Saturday, December 30, 2017

Putting a bow on 2017, on to 2018!

The year is drawing to a close and it is time to take a quick look back before charging into something new, if for no other reason than to remember what NOT to do!  LOL

2017 was a fun year as Michelle and I traveled up and down the East Coast.  We resolve to go West this year and see some stuff we haven't before.  I need to catch up on yardwork and there are several books to be written.  It never ends, but that is the way I like it.

Reffing football was something new this year.  The thing I noticed most at the football games was how incredibly insecure people were.  Coaches, players, fans, and even some other refs.  Of course, I had people yell at me when I threw a flag, but I laughed at them and assessed the penalty anyway.  No one tried to come after me even when I threw one coach out of a game!

I am pretty easy going but when a coach start dropping F bombs and screaming (this was a game with six year olds), it is time for him to go and I had not problem personally escorting him off the field.  There are basic standards to maintain....end of story.

I like teaching history at community colleges and I will stick with that. Plus I will ref more football games.  There are other things I am going to try so I will keep you updated.

Just remember, the world is a crazy place and it always has been.  Sometimes you have to put your foot down to keep it relatively sane.  No fuss, nothing dramatic, just do it.

Polite yet firm, Canadian style with some Pittsburgh steel.

Time to do some stuff!

Monday, December 25, 2017

Sunday, December 17, 2017

The airline problem

Air rage incidents rose again....partly because of more flights and partly because,well, air rage incidents rose.

The airlines and their passengers are caught in a vicious cycle.

The passengers are squeezed into small cabins, leading to anger, especially after waiting in line for hours, dealing with security and getting ripped off on a never ending stream of "fees".  They go bonkers which leads to stewardesses becoming more paranoid, which leads to more angry passengers and so on.....

The people making decisions that make everyone miserable--airline execs--are not on site to deal the with the misery, focusing only on how to squeeze even more dollars out of passengers who have become prisoners and air staff who are turning into prison guards.

If you are looking for a truly miserable place full of unhappy people, go to the airport.  No one--passengers, staff, security--looks happy.  It is a microcosm of everything that is wrong in the 21st century.

Something is going to give and it can be headed of by following the Golden Rule--treating others as you would like to be treated--but with such selfish, narcissistic people on all sides of the issue, it is hard to forsee anyone doing the right thing.

At least the news will be interesting. 

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Canadian Super Bowl

Canada's Super Bowl--the Grey Cup--is today, pitting Calgary  and Toronto against each other.

I played briefly (very briefly) in Canada and the three downs and 110 yard field takes some getting used to.  If the field looks crowded, its because there are 12 men on the field!

There is a lot of snow coming down too, making this the first snowy Grey Cup since 1996. 

The Canadian Football League season runs a little earlier than the NFL, starting in July and ending in November. That is to avoid the awful weather of the Great White North's winter.  Sometimes the snow hits anyway!

I have always been surprised by the amount of passing in Canadian football, especially considering the whether.  That is what happens when you have three downs instead of four.  It can come as a bit of a shock when you grow up with Pittsburgh-style smashmouth football.

When it comes to things Canadian, I'm a Westerner, so GO CALGARY!!!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Is Germany a democracy?

Remember the last time Germany had problems forming a government?
The German election of 2017 is an exercise in chaos, which something the ordinarily well organized Germans are not known for.

Angela Merkel won 41% of the vote and cannot form a government.  With such a low vote, Merkel;s Christian Democratic Party is not able to form a partnership with its traditional partner the Christian Socialist Union.  The usual partner forming mechanism is not working for a variety of reasons.  Some point to Moslem immigration while others speak of growing anti-European Union sentiment.  There may be a myriad of other reasons too.

German politics, since 1945, have tended toward coalition building so one party does not become too dominant.  The reason: 1933-1945...look it up.

The European Union has faced criticism that it is too bureaucratic and undemocratic.  Germany is starting to face the same critics.  This behind the scenes coalition building makes everything seem too secretive.

The result is that the CDP is reaching across the political spectrum to its opponents to build a coalition. 

That generally does not work.

When German politics become interesting, the rest of Europe takes notice.

Hopefully they bet it together.  Makes you happy America has the Atlantic and Pacific on both sides.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Russian Revolution 100th Anniversary

A century ago today, the world was shaken by the Russian Revolution, toppling the three century old Romanov dynasty and bringing in a Communist superstate and launching Russia onto an oddesy that would shape the 20th century.

