Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas!


Saturday, December 14, 2019

British landslide!

The Tories swept to an overwhelming victory in the 2019 British general election, romping through everything south of Hadrian's Wall.

The issue was Brexit, voted on in 2016 by the people in a referendum that seemed to catch the European Union and its proponents off guard. Three years of footdragging and it happened again.

The vote was in June 2016 and it took Parliament until March 2017 to activate the exit clause, giving the EU and Britain two years to work out an amiable deal.  Despite some gloomy predictions, no economic damage occurred and life went on...except for Parliament, who has been trying to undermine the will of the people with constant extensions of deadlines so that by 2019, nothing has been accomplished on the Brexit front.  The Labour Party was even emboldened enough to back away from its pledge to uphold the Brexit vote even if the party was not happy with it.  Plus a couple of lawsuits were filed to try and stop Brexit.  It came down to another election between pro-EU Labour and Brexit leaning Tories.  The Tories won big and new Prime Minister Boris Johnson has pledged to leave the increasingly dictatorial EU.

I am not sure where the contempt for democracy comes from, but this kind of behavior always leads to collapse.  The 21st Century version of the Soviet Union--the European Union--is run by an undemocratic elite that is often not accountable to decisions they try to inflict on the entire continent.  The rise of populism in Poland, Italy, and Britain seems to have surprised them and active combat in the streets of Paris, which the media tries to squelch, as well as rising Euroskeptic parties in Germany leads to one conclusion----->Go back to the Common Market.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Thanksgiving football!

I thought this uploaded last week, but I guess it did not, so here we go again! :-)

The Haas Thanksgiving Weekend was missing the Grey Cup, but since the Sasktachewan Roughriders were not in it, it did not matter a lot.  The fact Winnipeg won the Cup made it worse. 

The Backyard Brawl between Pitt and West Virginia used to be on the Friday after Thanksgiving but with both teams in different conferences now, that is not happening for a while.

Pitt went into battle against Boston College and lost and my East Carolina Pirates were obliterated by Tulsa 49-29.

At least the Steelers beat Cleveland, a rivalry that became relevant after Myles Garret hit Mason Rudolph in the head with a helmet!

Usually one out of three is not the best percentage, but a win against the Browns counts double!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019



Sunday, November 17, 2019

Revolutions everywhere!

Spring is usually when you see protest, but they are exploding everywhere.  The Yellow Vests are been rioting for a year in Paris, Hong Kong is in the new everyday, protests are spreading in Iraq, and now Czechoslovakia has 200,000 people demanding their corrupt Prime Minister resign.  Everwhere, citizens are upset with their governments and, in the case of Brexit where the British government appears to be trying to reverse the vote, voting the bums out seems to not be an option.

If you make peaceful change impossible, violent revolution becomes inevitable.   The stage in between is made up of mass protests.  Here is the chance for the undemocratic European Union and China to back off and actually win people over to their side.  If they try to squelch protests, it will be like trying to grab water.  The tighter you try to control the people, the more will show up to basically give the government the finger. 

Anyone who thought we had reached "the end of history" clearly cannot read.

As long as their are people, there is history.

The Twenty-first century is about to become a lot more interesting.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Hong Kong--Berlin 2.0?

I am looking at the protests in Hong Kong and I also see China contemplating cutting it off from the rest of the country.  I don't know if Beijing is thinking about a physical boundry, but if they are, what are the odds of it turning into a 21st Century Berlin Wall?

The British took Hong Kong away from China in 1842 and held on to it (with a Japanese interlude from 1942-1945) until giving in back in 1997.  China allowed Hong Kong to keep its economy and legal system largely intact and soon China ran down the capitalist path itself.  Politically though, China and Hong Kong are different animals.  Capitalist economy and Communist government in China and a bit more freewheeling in Hong Kong.  Frankly, I am surprised this did not happen sooner.

How it will play out is anyone's guess.  Tienanmen Square comes to mind, though I hope it does not come to that.  Also, the world is different than it was in 1989.  Thirty years later, they will say the same about 2019.   Still, China is China and it will do whatever it feels it needs to do.  PR firms will find calls to Beijing are not going to be returned.

