Friday, December 31, 2021

2021 In The Rearview Mirror


It was a fun year!

I succeeded in 2.5 out of 3 resolutions.

I resisted tyranny successfully and went on a successful fossil hunt.  #3 was "getting back in shape"  Made some progress, but still long way to go! :-) 

Michelle and I went on 4 trips in 2021, twice to Arizona and twice to Florida and a couple of days ago, we went on a fossil hunt!

We did out research, found the site, and plunged in.  I was worried at first, navigating a steep slope down, wondering if it was even legal to be there, and hoping I did not sink up to my ankles in creek mud.

The gravel was so thick, it was like walking on solid ground.  We found nearly 20 shark teeth!  

There were two major experiences this year that jumped out at me....marching out, step by step out of the Superstition Mountains while suffering from borderline heatstroke (stay calm and patient) and daring to overcome obstacles to get our fossils.....long trip, down the slope, stepping into the water, and finding what we came to find!

Good lessons to take into the New Year!

Friday, December 24, 2021

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Dimetrodon is not a dinosaur!


The Nazis apparently seem to have returned to Europe and there seems to be a chapter here in the US.  You see enough of that, so let's talk about something else.  It does not matter what the "public health" dictators say, I am still ignoring them.

I had a debate with another patron (no mask either...) over Dimetrodon.  He said it was a meat eating dinosaur.  I corrected him, telling my new friend that it was indeed a carnivore, but it was not a dinosaur.  It was a synapsid and closer to mammals than dinosaurs.  After he looked it up on his phone, he agreed and offered to by me some cookies.

I took an apple instead.

Lots of what we do know is usually speculative.  Nonetheless, we have complete skeletons of this animal and the two things you notice are the sail and the teeth!

My friend said Dimetrodon was the state fossil of Texas, where he was from.

And he was a Cowboy fan.

What did you expect? :-)

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thankgiving!



Wednesday, November 24, 2021

China and Taiwan


Ever since the Chinese Communists drover the Chinese Nationalists off the mainland to the island of Taiwan in 1949, Beijing has vowed to take over the island and unite to China.  There have been some harsh words between the two and occasional shots fired at each other, but no war.  

At least not yet.

Over the last year, the tensions between the two have ratcheted up.   Taiwan has been protected by the Taiwan Strait, the small size of the Chinese Navy, and a US security guarantee. Chinese planes have violated Taiwan's airspace and th4 People's Republic of China's navy has expanded tremendously, clearly with the intention of taking Taiwan and challenging the United States for Pacific domination. 

A Chinese invasion of Taiwan would be difficult since it would take six hours for marines to get across the strait and the Taiwan.  There are only so many beaches to land on the island.  Taiwan has been waiting.

Beijing is not stupid.

Whatever China has planned, it will be indirect. Some sort of clandestine strike would work best.  The main reason is that Taiwan is the world's leading producer of semiconductors. That could be the reason for the US could get pulled in.

So, what China needs to do is win before US forces arrive.

Could a paralyzing Chinese strike on America be planned?

The Twenty-first Century might get interesting real fast.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Earthquake in VA..the political kind


I am surprised the Democratic Party did not pull out the "mail in ballot" tactic.  Looks like they saved that for New Jersey.

If you insult parents, try to inculcate kids with hate with "Critical Race Theory", and try to silence them with the FBI, what do you think is going to happen?

A state that was supposedly in secure Democrat hands flipped and caused an earthquake.  

Naturally the Democrats tried to blame "racism" though they failed to mention the election of an African American Lieutenant Governor and Latino Attorney General.  So, that argument fell flat.  People are simply tired of hearing it.

The election had shockwaves that even had Australians speaking as they seek to get out from under the dystopian grip of their out of control government.  Curiously, the story did not seem to get a lot of press in Canada, whose people labor under the same oppression as Australia.  

Minnesota decided to keep their police, a new attorney general took office in Seattle, pledging to clean up the situation there.  We will see how it goes, but the liberal elements of the press seem to be upset and shouting.

That makes it a good thing.

Is America FINALLY waking up?

 I hope so! 

Time to pull the Democratic Party back to the center and leave the lunacy in the ash heap of history. 

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Happy Halloween!


Try not to get sick off all that candy!

