Sunday, December 31, 2023

Off to 2024!


It was a great 2023, featuring fossil hunts, traveling north, south, and west, and overall stuff...LOL

Charging onto 2024!

Monday, December 25, 2023

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Christmas in Europe


This is what happens when you let nearly a million unvetted people into your country, Germany.  Police are patrolling Christmas markets to prevent bombings.  This something that never happened before 2015 when then-Chancellor Angela Merkle, with no vote or debate, let tons of people into the country.  Now there have been terrorist attacks and the country seems to be rudderless.

Three terrorists were caught in Germany planning attacks along with one other from the Netherlands, who was extradited to Berlin.  Denmark caught three others as well.

Meanwhile, the Border Patrol found 10 improvised explosive devices (IEDs) carried by people walking over the border.

Rule #1 of any government is to protect its people.  Biden clearly is not interested in doing it.  If he is not removed, make him irrelevant by ignoring anything coming out of DC.  Worked for India and the Canadian truckers started the downfall of COVID with peaceful resistance.  Time to do it again to save the country. 

No violence, no revolution.  Just non-cooperation until they do their jobs.

The 2024 election is going to be very interesting...

Monday, December 4, 2023

Back from AZ!


Chelly and I were out in Arizona for a couple of weeks, romping around the Superstition Mountains.  We generally stay on the front side of the mountains.  My favorite trial--#56--goes a little behind, but not too far.  Too many rumors of people falling in crevices and cliffs back there!

Haven't seen any lizard people or aliens though.

Naturally we arrive home just in time to see the Arizona Cardinals beat Pittsburgh :-(

It was a little chilly by AZ standards and some people, seeing my Penguins cap, accused me of bring "Pennsylvania weather" to the desert.  Well, they got the last laugh with the Cardinals winning in Pittsburgh...

 Naturally, the cats were upset we had left without permission.

We got them the food they like and we might be forgiven.

Maybe :-)  

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Monday, November 20, 2023

Romping around in PA!


Michelle and I went up to the motherland, Pennsylvania to romp around Gettysburg.  We had not been there for a while and went East into Amish country near Lancaster.  We usually roam around the West side of the state and don't really go beyond Gettysburg, so it was a welcome departure to check out a new place.

We did stop short of going into Philadelphia!

We also took the back way through Western Maryland and Northern Virginia.  We went past the Antietam and Bull Run battlefields before getting back on I-95 and a direct route home. 

Next time, we might go for the Great Plains and up to the Canadian border to yell insults at Justin Trudeau.  Gotta feeling no one will try to stop me...LOL


Saturday, November 11, 2023

Friday, November 10, 2023

More Middle East stuff...


There have been forty (probably more...) drone attacks against US troops in Syria and Iraq since the outbreak of the Israeli-Hamas.  Fortunately no American soldiers have been killed.  So, what happens if one does get killed?

The US has launched a few airstrikes, but against minor targets.  The Iranian-backed militias do not seem that impressed. 

A deadly Iraqi militia strike could restart another Iraq War and it seem pretty obvious US troops are not welcome there.  It might be a good idea to leave, but do so under the cover of airstrikes.  I don;t like the idea of leaving like that, but it is better than another Afghan debacle and the possibility of a war with Iran, leading to wider regional war and who knows after that.

With the somewhat low quality of leadership in DC, America might be sleep walking into a Third World War.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Watching the Middle East


It looks like the long-awaited Israeli attack into Gaza has begun.

It is not going to the be a huge all-out attack over in a couple of days.  There are tunnels and built up areas, not to mention hostages to complicate the situation.  It looks like a 21st century Stalingrad is about to occur.  It will be nasty and bloody.

And a long campaign

 And there seems to be the possibility of a second front on the Israeli-Lebanon border as Hezbollah is launching raids and missiles..

I don't think Iran will be directly involved.