Hopefully, there is some sort of compromise out there, much like the original 1997 agreement that brought Hong Kong into China.

The lesson here, as one can see from the American flags flying in the middle of the Hong Kong airport concourse, is that you cannot hold the people down.

Especially if it spreads to the other 1.3 billion.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Abiy Ahmed Ali--Nobel Peace Prize Winner!

Abyi Ahmed Ali, Prime Minister of Ethiopia, won the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize, working tirelessly to promote peace between age-old rivals Ethiopia and Eritrea, fighting an on and off thirty year war .  There is no guarantee that the peace he has forged will holds, but this is the best chance it has at the moment.

He is a low-key man who exposed himself to enemy fire many times, offering to broker peace between two unstable countries that have fought each other for centuries.  This is closer to the vision and reason behind the Nobel Peace Prize.

In a sick world, to see such a man win the Prize is inspirational and gives hope to everyone.  Especially in a war torn place like Africa.  Peace is still a long way off, but Abiy Ahmed Ali brought it  lot closer!

Monday, September 23, 2019

Roman Dinosaurs

Sometimes your mind wanders into some strange places.  I was just reading The First Fossil Hunters about Ancient Greek and Roman attempts to explain dinosaur bones they found and, of course, many became the basis of legends.  The griffin, for instance, was based on Protoceratops skulls found in Mongolia.  I was also reading about Trodon and how it might have been the smartest dinosaur that ever lived....until the asteroid hit 65 million years ago.

Of course, there are the dragons legends and people who insist they were living dinosaurs in historical times.  I think that is unlikely, but in 1938, they pulled out a Mesozonic fish that was supposed to be extinct from the Indian Ocean.

Dinosaurs would be harder to hide though!

If they did survive to historical times, you know they would have been in Roman gladiator fights.   If the big one had survived in some numbers, Hannibal would have used them to cross the Alps. 

Then there is the question of raptors in a military capacity like "Jurassic Park".  Problem is they might turn on you.

If Troodon had survived, would it have created a civilization of its own.  Would there have been a Dinosaur version of the Roman Empire or Ancient Greece.

Are these the insane ramblings of someone at 0300?

50/50 chance :-)

Friday, August 23, 2019

Buying Greenland?

It turns out that US interest in Greenland dates back to 1946 when President Truman thought American ownership of the world's largest island would be good for containing any Soviet moves into the North Atlantic and would be a good place for an airbase, placing Europe closer. There is a US airbase at Thule, so someone thought it was a great idea.

In the early 21st Century, buying Greenland might not be a bad idea. If the polar icecap continues melting, there could be a lot of minerals and oil to be found.  The problem is that Greenland and Denmark do not want to sell. If so, that is that.

I liked Greenland's response of "we are open for business, but not for sale".  It was a humorous, polite way of saying no.  Calling the idea "absurd", as Denmark's prime minister all but shouted, was idiotic and I don't blame the President for cancelling the trip.  If you cannot be polite, there is no need to waste time visiting.  Apparently they have reconciled, but Denmark's prime minister was clearly out of line.

Let it go and move on. Plus, tell Denmark to pay its share of its NATO obligation.

If the US is serious about buying Greenland, please consider our budged deficit first

Monday, August 12, 2019


Michelle and I went to Arizona for a while and it was an awesome trip!

Lots of hiking in the desert and visiting things like the "hole in the rock" above.  It looked like something from the 1960s version of "Star Trek".  We marched up the backside of it in 113 degree heat and saw a stunning desert vista in all directions.  We went up to Sedona and even found our way into an Arizona Cardinals practice in their home stadium!

We went to the desert in all directions and saw lots of animals.  We liked the Superstition  Mountains area the best and the people are really great there.

The terrarin reminded me a lot of Greece--maybe a bit hotter--and was clearly much different than the Pennsylvania and NC landscapes I am used too!

It is always a good thing to get away from what you are used to, going outside of the box is always fun!

I am still going to stay away from California!

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Betsy Ross Flag

Here is a very good article on the Betsy Ross flag, created by Quakers, who were against slavery by the way.....

