...the list goes on. This won't solve everything but a billion dollars on the shelf could do a lot of good.
Here is another source of fast cash on a national level: Get rid of the Department of Homeland Security. It is not securing the borders and Janet Neopolitano apparently seems more interested in chasing "right wing extremists" (ie anyone criticizing Obama..more and more people fitting that description it seems...) than potential terrorists. I have no desire to further fund a homegrown Gestaopo with my tax dollars thank you. We all ready have the FBI for that. (See Waco, 1993 for further info...). The IRS ranks up there too.
I just found another source of money that could do good elsewhere: Cut congressional salaries in half. Call your local congressman and let me know what they think of that :-)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Staying busy!

If idle hands are the Devil's tools, then he isn't anywhere near me this week! It has been a busy week but it keeps me off the streets! :-P
I have been up at 0500 to get a jump on every day this week but today I will get it all done! I am amazed at how much I can get done with an extra hour but I think I will go back to my customary 0530-0600 wake up.
I took Michelle to a health fair sponsered by her TV station and was treated to the sight of harried looking TV and radio salespeople with obivious blood pressure problems running in cirlces. I snagged some grapes from their breakfast table and sat down to watch the rat race. I wish I could have put numbers on them and placed bets! I began to wonder if the whole building was a human hamster cage. Mabye the muffins Michelle purloined on the way out were the analogues of those hampster food pellets.
Chocolate chip muffins are great! Devouring them with someone you love makes it all worth it.
Back to Monday posting! I have to fix an attic fan!

Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11

In Remembrance.....

Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day!

No one I know has this day off. Sounds like a scheme to keep the Post Office from losing more money...On the other hand, if you are working, this is a great time to pick up some overtime...or something.
I managed to get a good two mile run in before the rain started falling. Fortunately I cut the grass back on Saturday. It did not look that bad but I did not want a parade of disreptable looking dudes marching up to my door wanting to cut the grass for $100. Not only is that too much but I can screw it up for a bare fraction of the cost. I calculated it costs about $1.25 for me to mow the lawn. That figure, of course, does not include my invaluable time :-)
Here is a quick way to win any Labor Day bar or picnic bets:
Labor Day is a United States federal holiday observed on the first Monday in September (September 7 in 2009).
The holiday originated in Canada out of labor disputes ("Nine-Hour Movement") first in Hamilton, then in Toronto, Canada in the 1870s, which resulted in a Trade Union Act which legalized and protected union activity in 1872 in Canada. The parades held in support of the Nine-Hour Movement and the printers' strike led to an annual celebration in Canada. In 1882, American labor leader Peter J. McGuire witnessed one of these labor festivals in Toronto. Inspired from Canadian events in Toronto, he returned to New York and organized the first American "labor day" on September 5 of the same year. (compliments of Wikipedia)
Yes, Labor Day here in America started in Canada LOL Well, sort of...After the Pullman Strike, Congress pushed through a holiday honoring labor and made sure it did not fall on May 1 as not to align with any Communist/Marxist agendas or provide any undue remeberances of the Haymarket Riot in 1886.
Yes, I am a history major!
Now, the history major has to install some attic stairs! Then later, back to writing some more of Aries Unleashed!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Bahamas

Michelle and I returned from Nassau Sunday night. Very hot and very sunny and the waves were incredibly violent! LOL I was not only almost knocked down by a wave at the water's edge but had sea shell fragments in my hair and eyes!

We went on the ship Carnival Sensations and it was quite the experience! I ate a lot but played a lot of fantasy golf too! I loved the hot chocolate the best....

The first night after leaving Port Canaveral, we sailed through the waves in the wake of Hurricaine, I forgot the name. It was at that point I realized why the tickets were so cheap...I ate way to much and felt quesy. It was not sea sickness! >:-) I did see some people vomit over the side so I have the feeling the cleaning staff earned their salaries on this trip! The crew was incredibly friendly and it seemed a genuine sort of friendliness. I also noted my wallet was not missing :-)!

I am not a "water person" but I did enjoy splashing about in the pool and hot tub with Michelle. Going to Nassau is also the furthest south I have ever been. Somehow I did not get sunburned...must be my Mediterranean complexion...LOL.

We came back on Sunday night and yes, I went for a run...a good sweaty run! :-) After all, I had a lot of cake and hot chocolate to work off!