Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Staying busy!

If idle hands are the Devil's tools, then he isn't anywhere near me this week! It has been a busy week but it keeps me off the streets! :-P
I have been up at 0500 to get a jump on every day this week but today I will get it all done! I am amazed at how much I can get done with an extra hour but I think I will go back to my customary 0530-0600 wake up.
I took Michelle to a health fair sponsered by her TV station and was treated to the sight of harried looking TV and radio salespeople with obivious blood pressure problems running in cirlces. I snagged some grapes from their breakfast table and sat down to watch the rat race. I wish I could have put numbers on them and placed bets! I began to wonder if the whole building was a human hamster cage. Mabye the muffins Michelle purloined on the way out were the analogues of those hampster food pellets.
Chocolate chip muffins are great! Devouring them with someone you love makes it all worth it.
Back to Monday posting! I have to fix an attic fan!

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