Opinion: In defense of the Betsy Ross flag

During Patriot Week, we fly flags that symbolize freedom, each one representing a foundational principle derived from our Declaration of Independence.
Included among these is the Betsy Ross flag, though it is shunned as a symbol of oppression in some quarters.
The detractors of this flag are misinformed, shallow or just plain subversive. Let’s assume they are misinformed:
It's true: America’s past is bloodied, bruised and blemished with unjust wars, slavery, gender oppression discrimination and the genocide of Native Americans. But no nation is free from the sins of the past. 
Many point to Europe as a model to be followed and ignore the hundreds of millions victimized by the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, World War I, the French Reign of Terror, the centuries-old Protestant v. Catholic wars, Rome, imperialism, and the list goes on.
The rest of the world is no better. Entire civilizations have been wiped out by enemies. Going back far enough, every person on the planet is likely the descendant of someone who engaged in what we would consider today to be barbarism. 
So what does America and the Betsy Ross Flag have to offer?
Before the Declaration of Independence was adopted, no major nation on the Earth was a republic. That we established a form of government, in Lincoln’s words, “of the people, by the people, for the people” is more than enough to deserve praise in the history books. But there is more.
No nation in history was dedicated to the proposition that governments were instituted to protect the unalienable rights of the people. That remains true today. We believe that our rights come from the creator (or nature and nature’s law) — not as handouts at the whims of the rulers — and we have governments to secure those rights.
No nation embraced the idea of a limited government, establishing a limited central (federal) authority focused on national issues, while leaving to local governments (states) matters closer to home, providing both liberty and good governance. 
No government wrote down their fundamental law. We have the oldest Constitution in the world. Certainly none allowed the courts to strike down laws and actions in violation of the Constitution. The denigration of the rule of law was a centerpiece of why we declared independence, and it is the linchpin of our Constitution. 
No nation empowered the people through their representatives, invited them to help draft and debate the fundamental law, and required ratification of a written constitution to embody and establish a social compact. 
No nation had established an amendment process to fix and improve the fundamental law and ensured elections to “vote the bums out” — that is, to alter or abolish the government.
And yes, no other nation had declared as a “self-evident truth” that all men are created equal — not a single one.
At the time, the Betsy Ross flag symbolized the most free nation in world history. That nation was not — and is not — perfect. It was and is bitterly flawed. But even in 1776 it was a monumental achievement. 
Those who fought for emancipation, women’s suffrage and civil rights harkened to the Declaration of Independence to make America live up to its promise. Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony, and Martin Luther King Jr. saw themselves as the inheritors and defenders of the Spirit of ’76.
That flag was not a symbol of oppression, but of the most free nation on Earth — an indispensable stepping stone to the expansion of liberty on the world stage. We should celebrate, not denigrate it.

Monday, July 15, 2019

ICE raids

Immigration Customs and Enforcement began a large sweep across the nation looking for illegal immigrants with warrants.  It was strange that many mayors (LA and Chicago) refuse to cooperate with federal authorities enforcing federal law. That would make them accessories to a federal crime, a felony actually.

It is a felony to be in the country without authorization, yet some cities allow this and put illegal immigrants--by definition felons--on the welfare rolls.   What is the reasoning behind this?

Election fraud.

Pay them to vote for you.  Oldest trick in the book.

Instead of marching to the US border demanding change, "migrants" from Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras could do much better marching on Guatemala City, San Salvador, and Tegucigalpa and demand change in their own countries. 

Thursday, July 4, 2019



Sunday, June 30, 2019

Outside the box...

The "out of the box" diplomacy between President Trump and Chairman Kim continues.  Yesterday, Trump became the first US President to step into North Korea.  It was a surreal moment.

It was also largely unplanned and at the last minute, set up with a Tweet and ending with the President of the United States invited onto North Korean soil.

I was not sure what to think.

At least the United States, South Korea, and North Korea are talking to each other and are not shooting at each other.

I don't know where this will lead, but it is a kind of progress.  Slow, painfully slow, but moving forward nonetheless.  When you are dealing with nukes, you take that as a minor win at least.

I hope this ends with Korean unification one day.

It won't be quick and easy, so keep at it!

Saturday, June 29, 2019

A hard team to like...

Being a good American, I cheer for the US team.  Being a good American, I also do not like arrogant, posturing idiots.  Unfortunately, I just described the US women's soccer team.