Sunday, October 17, 2021

The American Revulsion


You are born free.

The Constitution exists to put your freedom in writing so that you don't forget...and people have bad memories.

The government exists to protect your rights.

If it becomes tyrannical, it is time to change it.

Biden's idiotic vaccine mandate has unleashed a tidal wave of anger and disgust as first responders find themselves having to take an experimental vaccine or get fired.  For some reason, Biden felt compelled to tell all businesses of over 100 that they have to do the same or have OSHA come after them.

Message to OSHA: "If you are not buying anything, get out."

Congress was not consulted, so there is no law.  There was not even an executive order (again, not obligated to follow it).  Just some old white guy in a suit shouting at you.

As the Brits say, "Get stuffed."

Or as 20 some odd states have said, "Not happening,"

And we know what the Chicago PD said....trying to keep it clean.

Roe v.  Wade legalized abortion and the doctrine of "my body, my choice."

Let's not forget Tuskegee and Operations Northwoods,

Please tell der Fuhrer Biden and his cronies that this is America and this country is based on freedom of choice.  I have flipped off a few "Karens" and tossed people out of my place for shouting about masks.  My store and I will run it any bloody way I please.

 Either we have a Constitution or it comes down to "make me."

Quick warning to any NOT take option two....1776, 1789, 1791, and 1917 should ring a few bells. 

Live your life, have fun, and ignore the idiots in DC. 

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Shark tooth in the desert!


Michelle and I were climbing up the side of the Wave Cave in the Superstition Mountains when I went sliding down the side of it.

No problem, not a scratch.

When I looked down at my feet, I saw an ancient shark tooth!

The tip was broken off, but it was not a problem.  It meant that it had been in a "feeding event" and our fishy friend/eating machine swam off to get something else.

This part of AZ had been part of an ocean about 70 million years ago and from what I heard, in the far south of the state, you can find megladon teeth.  The Supes are a "mere" 25 million years old, so I am sure the tooth is not anything from the Cenozoic so it might be even older..  Payson,up to the northeast, as exposed Paleozoic bedrock about 300 millions years old.

Heading back up there and who knows what else we find!

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Hoax on display


Let's see....Obama birthday mask for guests, but the hired help has to wear them.  Ditto for a Nancy Pelosi fundraiser, and now the Met Gala in Los Angeles where, once again, celebrities do not follow COVID protocols, but the employees do.  

Where was the Los Angeles Health Department on this? where.

Time to forget this stupidity and move no with our lives.

Ditch the slave masks.

Remind the Democratic Party that they could not defend slavery in the 1860s, and attempts at a caste system now won't work.

Leave these authoritarian hypocrites behind in the dustbin of history, ignore them, breathe free, and enjoy life.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Austrailia--The World's Largest Prison


As bad as many countries have reacted to the covid pandemic, Australia's reaction has been the most draconian and over the top.  The only possible--and I stress "possible"-- justification might be the resulting low death rate.  On the other hand, keeping people confined to their houses by force is as dystopian as any alternate history featuring a Soviet victory in the Cold War.

The people of Australia seem to be starting to rise up, with demonstrations turning violent.  The conduct of Australian cops and politicians has been terrible.  They seem even worse than authoritarian.  And now with face recognition software to ensure no one leaves there house is beyond anything the Nazis ever did.

Calling it like I see it.

If Australia wants to ban me from visiting, I will just shrug, since they won't let anyone in or out anyway.

Even Aussie Prime Minister Scott Morrison has admitted that this is not a sustainable situation.  There also seems to be growing discord between the Australian federal and state governments.

As long as the people tolerate this, it will continue.

And when this is over--one way or the other--what will be the relationship between the people and their government.

Before any Western nation babbles on about human rights, they need to look at themselves.

Time to end this, once again, one way or the other.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Afghanistan--Saigon 2.0


I waited a week to see how this would turn out, plus this was history unfolding so decided to watch.... just kept getting worse.

Our political leadership is a joke and I think the SecDef and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff should resign.

And how did they think the Afghan "Army" would last more than a half hour?  Seventeen intelligence agencies and everyone of them missed this possibility?  Why do we even keep these people who missed the fall of the Soviet Union, 9/11, and missed the Iraqi resistance after the invasion of 2003?

