Saturday, December 31, 2022

Charging into 2023!


Every year is a fun year, but it only lasts 365 days (unless it is a leap year!).  This year saw Russia invade Ukraine in Europe's biggest war since 1991 though some people kept shouting "1945"! Nice to see out failing school system fall another notch below where people thought it would bottom out.  When Russia attacks, they seemed to have shot COVID in the head and the most dangerous disease the universe ever saw just vanished!  By April, it was like it had never been!

Of course, the Canadian Trucker Convoy in Ottawa has a lot to do with that too as Justin Trudeau, who is less of a man than my cat, fled and called people names as he contracted COVID for the second time.  Canada is still in the depths of dystopia, but it seems to be climbing back up the slope.

I never wore a mask or got the vaccine.  I refused to go along with it, went where I felt like, and told a couple of overzealous self-appointed "mask commissars" to mind their own business if they knew what was good for them.

Then it was all gone....just like that.

Hopefully, it stays gone. Some people just don't want to let go of it. 

Michelle and I had the best nameday ever, scaling the Superstition Mountains and patting sting rays at an ostrich farm outside of Mount Picacho, site of the Civil War's most westward "battle". 

We had several successful fossil hunts and I am busy putting all my findings in an online museum soon enough!  Stay tuned! 

 I spent a lot of time slogging and sloshing around in creeks and dried river beds finding fossils this year, burnishing my "credentials" (LOL) as an amateur paleontologist.  Michelle is more on the administrative side of things though she seems to have a knack for finding good fossils with minimal effort!

Off we go to 2023, faster, stronger, and smellier than before! :-)

Friday, December 23, 2022

And what did they do for you?


I would like nothing more than to see the war between Russia and Ukraine end.  I never wanted it to happen in the first place.  Of course, people in Congress make money off of it, so it won't.

As Americans suffer 40 year high inflation and thousands are without power in the middle of a horrific Winter storm, Congress gave Ukraine $45 billion dollars.  

For people traumatized by an "insurrection" on January 6, 2021, Congress seemed to have no problem waving the flag of a foreign nation in the People's House as a foreign leader made demands of the United States.

Forty-five billion dollars for Ukrainian defense while the US-Mexico border is overrun.  It makes you really wonder if the USA is too stupid to survive sometimes.

And let's not forget the $1.7 trillion bill that was 4000 pages long passed in less than a day!

Enjoy your front row seat to the collapse of America.

You could say "It was fun while it lasted!" or you can dig in and start taking it back.

Your call, America.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Argentina wins the World Cup!


Argentina took down France for the World Cup in what was a great game that came down to penalty kicks!

Every four years, the world watches with breathless anticipation as the world's best soccer players battle out for the title of the world's best.

Yeah, I call it soccer.  Football is something else!

I am mainly a football and hockey guy, but watch the World Cup.  The US actually made it to the knockout round and did not stay there long (no surprise) and Greece was nowhere to be seen.  Having it in Qatar was interesting and I look forward to seeing it here in the US in 2026!

Gotta have a game at Heinz Field....sorry, Acrisure Stadium!

And Emilliano Martinez should have the Golden Glove taken from him.

So a little class, man!

Sunday, December 4, 2022

The election that won't end...


They used to use paper ballots and the entire election was decided by morning.  Now we have computers, and here we are, a month later and it is almost over.

The Georgia runoff is conducted according to that state's law, so no problem there.  I am talking about the dozen or so House elections that suddenly had "recounts" for the "mail-in votes".  Even now, Colorado has one race still outstanding despite Lauren Boebert's opponent conceding all ready.

This just chips away at democracy.  We used to have open elections run professionally and quickly,  Now we get endless litigation, recounts, and phantom ballots like this is Bolivia or some place,  In Arizona, the governor's race, fraught with vote machine malfunctions was overseen by a candidate for that office, a candidate who did not actively campaign or have a single debate.   

Democracies need to reliable and run like clockwork as well as being sane.