Iran has only 500 some odd missiles and the attack profile is not promising for any inbound Iranian missiles.  And I don't see Iranian armor or infantry showing up in Lebanon in any great numbers.  Armored formations would be seen crossing Iraq or Syria.

The course of events seems obvious, so I can't help but think there is something else in the works.  

I keep looking at the undefended US southern border and hope something has not come across.

Time will tell.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Second Yom Kippur War?


If you don't learn from history, it will repeat!

On Yom Kippur 1973, Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack that caught Israel off guard.

In 2023, fifty years later, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority caught Israel off guard with a surprise attack.

 Everyone knows that extremists operate around anniversary.  I would think that the fiftieth anniversary  of the 1973 attack that saw the Arab nations fight the Israelis to a standstill would warrant some extra attention from the vaunted Israeli intelligence agencies.  The CIA missed it too, but when US intel agencies are busy spying on their own citizens, some things will slide by...

Nearly 5000 missiles (maybe 7500) slammed into Israel from Gaza, killing hundreds.  How did they miss this?

There have been attacks on civilians and war crimes.  Any call for a cease-fire are going to fall on deaf ears.  This has been described as an Israeli 9/11 or Pearl Harbor and the Israelis always hit back and hit back hard.

The question now is if Gaza turns into a Middle Eastern Stalingrad.  I don't think the Israelis are going to hit some targets and move on.  Too much blood has been shed and the reserves are called up.

This is going to be a major war.

Clearly, Hamas has some help in pulling this off, definitely from Iran and with shelling coming from Hezbollah in Lebanon over Israel's northern border, this war might spread.  Middle Eastern wars have a way of escalating fairly quickly.

I am not sure what Hamas goal here is.  They know the Israelis are going to hit with everything they have.  There must be more in store other than house to house fighting that might, from a Hamas view, might end in a draw.

Are other nations going to get involved?

Watch that northern border and watch what happens in Egypt.

Egypt's government might need an opponent to unify the country.  Usually that can mean an attack against someone from the outside. Spreading your opponent out over multiple fronts is usually a good strategy.

It is about to get interesting.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Canada honors Nazis


Justin Trudeau has turned Canada into a joke

First it as dressing blackface--a no no to anyone in this century

The it was the draconian Covid measures that came straight out of Nazi Germany

Now it is a standing ovation for actual Nazis in Parliament. 

A government that threatens to hunt down supporters of the Freedom Convoy cannot do basic research on a visiting dignitary.  The phrase "fought against the Russians in 1943" should have been the first give away.  And serving in the "First Ukrainian Division" should have been another give away. Anyone with a basic knowledge of the Second World War should have known it was an SS unit.

Zelensky should have known more than anyone else!

That level of ignorance is legendary and it starts at the top.

Speaker of Parliament Anthony Rota resigned, but it is time for the head of the government, Justin Trudeau, to go too.

Naturally, he ran and hid so the press cannot question him.

And you wonder why his wife left him.

Now, Canada and India have a diplomatic row after Trudeau, clearly trying to pull attention to someplace else. Justin accused India of killing an Canadian Sikh activist (India says "separatist")in Vancouver.  No evidence naturally.

The two countries have expelled diplomats and revoked visas from the other country.

If Canada has any self-respect, it needs both parties to work together to get rid of Trudeau.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023



Michelle and I got married on September 27, 2008.  Also the anniversary of the Steelers first win in 1933 when they were know as the Pirates. It was a victory at Forbes Field over the then Chicago Cardinals!

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Moron of the Year


The governor (yes, I refuse to capitalize it) of New Mexico attempted to unilaterally the Second Amendment through an executive order (refusing to capitalize that too).  Understandably upset at a rash of shooting, Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an executive order banning the open carrying of guns.

It was immediately panned as unconstitutional and stupid as was blocked by a federal judge, who, ironically was appointed by Biden. Even gun control David Hogg came out against this policy.

Apparently she never even consulted with New Mexico's Attorney General, who said he would toss it out of court if any charges came from it, or with the Sheriff of Bernillo County, who flat out said he would not enforce it.