The roots of the US defeat, yes defeat, in Afghanistan are fairly obvious.  The Taliban clearly had the support of the people or else they could not overrun the country in a week.  The Taliban had sanctuary if not in Pakistan, then any number of places in Afghanistan itself.  And somehow, they Taliban was getting new weaponry and ammo from the outside, probably China by way of Pakistan again.  There was also a fourth factor.  

The "Wokeist" agenda the Pentagon tried to impose on Afghanistan did not work and if the Pentagon had used its $800 billion to fight, the whole conflict might have turned out differently.

America had the perfect chance to get out of Afghanistan with some sort of an accomplishment with the killing of Osama Bin Laden in 2011.  Of course, he was hiding in Pakistan, another indication that is was time to go. 

At the end of the day, 2500 Americans and who knows how many Afghans died so that the Taliban could take control again. 

A huge waste.

Biden was on vacation, gave a short address where he beamed everyone but himself for the debacle, and went to Delaware. 

Now we are looking at a potential hostage situation with thousands of trapped Americans.  And thousands of "refugees"--unvetted--are coming to America.

Looks like this story still has not reached the end.  

Look for possible internal terrorist attacks and a tepid Department of Homeland "Security" response.  Not to mention whatever else is walking over the southern border. 

Even when it is over, it isn't over.


Friday, August 6, 2021

This is how you do it!


They won't give Tamyra the headlines she deserves, but no one pays attention to the media anyway!  


Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Cuba Libre!


Cuba has struck for freedom!

After nearly seventy years of Communist rule, Cuba is throwing off the shackles! 

I find the muted US Government reaction a little puzzling.  Quite obviously, Cuban unhappiness with Communism does not match up with their socialist leanings.

There are even threats of fines and jail for anyone in Miami taking a boat trip to Cuba to deliver aid.

Reagan or Bush would have sent aid. Clinton might have if the polls numbers trended in the right direction.  Not sure about Bush Jr or Obama, but to be honest, the US military was stretched out at that time.

I don't think US military intervention is a wise idea.  A United Nations peacekeeping effort would work though,  Naturally, I don't hear anything like that from whatever clown we have as ambassador to the UN. 

I am hoping for a civilian "Dunkirk" going both ways.  

Cuba deserves to be free.  I am glad they are stepping forward to grab it.

The rest of the world should take notice.

Viva Cuba Libre!

Sunday, July 11, 2021

2020, 2021 Olympics...


First of all, given the "fear" over the Delta or Epsilon or Omega variant of the disease with the 99.8% survival rate, it seems like the world is getting progressively stupider.  Many, many pics of "leaders" violating "restrictions" just highlights the hypocrisy and no one paying any attention to them anyway.  

So if the "Delta variant" is real, why have nearly 14k foreign athletes arrive in Tokyo?

 Plans to have the Games in empty stadiums make me wonder why we should even bother. I am wondering if we just should cancel the 2020/2021 Olympics.  It just seems ridiculous and no one seems interested. 

The manufactured  "transgender" controversy, steroid abuse, and  the conduct of (sadly) American athletes who seem to hate the country they represent, makes it seem to be more trouble than it is worth.  Part of me says, most are good people and only a few bad apples are giving the whole US team a bad name.

Still, a postponed Games, the Covid Cult, professionals instead of amateurs, and political activism by people who have no idea what they are talking about about just turns it into a mockery.

Call it off and do some soul searching Olympic Committee.

Enforce Article 50 (no political crap) by taking medals away and create a transgender division and you will find the Olympic spirit is alive and well. Just find the will to do your job

If not, wrap it up and toss it in the garbage.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Sunday, June 27, 2021

China climbs the moutain


The rise of China is going to be the geopolitical story of this century, maybe THE story of this century.  It has been relentless, unapologetic, and historically almost unprecedented in its speed.  For a country that is supposedly communist, it has adapted to capitalism remarkably well..

China has its issues, particularly with a huge population that will inevitably age.  That, however, is not a problem at this moment.  Right now, China has penetrated its main rival, the United States, in many areas and has brought the world's largest country, Russia, into a formal alliance.

China has been on the top of the international heap for most of its existence. We have lived in in an era where China has not been the most powerful nation on the planet, which is a bit of an anomaly.   

It seems that China has decided to fix that.