We have not seen a lot of that over the last two years.

Time to pull back or we plunge into Weimer style collapse.

If you don't think it can happen here, take a good look around.

Hopefully we pull back in time.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

The Russian missile attack that wasn't


Do you think I was going to let the Associated Press off the hook?

They reported, through an anonymous source (of course...), that a Russian missile landed in Poland and killed two people.  NATO was ready to call for an Article 4 meeting to gather to discussion an Article 5 over whether this was attack or what to do next.

Only it never happened.

Odd how there were no photos or independent confirmation through satellite or ground sources or even a picture of the impact site.

 Of course, Ukraine got $38 billion in aid and I bet none of it made it to Kiev.  NATO has desperately tried to remain relevant and Russia's resurgence is the life raft they found.  As NATO prattles on about Russian aggression, Western campaigns against Serbia and and Libya are pushed under the rug.

NATO does not want a war with Russia or vice versa.  They want to keep the tensions so that the flow of weapons sales and "foreign aid" is not cut off:  

I am worried about a 1914 rerun.  No one wanted a war then either, but the political leaders of a century ago led a regional crisis get out of hand and the worst war in history broke out.....until the next one.

Given the low quality of political leadership in today's world, it could happen again.

Let's hope  history does not repeat itself.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

North Korean sheniggans


It would be funny if there were not for the fact that nuclear weapons were involved.

North Korea, a threat to most of Northeast Asia in the best of times, became a nuclear power in 2006.  With the ability to launch nuclear-tipped nukes, North Korea is now a Pacific-wide threat, able to hit the US West Coast.

Considering the growing instability on the planet, worse case Russian attack west, Chinese attack on Taiwan, Iranian assault in the Persian Gulf, and North Korean attack into South Korea would be the ultimate nightmare,  Given the low quality of Western leadership at this point in history, the scenario gets scarier. 

Fortunately, Russian and Chinese leadership has not been all that impressive in 2022 as Russia's bog-down Ukrainian venture and China's sound and fury over Taiwan, basically just launching missiles into the water despite threats of force.

The problem is North Korea.

If they were to attack into South Korea, a second Korean War could pull everyone into a conflict that could turn into the scenario above. That is how the First World War started.  Terrible leadership that lost control of a local Balkans crisis that turned into the nightmare of 1914-1918 and set the stage for the a worse war twenty years later.

Big difference between then and now are the nukes.

If everyone loses control (if they had it to begin with), the war comes to everyone's home.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Alberta apologizes


Danielle Smith, the new Premier of Alberta, officially apologized to vaccinated Canadians were were oppressed during the COVID pandemic.  After all of the mandates, restrictions, and general idiocy promulgated by the Canadian government (not even going into reaction to the Freedom Convoy), one of the country's largest provinces just admitted it was all an overreaction. 

Meanwhile Arthur Pawlowski and Christoper Scott, heroically keeping their church and restaurant open in the face of oppression that violated their rights enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights, went to court and had COVID-related charges thrown out.  

Now, Alberta apologizes.  

Better late than never.

Now let's wait for the other provinces and the Canadian federal government to follow suit.

On the other hand, bugger them.

Never forget they tried (and failed) to shut down businesses, churches, and family holidays, tried to create a Nazi-style vaccine passport ("Papers, please!") to go in a store, and made people watch Gram die on Skype.  

Never forget and never let it happen again!

They basically tried to run Tuskegee 2.0.

If you are not sure that that is, look it up.

Use the computer for something other than pornography! :-) 

And have a fun life!

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Not how to make friends...

 It is really hard to keep up with Biden's screw ups since there are so many to pick from every week.

Watching the US-Saudi relation unravel in an interesting study of watching a good relationship fall apart.  Not sure how it happened, but as Barack Obama said, if you want to screw something up, "give it to Joe Biden". It was phrased a bit more colorfully, but you get the point.

The US used to depend on Saudi Arabia for oil, but by 2016, tapping her own reserves, America achieved the energy independence that President Nixon said the US would achieve by 1980.  Better late than never!