In typical liberal-fascist fashion, she immediately attacked her AG, tweeting about his high dismissal rate (a liberal policy) and told the sheriff she did not need a lecture on the US Constituion.

He told her that she did. 

Anyway, it is not going anywhere and, like I said, the courts shot it down.

She tried to call it a "temporary public health order" lasting 30 days....

Where have we heard that before?

She got a taste of that covid power and did not want to led it go.  Well, the yanked it out of her hands.

Then this fool went on to say the no rights were "absolute" and neither was her oath to "uphold and protect the Constitution"  That was so out of bounds that her own party condemned here and there is some movement on an impeachment.

I say remove her.

This is America and we have a Constitution in place because of people like you.  If you don't like it, leave. Last I checked, a lot of people were trying to get into this country.

Grisham, do the world a favor and goose-step your way into the dustbin of history, you wannbe tyrant.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Happy Labor Day!



Sunday, September 3, 2023

Ohiovanyia Trip


Michelle and I have been cruising around in Pennsylvania and Ohio, driving from the hallowed Gettysburg to Pittsburgh and to Cleveland down to Cincy.  Yes, we paid homage to Acrisure Stadium and hung around in some of my old haunts.  We ventured westward...skirting well north of East Palestine, getting closer to it than the Grand Pooba Biden every has, and went to Cleveland.  After laughing at the Browns home stadium, we dove to Cincinatti.  After hanging out is Southern Ohio, it was across West Virginia and back home.

It was a fun trip and I have always enjoyed our Mongol speed trips to huge thousand mile circles!

We might make a bolt straight for the Mississippi River next!

Sunday, August 13, 2023

You voted for it, California...


Smash and grabs seem to be the norm not only in California, but New York and Chicago as well.

Same pattern--smash and grab, mayor says they will investigate, nothing happens, and then we have another smash and grab.  Rinse and repeat.

If the residents of LA keep electing the same party over and over, they deserve what they get.

LA, never that great to begin with, looks like one huge slum.  Of course, the mayor, Katherine Bass, has a security detail to keep this away from her.  Citizens have to fend for themselves.

How far does everything have to drop into the depths of Hades before someone decides it is a time for a change?

Change will come.

One way or the other.

The idea is to keep it manageable, peaceful, and successful. 

Looks like a lot of politicians don't want that to happen.

Read up on the French Revolution.  Might come in handy.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

What is it with these people?


Why does the airplane industry hate its customers?

I have asked this question before, remembering the 2006 Jet Blue incident where a plane was held on the tarmac for hours in 100 degree cabin hear and the 2011 incident where security dragged a doctor off a plane in Chicago, lied about it, and got caught.

Now in Las Vegas least week, passengers were held on an airplane for five hours with cabin temps of 111 (!) degrees..  What happened to the Passenger Bill of Rights?  Or common sense?

If I was the pilot, I would have had the ranking stewardess who was not passed out lead the passengers in a school line across the tarmac back into the terminal. 

Pete Butticheg--however you spell his name--has said an investigation is underway.  Well, that is a first.  Delta Airlines has said the passengers were compensated, but it also became known that the next available flight for these passengers was to Atlanta the next day and then that was cancelled.

Time to stop this.

Do it by refusing to fly.  Do it for a week and watch what happens.

Does the American public have the courage to do this?

Not encouraged, but odder things have happened.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Supreme Court hat trick!


The Supreme Court hit the Grand Pooba three hard blows on Friday.

The first was the torpedoing of the student loan bailout,  It seemed pretty obvious to me.  A mere president cannot move billions of dollars around on his own,  Congress has the power of the purse, not the president.  A president is not a king.  He can say whatever he wants, and shout about executive orders all he likes, but at the end of day, not a penny moves without the consent of Congress. Basic civics and separation of powers.

Then affirmative action was host down as it was revealed the the University of North Carolina and Harvard had engaged in blatant discrimination against both Asians and whites.  Everyone deserves a chance and a equal opportunity.