The Soviet Union would last until 1991, but until then, the USSR helped crush Nazi Germany and after the war, it was a rival to the United States for world domination and had a nuclear arsenal that rivaled its American rival.

They could have destroyed the planet.

The Soviet Union also was a showcase for the failure of Communism.  The bloodthirsty collectivication of agriculture and mass purges made it a close second to Hitler in mass killing.

After 1991, Russia re-emerged from the Soviet wreckage and it was in terrible shape, attempting to vault into capitalism from communism in a bout of "shock therapy".  The result was another Time of Troubles.  In the face of what Moscow regarded as Western imperialism--NATO expansion and the bombing of Serbia in 1999--Russia began to rebuild itself as Vladimir Putin stepped forward to bring his nation back onto  the international stage.

The 21st century has seen Russia become a powerful country again.  While it might not be the world wide menace its Soviet predecessor was, Russia is clearly a Great Power again.

It has been a wild century for Russia, but for a country that lived through Mongols and Nazis, it was just another hundred years.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Fall of ISIS or Fourth Wave Terrorism?

Iraqi military advancing
Raqqa, the capital of the Islamic State, the self-proclaimed Islamic Caliphate, fell to Iraqi and Kurdish ground forces with considerable help from US air power and Special Forces.  This is a good thing--but will it matter?

Time and time again, terrorist havens have fallen and then it springs up somewhere else like the mythical Hydra.  Sometimes it is like punching holes in water.  The question is where it will reappear.

ISIS might have been crushed in Iraq,but it has satellite loyalists in other parts of the world like the Sahara nations and Libya. This battle might be over,but there is another about break loose.  And it will be in another form, if not now, definitely in the near future.

The first wave of Islamic terrorism was in the 1970s and early 1980s.  It tended to strike mainly in the Middle East against Israel and Western interests in the region, supplemented by occasional attacks in Europe against civilian targets.

The second wave was in the late 1990s with the establishment of a friendly government willing to give al-Qieda sanctuary.  The Taliban of Afghanistan was a willing and enthusiastic host.  This second wave pulled off the worst terror attack in history--9/11.

It also provoked a massive response as US forces overran Afghanistan in a grinding campaign that continues to this day.

That led to the third wave, a  terror group establishing its own country.  ISIS eclipsed al-Qieda in 2014 with the establishment of its Caliphate in northern Iraq.  From here, ISIS engaged in all out conventional warfare against both Syria,NATO, Iraq and at times, Russia.  It also launched or inspired attack in Europe and the US itself.

The next wave is in place and it is scarier--it is in Europe itself, forming in the middle of nations who brought in "refugees".Watch for some European nation to begin to shake apart in a civil war and watch for the reaction inside that country as Islamic insurgents do battle with flaccid governments who will be targeted by both Moslem and patriots, who will soon go after each other.

The 21st century history of Europe is going to be way too interesting.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

He was just a guy...

I guess the uneducated loopy leftists took a break from vandalizing Confederate statues and went after Columbus instead.  I wonder what sort of horrible childhood they must have had.  Maybe they should try reading a book instead of committing vandalism.

Columbus was not perfect.

Not even close.

Neither were the indigenous people of the Americas.

For starters, they themselves immigrated over from Asia.  Secondly, all I have to say is "Aztec", a tribe that dominated Mexico  and had performed human sacrifice (living I should add) on a wholesale scale that drove other Natives toward the Spanish, who themselves felt queasy about the whole thing.

Columbus brought over smallpox, which ripped though the Native population with a mortality rate of 75% on a good day. It was not like he even knew he was carrying it.

 He also was a terrible administrator, who would be jailed by the Spanish themselves.

Columbus was a brave sailor and a fantastic ship captain and probably the greatest salesman of all time, but he was not perfect.

Neither was anyone else in any period including the 21st century.

Here is an idea--celebrate Indigenous People Day and Columbus Day side by side. Call it "Americas Day"

If the mask wearing,poorly educated, friendless, unskilled vandals of Antifa cannot figure that out, I can't help them.  No need to punish them either.  Why?

What can you do to them that life all ready hasn't?

They should try building something like understanding.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Hockey season begins!