Biden slithers into office, shuts down the US oil pipelines and America's economy nosedives.  After going to Saudi to beg for more oil, Biden is refused to his face and Riyadh raised the price of oil on the US. Saudi drops it for European and Asian nations, but raised it twice on the US in two months.

So much for years of diplomatic experience.

The easiest way out of the oil mess is to drill in North Dakota.

Instead, Joe Biden starts releasing oil from the Strategic Oil Reserve without putting anything back in.  This is the path to disaster.  Somehow this does not surprise anyone.  

Regaining oil independence means the US does not have to worry about what Saudi Arabia thinks. Getting oil from Venezuela is not the answer.

Now Saudi Arabia is thinking about joining BRICs, the economic alliance between Brazil, Russia, India, and China.  Saudi inclusion makes this group even stronger.  Watch for China or Russia to try to solved Irainian-Saudi troubles in the Persian Gulf and if successful, their prestige in the region rises.

After two decades of warfare in the Middle East, Americans should be infuriated. 

Guess we will see after the midterm elections.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

COVID ends in Canada


Common sense and decency returned to Canada as the Trudeau morons dropped all COVID restrictions.  There are some universities still pursuing this insanity, but the rest of the nation is free of this stupidity. Meanwhile, a lawsuit challenging this actions is making its way to the Canadian Supreme Court.  Violations of Canadian Charter of Rights have a way of doing that....

Many areas have been ignoring the Covid decrees for a while, but the US-Canadian border is finally reopened. at least from the Canadian side.  Meanwhile, Washington demands vaccines to enter the country, while hundreds of thousands cross over from Mexico, a violation of US law.

Now we have to make sure this does not happen this again!

Listening to these idiots and their decrees is what gives them power.  If you don't listen, it is like pulling the plug.

Governors of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin have had their emergency powers stripped from them.  So, quite a few people get it!

Now, go forth and conquer! 

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Happy Anniversary!


On September 27, 2008, I married my soul mate, Michelle!  The planet is still off its axis!  LOL

Sunday, September 25, 2022

All Hail the Vienna Vikings!


I have been watching the European League of Football since its season started back in April.  I am always a fan of startup leagues and having been in those cleats before, I often cheer for the players in general rather than a team in particular!

On Sunday, the Vienna Vikings defeated the Hamburg SeaDevils

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Saturday, September 10, 2022

King Charles III


Saying "King Charles III" is going to take a lot of getting used to!

Right after getting a new Prime Minister, Britain got a new monarch.  

Queen Elizabeth II, the longest reigning monarch in British history, passed on to a better dimension, putting Charles, the Prince of Wales since 1969, onto the throne.

Elizabeth II had been a permanent fixture in Britain and she, although a figurehead, ruled (?) with grace, humor, and respect for all.  She was a great example for the whole world!

Gnarly Charlie is the oldest person ever to ascend to the British throne at 73, so he all ready has Prince William on deck at the new Prince of Wales.

Charles I and Charles II were not good kings, so maybe three is a charm.  Of course in 2022, the King of Britain (again, hard to say) is only a ceremonial head of state, so the whole thing is kinda academic. 

Charles I got into a civil war with Parliament and lost his head (literally) and Charles II had 12 illegitimate kids and owed money all over the place.  He paid it off with land, giving one group of investors land south of Virginia, that they named for Charles, giving it the feminine Latin name of "Carolina:.  Charles II also owed money to a one William Penn, who got a grant for the land between New York and Maryland.  Seeing how densely forested it was, he called it "Penn's Woods", diving into Latin to come up with "Pennsylvania"

Maybe we were too hard on Charles II....LOL

Best of luck to Charles 3.0!  I am going to see if he is handing out any land on Mars!

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

New PM for Britian!


Boris Johnson finally was caught from behind by Partygate. While "Gram" was dying in hospice and you were not allowed in to see her, he was partying with his staff.  Personally, I think he got off easy.  

