Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Found some $ for Health Care!

Here is an idea! Let's take the money we hand over to the United Nations, an organization that seems to dislike us yet we, for some reason, pay 25% of their expenses and use it for problems here at home. Our contribution to the UN can be the rent free building in the middle of Manhattan. When their peacekeepers are not off raping minors or watching the latest Israeli incursion into Lebanon roll by, the United Nations actually does a great job on refugee issues.
We have problems here at home and the $1.3 billion dollars we owe the UN (for what exactly, no one seems to know...) could certainly come in handy for a lot of things. Extending unemployment, paring down the deficit, establishing college grants, putting into health care...the list goes on. This won't solve everything but a billion dollars on the shelf could do a lot of good.
Here is another source of fast cash on a national level: Get rid of the Department of Homeland Security. It is not securing the borders and Janet Neopolitano apparently seems more interested in chasing "right wing extremists" (ie anyone criticizing Obama..more and more people fitting that description it seems...) than potential terrorists. I have no desire to further fund a homegrown Gestaopo with my tax dollars thank you. We all ready have the FBI for that. (See Waco, 1993 for further info...). The IRS ranks up there too.
I just found another source of money that could do good elsewhere: Cut congressional salaries in half. Call your local congressman and let me know what they think of that :-)

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