Granted, my Penguins are off to a bad start, 0-2 including a 10-1 (!!!) blowout at the hands of Chicago, but I am still happy hockey season has started!

The first week in October--just like the Supreme Court--marks the beginning of a new season!

Pittsburgh is looking for a three-peat though the start is not all that promising....Remember, it's not how you start, but how you finish.

I still remember the first hockey game I ever saw.  It was Pittsburgh and Toronto and they battled to a 1-1 tie. I am so glad they got rid of ties!  I like the OT format and World Cup-style shootout if all else fails.

It is kind of odd to see teams in the South or desert Southwest, but if you like hockey, why should location be a problem?  In fact, Carolina and Dallas are former Cup winners and even though Atlanta was a bust twice, LA and Anaheim have stepped up to the plate and even though Nashville lost to my Penguins, they fought hard and nothing to be ashamed of.

The Las Vegas team is going to be interesting.  Not sure how that is going to work....

Step one: DROP THE PUCK!

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Chill out!

When I am not doing the history professor thing, I ref football games part-time.  I usually am at high school games but I also referee parks and rec games.  Those kid tend to be around ten years old.

I am a ref and I am astounded by the amount of yelling the coaches and parents direct at the kids.  It can't be a lot of fun for them.  Maybe there is a lot of over competitiveness or maybe that is the way it has always been, but it still seems a little over the top.

Chill out, pal, they are just kids.  Let them have some fun.

It's just a game and the kids are like ten.  It's not the Super  Bowl.

Let's just have some fun.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Unsung hero

Do your job an no one remembers....
 George Armstrong Custer screw up and gets himself and all of his men killed and everyone remembers him.  George Gordon Meade defeats the Confederacy's greatest general and no one remembers his name!

Here is a little tribute to a guy who probably saved the United States of America at Gettysburg

 George Gordon Meade is probably America's most unsung hero. He is best known, when

thought of at all, for leading the Army of the Potomac to victory at the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863, besting the Confederacy's best general, Robert E Lee. He would also serve under the Civil War's other famous general, Ulysses S Grant. Despite considerable friction between the two, Grant himself said he could not find much fault with Meade as an officer.
The future victor of Gettysburg was born in Cadiz, Spain on the last day of 1815. The son of a Philadelphia merchant working as a purchasing agent for the US Navy, he attended West Point, save a brief stay at Mount Union in Baltimore, graduating in 1835, specializing in military engineering. Ironically, Meade attended America's premier military academy without ever intending on making the Army a career.
Meade's first tour of duty involved fighting the Seminoles in Florida. Then Meade became a civil engineer, working on railroads throughout Florida, Alabama, and Georgia. After marrying Margaretta Seargeant, Meade, needing a more steady income, rejoined the US Army in 1842. He worked on lighthouses and breakwaters up and down the East Coast. He would then serve with distinction in the Mexican War. When the Civil War erupted, Captain Meade was surveying the Great Lakes.
Promoted to brigadier general, Meade was initially tasked with construing defenses for Washington, DC. Then he was ordered to lead lead an infantry division in McClellan's Peninsula Campaign. He was wounded in the arm, but recovered in time for the Second Battle of Bull Run, an unmitigated disaster that could have been worse if it had not been for Meade's heroic stand at Henry Hill's House, allowing the rest of the Union army to retreat instead of being annihilated. Meade would then catch a bullet in the thigh at Antietum, but once again, he recovered in time for another battle.
Fredricksburg would prove to be another Union fiasco, but Meade led his division in a charge that punched a hole in Stonewall Jackson's line. Unfortunately, the rest of the Army of the Potomac was in retreat and Meade was obliged to join them with the entire Army of Northern Virginia chasing him.
Lee would invade Pennsylvania in June 1863 in a effort to win the war and perhaps secure British intervention. Turning toward the general direction of Washington, Lee would collide with an Army of the Potomac led by a commander appointed to the post seventy-two hours earlier at Gettysburg.
“Fighting Joe” Hooker had angrily resigned and four other Union generals declined to take his command. George Meade, at odds with most of Hooker and most of his staff, thought he was receiving a court martial when the messenger arrived from Lincoln with the offer to command the Army of the Potomac.
Meade had a reputation for a short temper. Working feverishly for three days with little sleep, with a staff that did not like him, and with Robert E Lee getting closer by the minute probably did not help what reporters would say about him. Compounding the problem of his future reputation was the fact he hated reporters, hence the probable genesis of the nickname “Old Snapping Turtle”.
Plus he did look a little bit like a turtle.
Nonetheless, Meade won the battle that probably saved the Union.
He would retain command of the Army of the Potomac even though Grant would be appointed Commander of the Armies of the Eastern Theater. Meade regarded Grant as a bit too aggressive, willing to absorb thousands of casualties to achieve objectives. Meade understood the changing nature of warfare, calling on his soldiers to entrench and approach the enemy piecemeal rather than engage in blood soaked frontal assaults. Despite his frequent disagreements with Meade, Grant never once considered removing Old Snapping Turtle from command, often saying that he was the best man for the Wilderness Campaign, a grinding attack towards Richmond that seemed like a preview of the First World War.
After the war, Meade served in the occupied Confederacy during Reconstruction, wisely choosing a policy of reconciliation with his southern countrymen. He felt that Radical Reconstruction would only lead to another war later and that it was better to bind the wounds than reopen them. Meade would retire and spend the rest of his days in his beloved Philadelphia where there are monuments to this forgotten goggle-eyed hero who saved his country in its most horrific war.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Hurricanes all over the place!