At least he is gone.

I am not sure if Liz Truss is going to do well or horrible, but she has two years to fix up a lot of messes left in the wake of BoJo's departure.

Britain has an energy crisis about to explode, inflation is higher than at any other time since the 1970s, and there is a tidal wave of illegal immigration that the previous PM promised to halt.  Toss in the aftermath of the COVID insanity and lingering Brexit stuff and it is pretty obvious that she needs to hit the ground running.

Two years before the next election....get to work, Liz!

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Don't listen to that fool


Don't listen to that fool behind the podium with the Nazi-inspired background and don't let him provoke you into doing something foolish.

Listen to this instead:

Thursday, August 18, 2022

United States of Stupid


I have been watching the events of the last few days, waiting to see how it all plays out.  The FBI turned KGB raid on Donald Trump's house, the FBI/KGB back peddling from aformentioned raid, the crime engulfing the once-great city of New York, and the idiocy in the Western Pacific between the US and China. 

This is probably why aliens don't visit.

I don't blame them.

I focus a bit more on the stupidity engulfing the Pacific.  There was no reason for Pelosi to begin a series of US Congressional trips to China, knowing it would anger Beijing.  On the other hand, for all the threats China issued, all they have done is fire missiles into the ocean. 

All I can conclude is that their leaders are as stupid as ours.

Hopefully they don't blunder into a Third World War...given how the First World War started, it is easy to expect the worst.

Sometimes watching History unfold had get a little hairy.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Anyone seen Greta?

 When Russia invaded Ukraine back in February, Europe, hooked on Russian oil and gas, decided to commit energy suicide.  Western Europe cut itself off from Russia's energy exports and now, Germany in particular, is going back to coal energy.

So where is Greta?

Should she not be out there shouting about the dirty form of nineteenth century fuel?

Don't get me wrong.  I think she is right about protecting the environment.  The problem is that she and her fans are championing solutions that don't work because they are not practical. 

Instead of destroying Russia's economy through sanctions, Europe's economy is about to fall apart.

It is going to be cold winter in Europe.

Wait until they start burning wood.

Maybe Greta shows then.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Commander in Covid


After attempting to force people to take covid vaccines and shouting about the Most Deadliest Disease In History, the twice vaccinated double boosted Joe Biden contracted covid.  The Fool of the Great White North, Justin Trudeau, has gotten it twice and the High Priest Fauci even got it despite all the vaccinations.  

The liberals (or call them what they are, "communists") would clap with glee and joy if he was not a member of the Democratic Party and wish death upon him.

I will, as Michelle Obama once said, "take the high road" and wish him well and for a full recovery. Hopefully this experience will get him to change his mind on some things. 

Some have speculated that this might be the beginning of an orchestrated march to retirement shortly after the midterms. Certainly possible, but his possible replacements do not inspire any confidence.

History is interesting and fun, but sometimes it is better to read or write about it than to live through it. Might be a bumpy ride. 

Oh well, get well soon.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Sri Lanka leads the way!


Sri Lankans stormed the Presidential Palace and drove into the pool.  First thing to do after overthrowing a government?  Has a kind of French Revolution feel to it.  If anything else, it is great entertainment!

The reason for this turn of events is the Sri Lankan government's attempt to confiscate farmland and to "reduce nitrogen".  Italy had a calmer change over government over the same policy and now protests are breaking out in the Netherlands, Germany, and Poland over the same stuff.

Taking people's farms is sheer lunacy.

The alleged democracies seem to have forgotten that they work for the people, not the other way around.  You have natural rights to make a living as well as speech and association, values that seem to be under attack by Western governments.

Two ways to handle it.

Peaceful protest or revolution.

As President Kennedy once said, "If you make peaceful change impossible, revolution becomes inevitable."

Let's avoid it all together and do the right things.

Common sense does not cost anything. 

Lack of it.....well, see the picture.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Changing US Army base names?