And finally, free-enterprise capitalism triumphed over wokeness as a Colorado web designer, who had worked with the LGBTQ community decided  she did not want to design sites for gay marriages.  After the state government of Colorado tried to intimidate her, it went to the US Supreme Court and wokeness lost.  The point of having a business is to be able to run it as you see fit.  Again, why did this have to go to SCOTUS in the first place?

Nonetheless, fundamental freedoms were preserved and we have to remain vigilant to keep them. 

Monday, June 26, 2023

Russian Civil War averted?


I thought I was watching a civil war about to break loose.

Instead of 1991, it felt more like 1993....The head of the Wagner Private Military Company said he was "protesting" the prosecution of the war in Ukraine and then began driving towards Moscow,  Would there have been an armed conflict if Progozhin, Wagner's founder and leader, actually made it to the Russian capital? It is hard to say, but like I said earlier, it was not 1991 or 1917.

No one is sure how this effects the war in Ukraine or what this means for Putin.

His term ends net year, so probably he will run out the clock and retire quitely,

Progozhin is supposed to be in Belarus as part of the deal they reached to end the rebellion in exchange for an exile to Minsk with no charges filed for revolting against Moscow. Now, the question is "do the Russian security forces gun him down."

Russia will probably just muddle along.  China remains committed to their alliance and the United States continues to have mounting internal problems. If there is one thing I have noted about Cold War 2.0 is that no nation seems particularly competent. 

China shouts about who anyone dealing with Taiwan will "play with fire" while the US military disintegrates from pronoun training and a recruiting problem that is getting worse. 

Russia's conduct in Ukraine speaks volumes.

Instead of a race for world domination, it looks like a slow motion collapse of the demolition of the Kingdom c.1999.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

US trying to back off from China?


US SecState Anthony Blinken went to Beijing in an effort to try and thaw out frost US-China relations that reached a nadir over the last year or so.  It was a refreshing departure front the needless antagonism causes by Pelosi's visit to Taiwan last year  and the surprisingly inept Chinese response of firing missiles in to the water around the island.

Equally perplexing was Biden's declaration that the US would defend Taiwan despite decades of "strategic ambiguity".  In Beijing, Blinken stated that the US did not support Taiwanese independence.  I guess it is back to keeping things fuzzy.

 Still it is a step in the right direction.

A Chinese invasion of Taiwan would not help anyone.  It could still happen and I think China will reign over the island one day.  They clearly know how hard an invasion would be and if there is one thing you can say about the Chinese, they are not stupid.  They have something else in mind.

Probably waiting for the US to finish disintegrating from within.   

Take a look at our recruiting crisis and tell me I am wrong :-(

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Happy Megalodon Day!


Today, we celebrate the mighty Megalodon today, honoring the greatest shark ever to swim the sea!  Between 40-60 feet long, Megalodon patrolled the seas from 23 million years ago to 2.5 mya, eating whatever it wanted.

This shark hunted whales with teeth nearly 7 inches long!  I have a couple that I found on fossil hunting expeditions and I cannot helped but be impressed. I don't think they went extinct, I think they just downsized to the Great White. The teeth seem almost similar and many believe the Megalodon even looked like a larger Great White.

I do wonder about the Black Demon of the Sea of Cortes though.

Since life will continue for another couple of billion years, so maybe the Great White bulks back up to Megalodon size!

Definitely stay out of the water!

Monday, May 29, 2023

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Trex--Hunter or scavenger?


I remember this debate from a few years ago, and for some reason, it keeps popping back up.

Was Tyrannosaurs Rex, the greatest meat eater of all time, an active hunter or scavenger?

Seems pretty obvious to me that it was an active hunter.  Look at the teeth! Granted, it probably stopped off to eat something it found that was dead and not too rotten.  Still, the idea that T-rex was a scavenger is ridiculous. 