China's recent rise is powered by the memory of humiliation visited upon the Celestial Kingdoms by Western powers.  Apparently this was more galling than the Mongol conquest. Nonetheless, after retaking Hong Kong and Macau, China feels that Taiwan is next.  The US alliance with the offshore island, a remnant of Nationalist China and unfinished business from the Chinese civil war in 1949. 

China has set a target date of 2049 to become the world's more powerful nation.  With an economy that seems primed to over take the US by 2023 and a navy that is growth seeming exponentially, it might achieve its goal earlier that that.   

With the US in the middle of internal turmoil and what seems to be a weakening will, China will probe out into the South China Sea and use that to break out into the Pacific toward what is called the Second Island Chain.  As you have probably guessed, the First Island Chain is Taiwan.

There are some interesting events on the horizon.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Time for a new US foreign policy


The United States has essentially been pursuing the same foreign policy since about 1950, or even a bit further back to the end of the Second World War if you really want to get technical about it.  Old habits die hard, but when you are twenty plus years into a new century, it might really be a good idea to kick the tires of your foreign policy and maybe get an oil change.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, America was trying to focus on an enemy that was not there.  President Clinton squandered the "peace dividend" after the Cold War, expanding a NATO that was not really needed, taking a confrontational role with anything on the horizon, and trying to shoehorn Saddam Hussein's Iraq into the role vacated by the Soviet collapse.

Then after the horrifying events of 9/11, "Islamic extremism" was used as the villain that was missing and President Bush embarked on a series of events that led to the US floundering in Afghanistan, pursuing mirages in Iraq,  launching missile strikes in Yemen, destroying Libya for no discernible purpose, and utterly failing to remove Assad from Syria. After all of the destruction and misery visited upon people who did nothing to us, the US is trying to recast Russia as the menace to Europe while not really sure what to do about the real threat--China.  And of course, many wonder why American servicemen are spread across the globe on hundreds of bases on every continent except possibly Antarctica.  The US armed forces have no business on the Syrian-Iraqi border while the US-Mexican border remains unguarded. 

Simple geography shows that the United States cannot fight two major wars at the same time while handing a contingency somewhere else, a grand strategy that dates back to the 1960s.  With problems here at home, the task facing the US armed forces proves even more daunting.  Some may use this an excuse to pump up the $800 billion dollar Pentagon budget, but I advise hitting the breaks on that line of thought. 

We shell out $800 billion a year and have yet to decisively win a war this century or at the very least, accomplish some sort of meaningful objective.  Not to mention, redirecting a few billion elsewhere can do wonders for our crumbling infrastructure. Or repair some damage from self-inflicted damage from idiotic COVID lockdowns. 

I suggest maybe not antagonizing Russia since its military has the world's largest nuclear arsenal.  I also think we can reach an accommodation with China while not abandoning our ally Taiwan.  And reducing, or even eliminating, our ground presence in the Middle East will do wonders for America's image there.

North Korea is, well, North Korea.  I can see the reason for leaving some US forces in South Korea.

I am not sure our political leadership is up to any sort of challenge, but the upcoming US-Russian summit in Geneva might be a ray of hope.  After all, Reagan and Gorbachev met there in 1985, leading to more summits in both Moscow and Washington and even led to the reduction of nuclear weapons arsenals on both sides.

And tell our idiot media to try to be optimistic for a change!

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Afghanistan wrecks another army


The British fought in Afghanistan throughout the Nineteenth Century to safeguard the British Raj of India and left, determined to never mention that country's name ever again.

The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979 to prop up a failing Communist government and ten years later withdrew without even looking over their shoulders.

Then it was time for the United States, perhaps having the best justification for invading after the 9/11 attacks, to plunge into the graveyard of empires in pursuit of Osama Bib Laden.

The original plan was to go in with about 30,000 troops, overthrow the Taliban and get Bin Laden,  If the Bin Laden hunt did not workout, the regular soldiers would be pulled out in about six months and then Special Forces would continue the hunt and the Afghan people would not even know they were there.

Instead, the US has spent two decades chasing shadows trying to create a "new" Afghanistan.

The US had the perfect excuse to leave on May 1, 2011 when Bin Laden was finally killed.  The United States could have been the first country to invade and leave under something like good circumstances.  As usual, "mission creep" made its way into and everything went off the rails.