Apparently, the names of US Army bases in the Southeast are "offensive" despite being named for die-hard Democrats back in the 1860s. Diehard Democrats who led a war to secede from the Union.  Somehow, in their righteousness, today's Democratic Party has forgotten that.

The reason these bases, like Bragg or AP Hill or Hood, have Confederate names is from a spirit of reconciliation and to put the horrors of the Civil War behind us and unify the nation. 

To be honest, I am not sure why they named Fort Bragg for Braxton Bragg.  He was not a good general nor popular with his soldiers. He also lost more battles than he won and argued with fellow CSA general Leonidas Polk, who was not that great a general either.  They were better off naming it Fort Sandhills or something.

Right now, there is talk of renaming the base "Fort Liberty", which on the surface is not too bad.  Unfortunately, it rings hollow like everything else from this administration.  Forced vaccines that don't work and the fact that the idiot SecDef and the treasonous Chairman of the Joint Chiefs who promised to warn China in case of a US attack both got COVID anyway makes it sound even worse. And let's not forget the suddenly new policy of refusing religious exemptions, one of the very rights the US Armed Forces is sworn to protect.

A better idea would be to rename Fort Bragg for Edward Bragg of New York, who was a general for Wisconsin for the war.  It gets rid of the Confederate connection and you don't have to spend a lot of money changing signs.

That money could be used for something better, like helping people.

Or is that "extreme"?

Calling it like I see it.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Happy Fourth of July!


It seems like the whole first week of July is a big celebration!

Tomorrow, let's talk about US Army base renaming!


Friday, July 1, 2022

Happy Gettysburg Day!


Happy Gettysburg Day!  The first three days of July 1863 are always held in reverence in Pennsylvania!  

It is also Canada Day and we hope and pray for the end of the despotic Trudeau regime so that Canadians can breathe free! 

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Roe v Wade overturned


I still cannot believe that Roe v Wade (1973) was repealed!

On the surface, nothing really changes.  It just tosses the issue back to the states, where the people can decide to allow it, limit it, or ban it,

Naturally, many so-called liberals exploded in anger and there were some violent demonstrations and we saw the planned assassination of a Supreme Court justice was attempted by some idiot in a cab. So much for rational and thoughtful reactions.

I, personally, have been against abortion, except in cases of medical emergency, rape, or incest.  Most states have a fifteen week law, so that seems like a compromise we can live with,  Now way would I ever acquiesce to New York's post natal abortion aspirations.  On the other hand, it looks like the once great state of New York is all ready destroying itself, so it must be a natural progression.

The overseas reaction is interesting, since it is none of their business and it seems to align with British and Canadian law anyway.  Meanwhile Boris Johnson is a world-class hypocrite and we stopped caring about what London thought since July 3, 1776.  

Moron of the Century Justin Trudeau called the news "horrifying" and pledged the help American women, stating he always stands for bodily autonomy.  Meanwhile, you need a COVID vaccine to get into the Great Dystopian North.  We know he is an idiot and hypocrite too.

I could get really nasty and draw parallels between the Nazis starting  a world war that resulted in the deaths of nearly 50 million people and how abortion led to 60 million aborted babies, but I will be nice and let the alleged liberals give themselves a stroke.

Roe v Wade (1973), overturned.  :-)

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Happy Megalodon Day!


Today we celebrate the largest shark ever--Megalodon!

Time to put on paper shark hats and eat fish sticks!

Close to 40 feet long, this guy cruised all of the world's oceans from 23 million years ago to about 3 million years ago.  All we have are huge fossil teeth (I have one!) and some vertebrate that we can use to extrapolate the size.  The teeth look a lot like larger versions of the Great White Shark, leading many to think that it never became extinct, but just "downsized".

Given that 90% of the ocean is unexplored, maybe it is still out there someplace!