It is not unusual to have three or four hurricanes out in the Atlantic at the same time. Still, it can be a little too interesting at times.  You end up watching a lot of the Weather Channel...

Hurricane Katya slammed into Mexico's east coast right after an earthquake shook up the country.  Irma is taking aim at Florida.  The track is taking well west of NC, but I will wait until it is well beyond us before breathing a sigh of relief..especially when a Category 5 (!!!) hurricane is involved!  Ask the southeast quadrant of NC when you have a chance about Matthew.

Jose has strengthened up in the middle of the Atlantic to Cat 4, borderline 5.  It appears to be veering out into the middle of nowhere  Hopefully, it misses Bermuda.

Hurricanes are nothing to fool around with. They make you feel utterly powerless and often you are--literally--for days on end.  The wind and the rain pack a double punch.

Hopefully, no one gets hit too badly.  Harvey's one-two punch in Texas and Louisiana was bad enough.

At least FEMA is on the ball!

Until then,batten down the hatches!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Solar Eclipse!

The last solar eclipse to occur in the USA as in 1979 and it was on the West Coast.  The last eclipse to be seen from the East Coast was in 1970 and this was the first since Woodrow Wilson was in the White House to be seen across the country.

Michelle and I were outside and the sky became dark.  There were chirping bugs and birds flying to their nests.  I only saw a couple of street lights come on, but it did not seem like complete darkness. The lighting was definitely different!

There will be another in seven years supposedly, but this is still an awesome event.  We made sure not to look at it.  We did not have to...that is what Youtube is for!  :-)

Naturally, the cats were not impressed.....

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

"Higher Education"...LOL

...and zero common sense.

The University of California at Irvine rescinded nearly 500 acceptances because they realized they were about 500 spaces short for accommodating new freshmen.

Seriously, Academia, can you not do anything right?

There are probably some lawsuits coming out of this but this highlights the biggest problem with out education system--it is run by idiots.

How  can you not know how many students you can accept?  And think of the emotional damage done to those perspective college students as well as what it means for their future.  If it is truly all aobut the kids, they have a funny way of showing it.

If there is ever a reason to defund a school--as if totalitarian punishments for dissent were not enough--this certainly fits the bill.  The problem is that if they know the money is coming, there is no incentive to do well.  This is a typical problem with any government run organization.

If no one is fired for this or there are no repercussions, then the "education" industry is revealed as a true fraud.This is why Betsy DeVos, for better or worse, is now in charge of the Department of Education.

Stick with community colleges...they can get goofy at times, but they have no problem doing the right thing.

Friday, July 28, 2017

The Healthcare Mess

If you want something done right, please do not give it to the US government. If you do, prepare for idiocy on an epic scale as well as ultimate failure.  There are simply too many examples to list here...

Healthcare is the latest debacle.

In 2010, Congress passed ObamaCare, a program that stood no chance of success and had no bipartisan backing. In fact, Pelosi presented a 1200 page bill at the last second,proclaiming, "you have to pass it to see what it is in it."  What sort of stupidity is that?