T-rex teeth or their crowns, have been found embedded in the bones of other dinosaurs, usually plant-eating herbivores, and the bones have healed.  So, said duckbill was bitten by T-rex, escaped, and the bite healed.  Remember, not every hunt is successful.  Even the Predator did not win every time!

T-rex vs Predator.....

...Now there is a debate we can start!

Sunday, May 14, 2023



On May 11, 2023, hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants began pouring over the US-Mexican border.  I was thinking about putting the poster for "Red Dawn", but this picture seemed a bit better.  

Our government seems more interested in the Russian-Ukrainian and Iraqi-Syrian border than our own border.  Protecting the people is the first job of any government. DC refuses to do its duty.

In 406 AD, several Germanic tribes crossed to frozen Rhine on the last day of the year.  From that point on, the Roman Empire's decline began to take a steeper angle.  When I saw the footage of chaos engulfing Brownsville and El Paso in Texas, and Yuma in Arizona and I thought of Fifth Century Rome.

We are seeing history in action.

It's not the good kind.

As the Chinese cruse goes, "May you live in interesting times."

It is going to get very interesting.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Watching China


As the United States preoccupies itself with gender pronouns, China starts to look at Taiwan.

In 1973 , Egypt had many military maneuvers, one after another, and suddenly attacked across the Suez Canal and gained operational surprise.  Egypt did not win, but caused the Israelis a lot of damage and won some prestige or Egyptian arms.

China holds drills ad infinitum around Taiwan and one wonders i the exercise turns real one day.  It seems obvious that plan is to surround the island with naval might and strangle it before making a massive landing that would make Normandy, 1944 look like preseason football. 

The best time to attack across the strait is April or October. 

I am sure that when the attack comes, it will be a story after some piece about drag queens at a library.

What will America do?

Not sure.

The US says it is committed to Taiwan's defense, but with an unstable domestic scene and a woefully unprepared military, confidence is not high.  On the plus side, China's military has no real world experience.  

On the other hand, declining hegemons do tend to focus on outside enemies when domestic politics become unstable.  Will a preemptive strike against China be in the works in a desperate attempt by DC to unite the country. 

Either way, it till be the biggest event of the twenty-first century.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Happy Real Easter :-P


Happy Orthodox Easter!  Same holiday, different day!  Red eggs and discount candy for everyone!

Back to the issues of the day tomorrow!

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Happy Easter--Western Version :-)


Thucyidides Trap--21st century version...


In the Fourth Century BC, Ancient Greece plunged into the Peloponnesian War as Sparta, according to Thucydides, "feared the rising power of Athens".  This sort of circumstance is known as the "Thucydides Trap".  Allison Graham, founder of the phrase, has identified this sort of international situation dozens of times.

Back in 432 BC, Sparta was the strongest city-state in Greece, and Athens was closing the gap.  The Peloponesian War started when Corinth, #3 in Greece, ran into trouble with Epimndamus and called for Sparta as their opponents called for Athenian aid.

Sparta and Athens plunged into war and a twenty-seven year nightmare ensued.

This has happened several times and you see a patter.  The status quo power (#1) is afraid of a rising power (#2) and allies with the third leading power to defeat the rising power.

In 1800, Britain fought off Revolutionary France with the aid of the rest of Europe, led by Prussia and Russia. 

By 1900, Britain, the leading power in the world at the time, had a challenge from a rising Germany and called on France to head off the challenge.  It would happen again in 1939.  The Cold War saw the United States as the status quo power holding off a Soviet Union determined to spread communism and America turned to help from the British and NATO to finally put that challenge down.

In 2023, America faces a rising China.  Logically, the #3 power of the world, Russia, should be allied with the US to hold off Beijing.  

However, the doddering idiots in the White House have created an unprecedented situation where the second and third leading powers are allied to fighting US influence. The US has many smaller allies to help out in the event of conflict and two major oceans as shields, so while a loss is possible, destruction is not--unless everything goes nuclear,  Then everyone loses.