Probably not in Arizona though! LOL

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

China tries to break into the Pacific


China has aggressively been trying to break out of the containment ring that has been set around it.  While the US has fashioned the "Quad" (India, Australia,Japan, and the US) and AUKUS (Aussies, Britain, US) alliances, China has tried to reach accommodations with Pacific micronations in what are called "bilateral security and aid packages".  The idea is to build Chinese navy and bases there clearly.  Australia, too busy repressing its own citizens, was caught off guard when the Solomon Islands signed such a deal with Beijing.  After the Chinese tour of ten Pacific islands did not end with an agreement between the small school of Pacific dots and Asia's greatest power (this time), Beijing began sending large flight of fighter jets through Taiwanese airspace.  Most alarming is the large number of Chinese ships WEST of Taiwan.  Exercise or taking up station? 

With Blundering Biden's commitment to Taiwan and his staffs walking back of such comments, you start putting the pieces together and an alarming picture comes into focus.

The new Cold War is not--nor was it ever going to be--in Europe.  It it the Pacific and some of these islands--Solomans, New Guinea, Guadalcanal, Midway, Guam--are places you have heard of before.

Time to get some new maps and start to become familiar with them!

Monday, May 30, 2022

Happy Memorial Day!


Tomorrow, China's aggressive Pacific moves...

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Finland and Sweden in NATO...forget about China?


Finland and Sweden are actively trying to join NATO, abandoning traditional (since 1945 in Finland) neutrality.  They cite a fear of potential Russian aggression.  The problem is that given Russia's underwhelming military performance in Ukraine, it just seems a little premature.  Plus, now this gives Russia a reason to aim nukes at Helsinki and Stockholm. Finland's early bilateral agreement with Britain was probably a good middle route.

Meanwhile, China is basically surrounding Taiwan with ships and planes and there seems some stockpiling of supplies in southeast China right across from what Beijing calls "the renegade province".  The there was the news of the Soloman Islands sighing a basing agreement with China, giving Beijing a stepping stone beyond the First Island Chain.  The Solomans and China say it is not a basing agreement, but we know what that means--its a Chinese base.

Australia was upset, considering the area it sphere of influence.  If they had not been so busy repressing their own citizens, they might have notice the Chinese diplomatic incursion on their front door.

Be on the lookout for the moving of superconductor chip manufacturing to the US. Taiwan leads the world in this field, but if that capacity is moved stateside, it might be over for Taiwan before it even starts.  

Next, Indonesia will start to see a lot of Western and Chinese "aid packages" coming their way and Chinese attempts to attempt to cruise towards Guam and Pearl Harbor without being seen.

If History does not repeat, it certainly rhymes.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Happy May 12!


Happy May 12th!

Big holiday and celebration of victory over The Citadel!  

Michelle and I have been running around out in the Arizona desert over the last couple of weeks and it seems really odd to see green after so long!

Shout about Friday the 13th tomorrow and how Finland and China might start a third world war!

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The masks are gone!


Cheers erupted on airplanes and in the airports as a federal judge overturned the useless mask mandates for planes, trains, and public transportation.  The unelected CDC is upset and maybe there is a challenge coming though it seems that the current administration went out of the way to announce that the TSA would not enforce the non-law mandate.  Obviously, they are trying to claim credit for the announcement even though the illegal decree was their idea in the first place.

The Great Dictator is not all powerful.

The airlines and flight attendants have been begging for the decree to be lifted.  The last 24 hours have been the happiest we have seen on airlines in a very long time!

Don't let them do this again!

Passive resistance can shut it down in 24 hours if Americans find their courage again.

So find it!

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Russia off UN Human Rights Council--Canada and Austrailia next?


Since Russia invaded Ukraine, Moscow was thrown off the UN Human Rights Council.  It only stands to reason that repressive countries like Canada and Australia, trampling peaceful protesters and forcibly deporting their citizens to quarantine camps, would be next. 

The United Nations lost credibility a long time ago, so UN sanction really does not mean much.

This brings us to the question--Why do we have a United Nations?