 It has failed on an annual basis and its onerous, unAmerican "mandate" has turned a bad system into something even worse.  Making matters worse is the the Democratic Party has never done anything to improve the system, watching as insurers flee the exchanges, leaving more  and more states with one company insuring the entire market (violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act)  and a few may face NO coverage at all.

The Republicans have been shouting about repealing ObamaCare since 2010 and now that the time has arrived, they have no plan to offer.  And they, with a majority in both houses as well as the Presidency, cannot muster up enough votes to repeal it.

Yes, both parties really care about you......

Stupidity like this makes a single payer system more desirable but at the same time, guess who would run it--the US government.  You know how that would turn out...

Dump ObamaCare--its going to fall apart anyway--and cut Congressional salaries by half.

Then you will find out who really cares about the American people.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Why are we not on Mars yet?

On July 20, 1969, Man set foot on the Moon.

We have not gone beyond that and we were last on the Moon in 1972.

Why are we not on Mars yet?  Granted, there are some biological issues like keeping the crew alive on a 400 some odd day voyage there not to mention keeping them alive on the 400 some odd voyage back, but it does not appear that anyone has been working on this since at least the Ford Administration. 

In 1961, then President Kennedy challenged Americans to walk on the Moon by the end of the decade. We did it!  Several times.

President Bush a decade ago, told NASA that the new mission was to get back to the Moon by 2020 and actively prepare for Mars.

Since then, our shuttle fleet has been retired and we depend on Russia to get our astronauts to space.  President Obama then made some bizarre decree that NASA's mission was "Moslem outreach".  Something weird went on,but considering our dysfunctional political system, it does not come surprise anyone that much.  Of course, no one has heard anything about Mars since.

There are budget problems and huge problems here on Earth.No one denies this,but it has always been that way.  The Apollo Program's success occurred during the Vietnam War!

Exploration is in our blood.  We always want to see what is beyond the next hill or what is on the the over side of the river.  It is who we are and how we have always been. To become a myopic homebound species is beneath us.

If neccessary, start with going back to the Moon, then go to Mars. 

We should endeavor to streak between the stars even if DC wants to crawl through the sewer.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy Fourth of July!


Saturday, July 1, 2017

Friday, June 30, 2017

This is the face of bravery

This is what bravery looks like.  This is a woman fighting true misogyny and pure evil.  She is not some whiny millennial who is dressed like a vagina claiming to be a hero.  This is a woman who is truly facing danger that no one in this country (except the besieged residents of Chicago) can possibly understand.

This lady is a true hero.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Return of the Persian Empire?

I look at the map of the Middle East in 2017 and I see that history does indeed repeat.

The Islamic State is collapsing and we are not sure what will take its place.  It is a lot like the fall of the Assyrian Empire in 612 BC, where a lot of successor states took its place.  That might happen again.

Or is it time for an Achenamid  flash back?

Iran, no fan of the Islamic State, has a lot of support in the Shia community of an unstable, unnatural Iraq,  They get along with the Kurds and are allies with Assad's Syria. Iranian support for Hezbollah in south Lebanon is well known.  It would not be inconceivable for Iran to be standing on the Med if not in a formal territorial sense, clearly in a diplomatic one. Russian support only makes this more likely.

If this scenerio were to come to pass, do you think Iran would stop there?  The question then is will Iran and Saudi Arabia duel for support of the Islamic world or will the Iranians take Islamic leadership by attacking Israel? 

The 21st century is supposed to be about the future, but it sure looks like a throwback at this moment in time.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Gettysburg trip!

I don't what it is about Gettysburg.  Michelle and I have been there three times over the last year.  I like the place and Michelle is in absolute love with the place.

There is something about standing on the ground where history changed.  The Germans have a word for it--begrunden. It means something like "awareness".

I have had that feeling before in places like Marathon and Thermopylae.  I have sat along the road on Sherman's March trying to get that feeling too.  Maybe it has something to do with ghosts.

Although Gettysburg was a great Union victory and the turning point of the war, no one was aware that it was the turning point at that time.  After all, the war had been raging for two years and the grat victory was in Pennsylvania, not deep in the Confederacy.  And remember, victory was not assured.  There was still an election coming up in 1864 where one party was running on a "peace at any price"  platform.