Ten years after the perfect reason to leave--and accomplishment of the primary mission--the US was supposed to finally leave.  An agreement had been reached with the Taliban and we would see if the new Afghan Army would hold off the Taliban or would it perform an imitation of ARVN collapsing in 1975.

Then pushed the withdrawal date to September 11, 2021.  In other words, every US solider in the country just became a target for an angry Taliban thinking the Americans would be gone.  And what are those soldiers putting their lives on the line for now?  


May 1 and the anniversary of Bin Laden's death would have worked better.

With out exceptionally poor quality of leadership, I shudder to think of what other missteps they will take.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Happy Easter! (Western version :-P )


HAPPY EASTER!  The Western version anyway :-P

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The East Wind blows into Alaska


Last week, the world watched China's foreign minister lecture the US Secretary of State about human rights violations on US soil and had the temerity to tell Anthony Bliken that the "United States does not have the qualification that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength."to his face.  From the head of the State Department was silence.  

It was a moment that let the world know another superpower was taking the stage.

China is not stuck in unending wars, has a functioning economy, and a government committed to advancing the nation's interests.    By contrast the United States is stuck in the Middle East, has destroyed its own economy and has a government that has opened the southern border, seemingly committed to eventually destroying itself.  

The worst part was where the Chinese made the observation that "many Americans had no faith in democracy."

After the Supreme Court's refusal to even hear one election challenge, this does not come as a surprise. Also, the ham handed and uncoordinated way several states handled the pandemic, now fading away, did not help build any confidence either.

And the widespread academic discrimination against Asians, usually of Chinese descent, has not gone unnoticed by Beijing.

I have not started learning Mandarin on Duolingo yet, so I still have some faith.

After all, the last four letters of American is "I CAN."

Go forth and conquer!

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Tear down this wall!


So, the politicians in DC continue to hide behind a "temporary" wall that was supposed to come down in mid-March.  Now, it appears it will stay up until September.

Does this look like a free democratic government to you?

Imaginary threats are created as our (?) alleged government continues to hide.  

In 1987, Ronald Reagan challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall" as the Berlin Wall was build to keep East Germans from escaping their country.  

In 2021, the US government puts up a fence, with razor wire, to keep out threats that are not there as the southern border is opened to illegal immigrants carrying disease in the middle of a pandemic.

What is the all-powerful US government afraid of?  With all of its power, it must rely on fences and National Guardmen who do not want to be there because the all powerful government is afraid.

I was not impressed with East Germany.

I am not impressed with today's DC.

Both look and act the same.  Both are headed for the same place.

No great loss. 

Hopefully tomorrow's DC has a bit of common sense.

Just a little would be nice.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Right is right


 When you find yourself on the same side with AOC, you know it must be a really screwy situation.

It does not matter...right is right.  Some things transcend ideological differences.

Andrew Cuomo's horrific, bloodstained handling of nursing homes during the COVID pandemic has led to universal outrage.It is also the result of years of build up anger over Cuomo's arrogance and abusive leadership style.  His tone deaf "Who cares?  They died" press conference pushed everything over the edge.  Even New York State Attorney General Leticia James, not the most ethical person, was outraged when it was revealed that nursing home deaths had been grossly, and deliberately, undercounted.  Clearly, she wants to be the next governor.   The mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, is piling on, trying to distract attention away from  his failings as well.  Nonetheless, some form of justice is coming.

Even AOC is calling for a probe and investigation.

If is going to reveal even worse things.

Time for Cuomo to be led out in handcuffs.

The other governors better pay close attention.

You know what they say about karma....

Sunday, February 14, 2021

And the point was?


Why pursue impeachment charges against someone who is not in office?

Do the idiots in Congress not have anything else to do?  I have quite a few suggestions for them if they cannot think of anything.

After all the money and time that was wasted, nothing was accomplished and the country remains divided and Congress has a approval rating of 9%.

Meanwhile, notice how the COVID rates began dropping after January 20.  Now New York and Calfornia area opening everything up after their governors have found themselves in serious trouble.  California's Newsome is facing a recall vote and NY's Cuomo has been caught fudging deaths from COVID after he crammed the elderly into nursing homes,

I told you this would fall apart.