They crushed Thailand 13-0 and instead of holding back when the game was clearly over, they piled on and had many over the top celebrations.  This is not the first time they have done this.  If I was the ref, it would have the last.  I would have red carded the captain.

If Megan Rapinoe does not want to visit the White House, fine.  Don't.  No big deal.  Putting an obscenity in your answer only makes you sound like a moron.

But consider this.

If you don't get along with the President, meeting him face to face would be a great opportunity to discuss differences and find a common ground.  That is what America needs now.

Liberalism is about tolerance and respecting differences. Liberals don't seem to get this, often opting for obscenity and violence.

And they can't fight...

Taking an invite from Alexandria Oscasio-Cortes to visit the House of Representatives instead  simply because you like her politics makes you as spiteful and hateful as that you claim to be against.

Think about it.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Backing away from a war

Earlier this week, Iran shot down a US drone that they claim was over their airspace.  The United States says it was over international waters.  There had been some drone attacks on oil tankers and another attack on Japanese tankers from what might have been a torpedo attack.  President Trump was about to launch a retaliatory strike on Iran and decided to, at the last minute, call it off.

I think that was a wise move.

America does not need another war right now.

We have spent enough blood and treasure in the Middle East.

An unmanned drone that may or may not have been in Iranian airspace was shot down.  No one died.  As the President stated, a full-scale airstrike was not proportional and there was the potential for many civilian casualties. Other Presidents have launched attacks without such concerns, so this puts Trump a step ahead in humanitarian terms.  His strike on Syria in 2017 was aimed at planes on the runway and no one there was killed.  It seems to fit the pattern of selected strikes.

I am wondering who really wants a war with Iran.

My first thought was the oil companies. The price of oil did not move that much.  Had this been 2008, they would have skyrocketed.  Now the United Sate produces almost its own oil, so no need to intervene in the Middle Eastern oil fields.

Maybe someone in DC is thinking about the election next year, hoping for a war to influence the race?

That is sickening.

Fortunately, the airstrike was called off.

If the chickenhawks don't like it, let them lead the charge next time.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Packing the Supreme Court

The latest idiotic proposal from some members in Congress is to expand the Supreme Court to 15 judges.  That is not going to happen.  It can't especially with the current group of moron legislators.  Plus, there seems to be  a lot of stupid judges, but we will get to that another time.

There were originally six judges on the Supreme Court.  The Founding Fathers, for all their wisdom, did not foresee the rise of partisan politics, especially the vicious 21st Century kind. Still Federalist-Antifederalists could be pretty nasty too, so a seventh judge was added.  You also have to remember that judges back then would literally "ride the circuit".

As America expanded West, two more judges would be added to bring it to nine.

Franklin Roosevelt wanted to expand the Court to 15, but that never was going to happen even with a Democratic Senate supersuper majority of 74-19.  People don't like fooling around with the Constitution.

The Electoral College is not going anywhere either.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Saturday, May 25, 2019


Afghanistan has always been a mess.

It is also like a roach motel--you can get it, but you can't get out.  Actually you can. Just leave.

Alexander the Great and Ghengis Khan won there with a mix of slaughter and bribes,but it there any reason to stay there. There is no gold and any real precious resources there. Location used to be an asset since Afghanistan is on the way to everywhere.  Afghanistan sits in the middle of Asia, so it is hard to avoid.

In order to win there, you need the support of the Afghan people.

We don't have it.

They will never push the US out.The US will never beat the Afghans. End result--just a waste for everyone involved. The British found out in the Nineteenth Century, the Soviet Union found out in the Twentieth, and now the United States is walking over the ground---literally.

US soldiers going to boot camp in 2019 were not even born when America invaded Afghanistan in 2001 after the World Trade Center attack.Osama Bin Laden was killed in 2011.  There is not reason to be there anymore.  Pick up and go, leave a couple of Special Forces behind to "hop and pop" the Taliban to keep it from reforming

Geo-politics is not hard.