Sherman's conquest of Atlanta is what won the war.

Have a great Father's Day!

Sunday, June 11, 2017



Back to back! Now for the three peat!

Monday, June 5, 2017

Prayers for Britian

Now, get ready to do something!  Past time to rock a lot of terrorists' world!

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Split in NATO?

Germany's Angela Merkel remarked that Europe no longer considered Britain and the US reliable partners.

The US saved Europe from German aggression twice and then kept Germany safe from Soviet invasion, so, ah, you're welcome.  Brexit occurred because the European Union kept trying to impose polices on Britain that was detrimental the British interests and what they felt was their economic well-being and perhaps even freedom.

Meanwhile, Europe (by this I mean the European Union) lurches from crisis to crisis without handling anything.  Islamic terrorism, Greek insolvency, and manufactured Russian hysteria are just the tip of the iceberg.  Below the surface are other insidious undercurrents like high long term unemployment and deep dissatisfaction with the political systems.

Instead of creating more problems she cannot solve, Frau Merkel might be advised to keep such sentiments to herself and focus on finding solutions.

History doesn't end and like I said earlier, it might be heading in a nasty direction.

Get ahead of this while you still can!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Stay classy, Academia

Dr Edison Jackson was the adult in the room full of children.  He had to step in and take control of a situation where alleged college graduates were acting like middle school brats.  He did what needed to be done, showing more backbone than most.

College may indeed be overrated, especially in 2017 where campus seems to be overrun by idiots who cannot see two sides of an issue and are quick to take offense at anything that does not conform to everything on their ideological checklists.

College is about learning how to THINK, something that is clearly not being taught.

It's time to start tossing people out.

There was the disgraceful episode at Bethune-Cook where Secretary of Education had to deal with rude obnoxious morons who would not shut up long enough for her to give a speech.

Thanks to Dr Jackson, she did.

Then there were the reprehensible horribly racist comments by Dean June Chu on Yelp. Yale tried to brush it under the rug but now there appears to be some  discinpinary action forthcoming, but only after some extensive media coverage.

Then of course, there are the violent protesters of Berkely,, who should really rethink their approach because if Youtube is any indication, they can't fight very well.

Democracy is all about varying opinons.  You will not agree with everything everyone says.

So what? That is life.

What you see in Academia today is totalitarian behavior.  Take a good look at history.  Totalitarians always fail and end up in the ash heap of history.

Enjoy the ride, PC Commissars, because it is about to come to a halt.  Maybe screeching halt (defunding) or slow spiral into oblivion (University of Missouri's 20% fall in enrollment), but the end is coming.

Good idea to change course.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Civil war in France?

The reaction to the French election here in the US is not if there will be a civil war in France but when.  Naturally if anything like that happened, America would be drawn in.  Good idea to keep an eye on a Europe that is becoming way too interesting lately!

Not only is their concern about the Islamic terrorist attacks in France,but the utter corruption of the French political system.

Sound familiar?

Le Pen (not as far right as some in the media try to convince you) is an outsider, yet so is Macron, who has never held office. France is extremely divided and the European Union is not really helping one way or the other.

End of history?


It keeps going and the direction it has heading in lately may be  a nasty one.  France has a history of revolution--five monarchies, sixteen constitutions and five republics.Is there a countdown to another underway?

When you deal with large masses of angry people, it can get confusing.  Throw in Gallic passion and Islamic extremism at the same time and it goes from complicated to almost impossible very quickly.

Having a two year "state of emergency" and holding an election under those conditions is unheard of in the Western world.  The fact that it happened is an indication that all is not well in France.  Add in a history of political insanity and see what you get.

Translation: Bumpy road ahead.  Might be a good time to  pull out the old Normandy maps.


Sunday, April 23, 2017

Time for the adults to step in

Two weeks ago, a passenger was dragged off a plane. You would have thought someone would have learned something.  I guess someone did not get the memo.

If you are in customer service, you need to keep your cool.  If you can't, you have no business being a flight attendant.

If you cannot control your plane, you don't need to be a pilot.

If you dramatically raise prices, cram people into spaces meant for half that many and turning flying into a living hell, you need to resign as CEO.

Everyone refrain from flying for a day and watch what happens.  You can do it.  People are hooked together via social media, so you can coordinate a boycott.