It might be time for them to relocate to someplace more fitting like Cairo or even Casablanca.  As for the UN Building, that is a lot of office space not generating any revenue for a cash starved US government.

Give the US disregard for the UN, exemplified by multiple overseas American military operations since 2003, I am surprised this question has not bounced around Washington, DC. Our $11 billion has plenty of uses here at home and our trillion dollar budget deficit cannot really handle such hand outs.

The UN is good for humanitarian operations and peacekeeping, so let's not get rid of it completely.

But unless it does what it is supposed to do, let's not make it more than it really is--a glorified debating society.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Happy Anniversary!

One this day in 2007, I gave Michelle her ring in front of Heinz Field!  In 2012, I successfully defended my thesis on Greek hoplite warfare!  Pictured below is the site of both the historic event and the happy couple!



Thursday, March 17, 2022

Russian-Ukrainian War of 2022


Like everyone else on the planet, I have been watching the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  Funny how COVID suddenly vanished.  Nonetheless, the war in Eastern Europe has grabbed center stage.

Russia's invasion has not exactly gone to plan, though they still have the upper hand.  It seems Moscow had decided to surround and pound Kiev (or Kyiv I have been seeing lately) into submission.  There are talks between the two nations and I hear talk of "positiveness".  Well, the shooting has not stopped.

Maybe it will.

I cannot see this ending without some sort of guarantee of Ukrainian neutrality.  NATO is not going to let Ukraine in anyway (too corrupt, too unstable), so take the neutral approach.  I am sure the Crimea and the eastern separatists will remain a problem, but neutrality stops the war.

Over here, the Republican party is stuck in 1985.  

A no-fly zone puts us in direct conflict with a nuclear armed superpower.  As much as a house plant Biden is, at least he has said "NO" to that lunatic idea.

Remember one thing about Congress.  Everytime they have authorized military action, you never see them going into the warzone.

Remember that. 

No to war.

Let the bloodthirsty 80 year olds in Congress strap on some armor and mount up.

At least it would be entertaining.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Russia vs Ukraine


Four days ago, Russia invaded Ukraine.  I was surprised because I thought the occupation of Luhansk and Donetsk would be the worst case scenario. Well, Russia invaded.

How this ends is anyone's guess though I think Russia wins a hard tough slugging match at the end and Ukraine becomes neutral.  After that, we have Cold War 2.0 and NATO has a reason to exist, the real goal of this whole thing ...until China grabs Taiwan a week after this war ends. 

A written promise to keep Ukraine neutral in exchange for a written Russian pledge not to invade Ukraine could have kept this from happening.

Given the quality of world leadership in 2022, this failure comes as no surprise.

Notice how COVID suddenly vanished from the news...

NATO's eastward expansion led to this.  I don't excuse (or understand) the Russian attack, but serious substantive negotiations could have prevented the biggest war in Europe since 1945. Remember how Ukraine's democratic government, ready to stand for re-election in May 2014, was overthrown in March 2014.  Remember who back that.  That was why Russia grabbed Crimea.

Putin is described as a thug heading a oligarchic kleptocracy.  Ukraine is basically the same thing, and, to be brutally honest, the people in the West need to look at their own leaders.  At the end of the day, this is not a battle of good vs evil as the media is trying to portray this as.  It is a battle between nations pursuing their interests.  Failure and a lack  of common sense has led us here.

Don't expect the United Nations to do anything.

Russia and Ukraine are going to have to settle this. 

Hopefully it ends soon.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Get rid of this idiot...


Time to get rid of this idiot....Justin Trudeau, just in case you could tell with the blackface.

Invoking emergency laws and calling a Jewish Member of Parliament a "supporter of the swastika"?!

Time for a no confidence vote.  If the Liberal Party finds the intestinal fortitude to to the right thing.

Meanwhile COVID restrictions continue to fall across North America and only the US and Canadian federal governments are trying to resist the tide of change.  They will give in soon enough.  Notice how they try to use "Russian aggression" as a distraction?  More on that tomorrow.