It is just that politicians are idiots.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

The School Budget Answer

Education has become a toxic sewer run by incompetent bureaucrats and "administrators" who make much more than the overworked, overwhelmed teachers.  There are stories about this all around. In North Carolina, there was a march by teachers wanting a 5% pay raise and the state legislators are offering 4.8% (close enough!),but also a 6.5% increase for assistant principals and 10% (!) for principals. This just makes the problem worse.And there is the possibly of having to raise taxes.

The strength of the Greek phalanx was not the front, but the back.  The hoplites in the back made sure no one ran because if they did, the entire formation would fall apart.  Administrators are the back line and when they don't enforce rules or back up the teachers, the whole thing falls apart.  Throwing money at this problem is like pouring gasoline on a fire

Why reward failure?

Here is a proposal:

Reduce administrator pay by $5,000 and distribute it to the teachers.  They get a raise, no tax increase, and there won't be a tax increase or deficit spending.  If the principals don't like it, they can find another job. I am sure their are plenty of teachers who can step in.

Or use the money to put webcams in rooms to get them under control.

If they care about the kids, you will see something like this.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Happy Orthodox Easter

Happy Orthodox Easter....the real one..LOL  Same holiday, discounted Easter candy.  No Fourth Crusade grudges.

Maybe ;-P

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Stanley Cup Playoffs

A preview? :-)
Forget March Madness!

It is time for the Stanley Cup playoffs!

The ultimate in simulated medieval combat breaks loose in a couple of days!  Kind of like the Battle on the Ice in 1242 between the Russians and Teutonic Knights. My Pittsburgh Penguins won in 2016 and 2017 and come up a little short in 2018, but it was a great run. Why not three out of four?

The Penguins have the Islanders up next and that has an old-school 1980s feel to it. Hopefully not too much of that feels since the Penguins stank up the place back then.

Having to play four best of seven series to win the whole thing precludes "they got lucky" debates.  Whoever wins the Cup definitely earns it!

The first round usually has "sacrificial lambs",but in a best of seven, anything can happen.  It will be an upward climb, so strap in, its going to be like a whole new season.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

A disgusting ball of slime

When I was a kid in my day's pizza place, I pulled out of the drain a ball of slime I still cannot identify. Compared to Academia, it was much cleaner.

The Academic Admissions Scandal of 2019 has exposed our so-called "education system" once and for all what it really is--garbage. It has been obvious for a while now,but you can no longer ignore it.

The high schools are a disaster as administrators try to grab all of the money they can, test scores plummet, and we have graduates who cannot read or write at a basic level. Then off to college where they become seemingly more stupid.

They tried to push the sports scandal under the rug, but it leads to worse revelations. Harvard's racial discrimination towards Asians and Caucasians, the radicalization and campus violence,and of course, the Snowflake Sydrome.

Outright bribes have gotten the children of the "elite"into colleges when they have had no real qualifications to do so and when you add the millions who should not be there in the first place, you end up with a giant day care center that straps "graduates" of watered down programs with debt and no job skills or basic skills.   And let's not forget the alleged "educational experts" who really don't seem to do anything except get in the way.

I still remember my high school guidance counselor telling me not to get my hopes up for college...of course,my grades were pretty good.  It might have been the Mediterranean tan she did not like.  Two MAs later (4.0 in both) and two BAs later....

...Good thing I did not go to her for Super Bowl predictions.

Clearly, school is not a place for smart people.

If you care about the kids, you need to take back the schools from the idiots. 

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Democrat vs Democrat

We saw the Republican Party fight its own civil war as the alleged "conservatives" fought the unhappy rank and file who organized themselves into the Tea Party and highjacked the GOP to put Donald Trump in the White House.  Now, we are seeing the Democratic party pulling itself apart as one side, calling itself "Democratic Socialists" slash away at the somewhat center-left Democratic Party.  Ikhan Omar has even attacked President Obama's drone strikes and other ankle biters have come out to attack POTUS 44.  They have shouted about overthrowing the current leadership though they seemed to have backed off of that promise.

They has demanded rights for illegals, lower the voting age to 16, and want to raise the possibilty of 90% taxes.

Notice I did not say "Democratic rank and file".

I cannot see anyone sane going with this and I did not even mention the Green New Deal.

The GND might be possible,but not in 10 years and not with immediate abolition of the internal combustion engine.

If you want to get something done, you need compromise. "My way or the highway" does not work in government. 