Another thing going against the US is the internal instability that seems to be getting worse.As Loki said in an Avengers movie, "How can you fight me when you are fighting each other?"  Or something like that. 

Fortunately, China, for all of its shouting, cannot cross the Taiwan Strait and Russia is having lots of trouble in Ukraine.  Given the underwhelming US performance in Iraq and defeat in Afghanistan, it seems all sides are hobbled by incompetence. 

I would laugh but each one of these leaders have nuclear weapons at their disposal.

What a stupid planet.

This is why aliens don't visit. 

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Happy Greek Independence Day!



Sunday, March 19, 2023

China moving onto center stage...


Shortly after helping relieve tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran, China seems to be moving to solve the Russian-Ukrainian war.  Chinese president Xi is visiting Moscow to show full support for Russia and then is scheduled to talk to Ukraine's Zelensky. 

There is hope that this might be the beginning of the peace process.

Most likely, China will insist on Russia retaining a land bridge to Crimea, neutrality for Ukraine, and a generous rebuilding program, 

This seems to be pushing the United States off the diplomatic stage while there seems to be little comment from Washington.  The US is clearly upset with Chinese support for Russia, but seems to be unaware of Chinese dislike of US support for Ukraine.  Definitely some myopia involved here. 

Given Washington's obsession with Ukraine's border while ignoring its own, this does not come as a surprise.  Billions of dollars thrown away and Ukraine reports that it is low on ammo.  Time for an audit?

No, time for the war to end.

Sadly the path to peace seems to run through Beijing. 

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Chicago has a chance!!!


Lori Lightfoot came in third in the Chicago mayoral runoff, so she is outta there in a few weeks!

Paul Vallas and Brandon Johnson will battle for City Hall and the hope of bringing the Windy City out of the Dark Ages.  

Despite the Greek name, Vallas does not have a great record.  He was CEO of the public schools of Chicago, Philadelphia, and New Orleans, all of which are disasters.  Brandon Johnson is the Cook County commissioner and sees like a leftist who would pursue the same sort of Lightfoot-era policies that plunged Chicago even deeper into the abyss.

Nonetheless, at least failure was not rewarded.

Is this the beginning of a renaissance for Chicago?

Only time will tell, but at least there seems to have been some sort of a course correction.

Going to be an interesting show!

Sunday, February 19, 2023

America Chernobyl


A train with a ton of chemicals, especially vinyl chloride, derailed in East Palestine, Ohio.  After a lack of reporting, the incident, sending chemicals into the sky after the National Guard attempted to shoot holes in the cargo carriers, seemed to gather an interesting lack of attention.  It was too big to cover up.

The Ohio authorities tried to say all was well when it clearly was not. The US federal government, so "concerned" about about your health, could not be bothered with this.  The EPA, finally arrived after a few days and the EPA administrator, after claiming the water was fine, declined to take a public drink.

Ohio governor Mike DeWine, never visiting the site, initially stated help was not needed and did not declare a state of emergency.  He did ask for FEMA help, which, was actually declined!

Then former President Trump announced he was visiting the area and suddenly FEMA aid arrived!

This seems very similar to the Soviet response and level of incompetence shown in the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. There were lies and denials and finally some sort of aid arrived.

At the very least, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg needs to resign and the Environmental Protection Agency clearly needs to be overhauled and maybe eliminated.  If they cannot even attempt to try to handle this sort of disaster, why do we have it? 

I don't see Greta or Al Gore on site either?

Must not be any money in this for them to show up. 

Sunday, February 12, 2023

The Great Balloon War of 2023


For $850 billion, we have a military that has shot down four Chinese (probably) balloons that have penetrated North American airspace before finally being dealt with in a most severe manner. These balloons, costing a few thousand dollars, have attracted the attention of the entire NORAD network, million dollar planes, and half million dollar missiles.

China is probing US defenses and reactions.