Keep the protests peaceful and keep it up!

Going to be interesting when the US truckers reach DC...

OK, three straight Canadian posts....tacking Russia-Ukraine tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Saskatchewan leads the way!!!


Saskatchewan premier Samuel Moe announced that all COVID restrictions, including the horrid vaccine passport, will be dropped by February 28.  I prefer they drop it all right now, but we take what we can get.  Ottawa is shut down, the US-Canadian border between Alberta and Montana is also shut down, and there are other convoys forming up in the US and Netherlands.

Freedom is on the march!

Stay vigilant though.  These politicians could not tell the truth if it walked up and bit them in the backside!

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Canada wakes up!


After two years of unwarranted oppression, Canadians are standing up to their oppressive government.  You CANNOT force people to take experimental vaccines and force them to choose between work or taking this thing that appears to have adverse effects.  And bring out vaccine passports to participate in daily life.....and to travel?!

It is as if the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms never existed!

Meanwhile, memories of the Nazi T-4 program and the Tuskegee Experiments are brushed under the rug by the nations who were responsible.

Canadians meekly accepted draconian restrictions that were never voted on, but it seems they have finally had enough!

Hundreds of Canadian truckers are descending on Ottawa, ignoring the travel restrictions, to protest vaccine mandates that are illegal under Canadian and international law.  The protesters have all ready scored one victory as Dictator, formerly Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau claims to have been exposed to Covid and had to self-isolate....just as the protestors are arriving.

On January 29, all stores in Canada will open up and decide to end Covid restrictions on their own.  The Canadian government is not all powerful and needs to be reminded that it serves the people, not the other way around.

The dirty secret of security is that no security system can handle huge numbers of protesters.  Some Canadian cops are sympathetic and won't do anything, but we have seen too many give into their inner fascist.  Time to end this....yesterday!

Then move on to the dystopian nightmare of Australia and various Western European countries that have lapsed into authoritarianism. Meanwhile, Germany and Austria seem to be embracing their Nazi past with mandatory vaccinations.

Britain, Ireland, and Denmark have dropped all restrictions.

Never in history have people demanding forced injections and demanding to "see papers" been the good guys and they will always lose.

Time for them to follow their idol Adolph into the bunker and head straight to the ash heap of history.


Monday, January 17, 2022

Sunday, January 16, 2022

It was never a law


Biden's mandate was never a law.  It could not be enforced since the the executive does not make law...Congress does.  Basic civics 101...something that a lot of elected buffoons seem to forget.  Listening to these idiots is what gives them the power they think they have.

 OSHA, with its 200 inspectors, said it could not enforce it anyway, so clearly the idiots in the White House thought people would just go along with it as long as some idiot with a tie and a clipboard showed up and said they had to do it.

I once threw the health inspector out, so no dice, Joe.  

Unfortunately SCOTUS said that nurse still had to labor under this idiocy but many idiot states like New York are suddenly waving nurse back in that test positive...The moron governor of New York should have thought about that before firing them.

Your...yes, YOUR government is not a god.  They WORK for YOU! You have to yank the chain occasionally to remind them.

Don't listen and don't comply.  

Think about that as Martin Luther King Day dawns tomorrow. 

Live your life, be happy, and let the wannabe dictators join their idol Adolph in the basement c.April 1945.

Have a great day!

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Better view of the shark teeth!


Here is a pic of the actual shark teeth we found!

Starting from the top going across is #4, a deer tooth, and second row, number 5 is an alligator tooth.  The cone looking thing on the bottom is from a squid and oldest fossil, at least 70 million years old. The shark teeth are at least 30 million years old along with the alligator tooth.  The deer tooth has got to be the most recent though I am not sure exactly old.  I do know that deer started appearing around 40 million years ago, so maybe it is as old as the shark teeth.  How it got there, I don;t know...washed into the creek from somewhere else or maybe it got dragged into the water by an alligator?

Heading back up there soon!

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year!


Into the New Year, we charge!!!