Of course, maybe that is what they want: Tell your consituents you need more time to pass things against a DC government that wont pass it

After all, $174,000 a year for year after year is a lot of dough for a former bartender.

Time to see if Animal Farm repeats itself.

Alexandra Osacio-Cortez recently said in a moment of pique, "I'm the boss and you're just yelling from the cheap seats".  And there are questions about missing campaign funds.

Looks like someone has all ready started typing Chapter One. 

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Mega fauna downsized?

I saw this film called "The Meg' about a prehistoric shark from c.2-3 million years ago that was not as extinct as everyone thought. It wasnt all that great,but it was far from the worst I had seen. 

I read some articles about megladons and noticed that all of the artist impressions looked like a great white shark. I also looked up giant elks and cave bears and I noticed that all of them looked like bigger versions of today's animals.

Is it possible that a lot of ther mega fauna from the Ice Age did not die out, but merely downsized?

Some of those animals, like the terror birds, clearly became extinct,but grizzlies are still bears and mountain lions could easily be smaller sabre tooth cats and the pretty big elks of today look the same as the giant elks of c.10,0000 BC.  Wooly rhinos mammoths lost their hair and moved south too?

Or chased south by humans....

Just random thoughts floating around in my head on a rainy day!

Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Boy Who Cried Wolf?

I am really wondering if anyone can tell the truth anymore.

So, we have an alleged hate crime in Chicago (which has a ton of shootings every day...) that turns out to be a ploy by an actor who is trying to get more money pay paying two guys to beat him up and yell racial and homophobic slurs while wearing red hats.  Had to throw the political angle in there too, I guess.

Naturally the left wing of American politics went into feeding frenzy before waiting a half second for the truth to come out.

Duke Lacrosse Case, anyone?

I have had clashes and battles with the Republican side of American politics and engaged in actual combat against neo-Nazis, but the unhinged left side of America is completely idiotic and for the first time, I see shame and embarrassment in their faces.

I have had my share of fights with those idiots too and sadly, I cannot tell the difference between far right and far left other than the prejudices and hatred they both carry.

A pox on both their houses.

They should do the world a favor and run off a cliff.

Respect everyone and fear no one and the world becomes a better place.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Playing for the call,not the ball

The refereeing in the NFL has been terrible this year and the non-call in the NFC Championship is clearly an example of the problem. It should be addressed.

Still,there is another problem that is contributing to the alienation of fans from the sport and it is the attitude of the players themselves.

Too often,I see wide receivers running downfield, not make the catch and look around at the referees for a flag.  You did not catch the ball or the defense broke up the play. I have seen this in the games I ref too.  I have had players jumping up and down,shouting for a flag.  If there is no penalty, then there is no flag.  I tell the player to get back to his huddle or I will throw the flag.

I have tossed players out and one coach nearly got the boot.

Try playing the game.

No one goes to watch the refs.

Referee shortages and game cancellations should get the point across.

If not, the game of the future will be frisbee.

Kick over the crybabies and start teaching some self-reliance.  Generation Snowflake is doomed, so start toughening them up.  If they don't like it, oh well.

Win-win situation either way.

Friday, January 11, 2019


Harvard University, allegedly one of the top universities in America, if not the world, is being sued for discriminating against Asian-Americans because they do too well on entrance tests and are apparently too numerous on campus.

In other words, HarFraud is discriminating against smart people on the basis of their ethnicity.

Civil Rights Act, 1964, enter stage right.

Harvard is attempting to claim the moral high ground of "diversity" without explaining what that means and has been caught discriminating against superior applicants--not inferior or even marginal--but superior applicants because of their ethnicity.

Does that sound like a broken record?

It does because the logic is completely mind-boggling.

This also tells you what has become of our education system. It is about having the right box to check and as a result, unqualified people drag the university system down, churning out poorly educated graduate snowflakes that can't see to do, well, anything.

Time to defund the universities.That will get their attention and get them back on track.

Time for the universities to get a taste of the real world.  Better to find out now than get hurt worse later on because the pain, one way or the other, is coming.

Send your kid to a community college.  Cheaper, more practicable, and sane.

Plus you learn something with no crushing debt.

And chances are, you will not be discriminated against.