But will they?

In any event, something has to change.  You have an escalating situation that has all ready turned violent.Clearly the airlines do not seem interested in changing anything and I see the passengers becoming more hostile and belligerent. 

As much as I don't like it, it might be time for the government to step in.  Time to guarantee a Passenger and Crew Bill of Rights.

If not, well, have a mop ready because blood is hard to get out of the carpet.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Flying the Unfriendly Skies

Is there any other industry that truly hates its customers more than the airline industry?

There is no reason that David Dao should have been bloodied and dragged off an airplane by police because the airline overbooked.

I have been shouting about airlines for years and now it seems America finally gets it.  Airplanes are to get you from point A to point B, not become airborne prisons where paying customers are frogmarched off a plane if they are being deprived of the seat they have paid for.

There was a time when it was fun to fly.  Now it is torture.  You are shoehorned into tinier seats, there is no food as prices rise and  increasingly confrontational staff.

Unless someone is vilonet and out of control, there should not be a policeman on a plane.

Natuarally, the airlines are always shouting about "security" and invoking 9/11, standing on the graves of nearly 3,000 people as an excuse to treat others as prisoners and make life unbearable for all on a plane.

I am not a fan of government intervention in businesses.  On the other hand, extreme actions lead to extreme reactions.

There is a Passenger Bill of Rights.  Time to enforce it and bring the police in on the right side for a change.

Beating the customer is not a good business model.  If you cannot understand that, airlines, go find another job.

And lose the attitude.

Or it'll be taken from you.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Happy Greek Independence Day


Gyros for everyone!  Stay away from the uzo!

Saturday, March 18, 2017

NATO faces the wrong direction

This is the three year anniversary of the Russian annexation of the Crimea.  Moscow had reacted when Western entities made use of neo-Nazis to overthrow the democratically elected government of Ukraine.  Russia grabbed the Crimea to ensure access to the Black Sea.

Some have charged that the entire resulting "Cold War II" was created to give NATO a reason to exist.It could be true.  Of course, the real truth is that NATO does indeed have a mission--it just is not Russia.

NATO was established on the prinicpal of collective security, an attack against one member is an attack against all.  There hae been attacks against NATO members and there has been bloodshed. None of it has been at the hands of the Russians though.

NATO's enemy is radical Islam, sending terrorists described as "refugees" to attack Europeans as their spineless leaders cower from political correctness and use it as a weapon against their own people instead of the obvious enemy.

Some societies are too stupid to survive.

With a little luck, Europeans can use democracy to right the ship.  If not, well, you can read history books as well as I can.....

Friday, March 17, 2017

Happy St Patrick's Day!


Tomorrow, we talk about NATO!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Best advice

I thought of this when I read about pro and anti Trump demonstrations and the fighting that broke out.

The side that resorts to violence first will always lose in the long run.

Be nice and polite and you win the moral high ground.

You also create a better country and better world

Thus endth the sermon....

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Renumbering World Wars

I am teaching US History I and we just finished up the Revolutionary War.  It was a war not just pitting the nascent United States against Britain.  France, Spain and the Netherlands were involved and there was fighting in India.  The war was not just confined to America's eastern seaboard.  It was a world war.

I wrote earlier that the Seven Years War should be called the First World War and now I think the American Revolution might deserve to be called the Second World War.  The French Revolution and Napoleon could easily be the Third.  So, would 1914 and 1939 be the Fourth and Fifth World Wars?

Let's leave that to future historians.

Hopefully we don't blow ourselves up in a Sixth!

Nah, we are not that stupid.....

....are we?

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Stay classy, DC schools...

Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education, was denied entry into a school in Washington DC by protestors. It reminded me of the George Wallace/Orville Farbus goofballs who resorted to similar tactics.  Idiots, right or left, are idiots.

Back in the 1950s/1960s, the education establishment resisted change,ie segregation.  In 2017, the alleged liberals are clearly unhinged.  What are they protesting? Protesting someone who wants to change the schools?  Say hello to your George Wallace avatars....

Our schools need help.  They are violent and out of control and run by many administrators who are neither competent nor interested in doing their jobs.  Teachers are leaving in droves and the same admin people water down statistics to make themselves look good so they get promoted in an ever expanding bureaucracy.

Kids and students suffer.