Meanwhile, go out and enjoy really seems to annoy politicians....sounds like fun on general priciple!

Was this to forestall a Trump 2024 run for the White House?  When I see the Capitol building behind a fence with the National Guard patrolling around it, I cannot help but wonder the worse.  Maybe if they were not so corrupt, this conversation would not be taking place. 

Well, I enjoyed watching Pelosi scream at her press conference.  Too bad they don't look that close at Antifa violence.  

More trails to explore tomorrow as we channel the spirit of TR!

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Climbing the mountain!


Michelle and I went climbing up Picacho Peak halfway between Phoenix and Tucson.  We did not go for the top since there were about a dozen people ahead of us and it takes a good two hours on a good day to climb the final couple hundred yards.It is still pretty challenging to go around the sides, especially wtih a near constant 45 degree angle.  

At least it was not 114 degrees!

There was some ice and snow in the shadows but as vets of many Canadian and Pennsylvania winters, it was too much of a challenge.  

Let the politicians kill each other.

We are going to ignore them and enjoy the show...

...from the top of the mountain with a great view in all directions!

Sunday, January 24, 2021

So, what are they afraid of?


I find it odd that the allegedly most popular candidate in US Presidential History had an inauguration with next to no one in attendance and behind barbed wire and 25,000 National Guard soldiers.  As the line from "A Few Good Men" says, "he should have been in no danger at all."

I also notice the National Guardsmen turning their backs on Biden as he drove by.  Having the FBI vet you and getting shoved into garages to sleep will probably had something to do with that,

Now, plans are in place to keep 7.000 troops in DC and to keep the fence up for a while.  It is interesting that the Democratic Party doesn't like border fences and guns, but has no problem hiding behind a razor wire fence and soldiers. Somehow, the mighty federal government does not look so mighty.

It might have something to do with divisive polices and putting themselves ahead of the country they are supposed to pursuing a pointless impeachment against someone not in office anymore.  Meanwhile, Americans are hoping for stimulus checks that are necessary to recover from self-inflicted COVID economic damage.

Idiotic restrictions, election corruption, tyranny under the guise of "public health" wonder they are hiding.

This looks like Venezuela, not America.

Countries like this don't hold together. 

We deserve a lot better.

Time to get to work.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Year 2021 yells "HOLD MY BEER!"


I am surprised it happened.

Guess I was not the only one!

Usually, Republicans just complain and do nothing.  It was obvious that Vice President Pence was going to do nothing about an election that was clearly fraudulent or even let there be a debate.  This time, someone other than Antifa or BLM led the charge.

I don't condone what happened, but when I think about Antifa and BLM rioting, all I can say to the talking heads and both parties is "Spare me the outrage...where were you over the summer?"

The question they need to ask is "Why did this happen?"

The answer:  There were many questions about what happened on Election night.  Thousands of Biden ballots suddenly appeared in the wee hours, sworn statements of corruption, and nearly sixty court challenges thrown out without even allowing people to state their case.  That is not even statistically possible!

If the challenges are as insane as Democrats say they are, then put them up in front of the Supreme Court and let everyone see how crazy it is.  After all, they if they believe the election was fair, they would have nothing to hide.  Instead, it seems like they are hiding something and when you give the people no recourse or a voice, the Capitol Takeover of 2021 is what happens. 

Al Gore got a chance to speak to the Supreme Court in the disputed election of 2000.  Why not Donald Trump?  It has nothing to do with partisanship.  It is all about fairness and respect, two things the country desperately needs. 

Instead we have far left Democrats calling for the resignation of Republicans who want to see if the voter was far.  And the actions of social media are violating the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. Where is the so-called "Justice" Department.  Is this America or democracy? People are allowed to disagree.

Instead of calling for unity, we see an idiotic effort to proceed with a second impeachment and calls for the XXV Amendment.  This sounds like people who are not interested in unity.  Especially when in the last ten days of an outgoing administration. 

The liberal dreams of a utopia will not come to pass if they stoke flames of division.

Be nice to everyone, let them speak, even if you don't agree, and 90% of the world's problems disappear.

If not, watch the Republican and Democratic Parties crash into the dustbin of history.  Does not matter who gets there first, they both will end up there. Don't follow them.



Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year!