If it had not been for a civilian in Montana, we would have not known anything about it to begin with.  After it drifted across the entire country, a F-22 downed if off the South Carolina coast.  Now, three others have been shot down over Alaska, the Yukon, and the Great Lakes. 

How are these low-tech instruments getting so far into US airspace?

Probably a distraction from any number of things, such as Washington's obsession with guarding Ukraine's border while our southern border is undefended. 

Minimal investment for maximum chaos.

Asymmetrical warfare and misdirection at its finest.

Something is brewing somewhere else...

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Novak vindicated!


A year after being deported from Australia for refusing to take an experimental, untested vaccine, Novak Djokovic won the Australian Open.  Unfortunately, he had to beat someone from Greece, but shoving such a win in the face of the Australian government was something I could live with!

A year after the public deportation, the Most Dangerous Disease In The History Of The Universe was suddenly gone!

The US still requires a COVID vaccine for non-citizens to enter, so Djokovic can play in any American tournaments.  Meanwhile, thousands of illegal immigrants come over the border carrying any number of diseases. 

If he walks over the border, he should be OK.

Let the COVID delusion go, it's over.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

New Zealand is free!


Jacinda Ardern resigned as Prime Minister of New Zealand this week, bringing the island nation a little closer to freedom.  After the draconian lockdowns, her popularity dropped and according to recent polls, her re-election was in serious doubt.

Don't think that had anything to do with the resignation, do you?

Hopefully Trudeau is next.

New Zealanders went with the COVID lockdowns for as long as they could before the intrinsic human need for freedom and the demand for human and natural rights exploded into protests.  Like Prime Minister Black Face of Canada, she ran and refused to meet with anyone.

She was recently caught on a hot-mic moment using an expletive to denigrate a member of Parliament that disagreed with her.  Dictators don't like dissent.  

She said she had "nothing left in the tank", so I will give her a point for honestly at least.

New Zealand has a chance to move past this shameful era of discrimination and dictatorship as long as they hit her Liberal Party with a couple of defeats.  Then it can be the Liberal Party is is supposed to be.

If New Zealand's voters ever bring her back in some way, shape, or form (probably as a member of Parliament), it is one them. 

Good bye and good riddance Jacinda. 

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Lost and found


Did you see the FBI raid on Biden's home after classified documents that were not supposed to be there?

Neither did I.

The problem does not seem to be a Republican or Democratic problem.  The question is why no one noticed the stuff in Biden's garage was missing since 2016!

This classified stuff was in Biden's garage for seven years!

Another question seems to be how and why this news is released.  Apparently the FBI knew about it since November 2022 and it has become public now.  And more stuff is being released with and Biden seems surprised.

Is this an effort from inside the Democratic Party to depose him?  Not sure if they want him to resign before the next election or simply not run again.  Interestingly enough, this stuff about classified documents came out after he said he intended to run for a second term.

This seems like something from the Soviet-era Politburo and Biden's resemblance to Chernenko and company is uncanny.

Combine that with the utter incompetence of this administration and utter stupidity, anything is possible.

This chapter of US History is getting very interesting.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Fun for the whole family!


The election that would not end finally did with an entertaining semi-fist fight after the 14th vote for the Republican speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy of California.

It was not the Brooks-Sumner affair from 1856, but it provided a ratings spike for CNN,

This is what a democracy is supposed to look like.  No rubberstamp votes and lack of debate.  McCarthy had to make concessions to all parts of the party and some good stuff is all ready happening. The funding for the 87k IRS agents to be added was ended and bill that give members of Congress to read thousand page bills is gong to be past.  

It is a shame that such common sense measures have to be made laws, but sometimes you have to build back up from the beginning.  

The very beginning.

 It looks like it is going to be an interesting legislative session.,

The new House has all ready forced the Grand Poobah to visit the US-Mexico border that has been ignored.  Not sure if this means anything.  Still, a step in the right direction.

Now if only half the government would walk south and keep going....

Enjoy the ride!

Sunday, January 1, 2023