And these protestors want to keep it from getting better?

Here is an idea....shut up and listen, especially to people who might have different opinons. They might actually be right.

I thought liberalism was about tolerance or listening.  Not looking that way and you wonder why Trump won the election.

This story tells it all.  Will the Democratic Party listen?

Friday, February 3, 2017

XFL Anniversary

It was fun while it lasted!

It might have been a little low brow and crude but it appears the NFL finally caught up to it (or sank to its level) a decade and a half later.

Say what you will about the XFL, no XFL player was ever arrested for anything.  Ray Rice, "Deflategate" cities being held hostage for new stadiums and were things that never happened in the XFL.  Maybe it wasn't around long enough or the players did not make enough money to get in trouble.  NFL offseason news tends to be a never ending series of arrests and sociopath behavior.

The XFL quality of play was behind the established league but lately NFL play has declined and there are too many commericials, not to mention too many rules that constantly stop play.

I have not even got to ticket prices and declining ratings.

There is time to turn it around though.  Will the NFL listen?

Anyway, I think there is room for a spring league in this country and it would be a lot of fun, especially for cities that don't have an NFL team,  It would be good for the game and the fans,!

Maybe the Los Angeles Chargers could find a real home...... about something that was not that well though out....

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Will social media be our downfall?

Social media can be a wonderful thing, allowing people to communicate over vast differences to exchange information and start friendships.  It can be  a good thing.  Unfortunatley, there are bad side effects.

Take the two recent instances of 14 year old girls posting their own sucides.  Even worse are the idiots who reposted them after they were taken down.  What sort of sick mind even thinks about doing that?

Who often do you see people texting and driving.  If you want to kill yourself, do it on your own time.  No need to endanger others.

Then you have flashmobs.  Flashmobs used to be weird and funny.  Now the term means coordinated looting which never ends well and results in criminal records.

The main difference between mankind and animals is free will.  Animals don't know the difference between good and bad.  They operated on instinct.  Humanity does know the difference and has the ability to choose and sometimes chooses the wrong thing anyway.

Such is life.  Keep away from those who choose poorly and go in your merry way.  Then log onto Youtube and watch them cripple themselves. Or better yet, don't.  If there is no audience, maybe they might live to be productive.

Or maybe not but at least they will be alive.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Inaguration...and everyone loses their minds!

I just read about Rosie O'Donnell calling for the imposition of martial law to stop the inauguration of Donald Trump.  Aside from committing a felony (ie advocating the violent overthrow of the US government), she is showing how unhinged and insane some people really are.

Elections come and elections go.  Presidents come and go.  You don't win them all.  Just because your guy loses does not mean you go into psycho mode.

That is what separates us from most of the world--and orderly and peaceful transition of power after an election.  We have been doing that since 1800, when George Washington, after two terms in office, handed off to John Adams in a boring inauguration. 

This is not the Third World where there are military coups and revolutions after an election. In this country, one guy wins and the other guy hands off and we have an election in four years.  In the meantime, there are two other branched of gov't to keep the executive in check just in case.

Rosie should be proud that the worst thing that will happen on January 20 is that President Obama might steal all of the pens out of the Oval Office desk....maybe leave a whoopie cushion for President Trump.

If you don't like it Rosie, move.

We don't do military coups here.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Attack of the Snow Demons!

Snow is in the forecast and, of course, NC goes insane.  People have flooded the supermarkets and in panic mode.

I am not sure why.

It has snowed every January/February since 2010.  They should be used to it by now.  As a matter of fact, I give the NC Department of Transportation high marks for doing a good job and being prepared.  They do better than New York, whose crews are constantly hitting parked cars and then try to make a run or chance, Youtube is everywhere!

Hopefully, we get the soft fluffy snow you can make snowballs out of but it usually is that icy stuff.  Then comes the single digit temperatures.  If it is going to be cold and nasty, at least have some snow to go with it!

I still have a couple of weeks before classes start, so I will catch up on my reading and watch some playoff football.  Green Bay and Pittsburgh will have single digit temperatures and part of me wonders why fans pay hundreds of bucks to sit in that for a game while another part of me wants to be there!

At worst, I can go outside and fly drones!

Hopefully the wind does not catch this one and send it to some other dimension.  We never did find the other one!

Sunday, January 1, 2017